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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. There aren't that many puzzles in the bunker, so it shouldn't be that hard to find... I guess it might be hard to recognize because you can't really make out the colors on the elevator puzzle? You have to solve it before you reach the elevator, so it's not hidden or anything.
  2. Well, if it helps, you're not trying to reach the green room - you're trying to get onto the roof. There's actually another puzzle in the bunker with the exact same layout, so you've probably already solved this puzzle. :p
  3. Haha, it's so annoying browsing the NeoGAF thread on this game and seeing some people complain about the rules changing. No, they don't! HOW DARE YOU.
  4. And I'm finished!
  5. "This version of the game will feature all of the PC version's contents to date, while also getting new missions, new campaigns, and new characters. The new content will center around the eponymous children of the conflict, as players will watch the escalating conflict from their perspective." According to Shacknews.
  6. Well, I'm only at 480-ish regular puzzles, so I'm not that far ahead. I haven't even found the challenge yet. I'm just going to keep beating puzzles and see where that leads. I'll have to make sure to get the platinum after all this work, though!
  7. I finished the game last night and wasn't even going to play it today, but then I thought I'd use a guide to find the rest of the hidden puzzles to get it over with, because how long could that take?
  8. Ganepark posted his opinion on it about a month ago:
  9. Grim Fandango was never meant to be hilarious, though... And complaining about the tank controls being clunky when they're entirely optional is a bit unfair. You made your bed.
  10. I played it on the Vita, if that helps? It has optional touch-screen controls, otherwise it just depends on if you want to be able to play it on the go or not.
  11. I spent today searching for hidden puzzles, but I'm starting to get diminishing returns. I don't think I'm ready to invest the time needed to find the rest of them. I'm thinking of heading to the mountain and trying to beat the game tomorrow instead.
  12. Of course we're getting Ultimax - I just started playing it the other day.
  13. That's usually what I hope for when I buy a game, too.
  14. I think it's 2-ish GB. Have fun.
  15. It is pretty cool - assuming you don't mind playing games for the writing rather than the gameplay.
  16. Snape? Snaaaaape?!
  17. Magnus


    Man, you're way more patient than Gibbs.
  18. Magnus


    Getting a package that size delivered from abroad in eight days seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't know why you're complaining so much.
  19. You may have a backup save uploaded to the cloud. Do you have to redownload the whole thing? I remember I had to stop playing after the first episode because I didn't realize that you had to download the episodes separately, but I don't know if you can delete just one episode and redownload it.
  20. So I just found out about this really fun heist game called Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist that was released a month ago. It's free and it's only about fifteen minutes long, so you should all probably play it, maybe?
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