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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. Well, let's just say that this is me this year. Hey, 2017? My wallet hates you!
  2. I wanna focus on getting the big games, as well as short and sweet games that will be enjoyable on my daily commute. I think my end of year-line up looks something like this: Switch Super Mario Odyssey! Golf Story Rime LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes 2 (I love these games :P) Mario & Rabbids (Still haven't gotten this one) LA: Noire Maybe: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (not really sold on this yet) 3DS Samus Returns (maybe. I need to see if I bother going back to the 3DS again)
  3. To those of you who still hasn't played Inside... Buy it! It was my favorite game of 2016, truly atmospheric and intense, and will be incredible on the switch. It is not long, about 2-3 hours, but man oh man it is worth every penny. I'm strongly considering buying it at full price again on the Switch, just to be able to play it on the go and to support the developers. @londragon @Hero-of-Time
  4. Yep, that is exactly how I felt after seeing gameplay videos of the game. Just... everything about it except from the building is just a complete rip-off of PUBG. But hey, if they can expand the genere further, I don't really mind. And I get to play the best version on PC :P.
  5. So, anyone got a solid date for Golf Story other than "September"? I can't seem to find a release date anywhere
  6. I gotta say I'm pretty tempted to buying this mod for my Switch and fix the colors to a more classic translucent design. Good throwback to the old school N64-days, and it looks rad even today! Link to set of Joy-Cons and back of console in Clear Link to set of Joy-Cons and back of console in Smoke Toolkit for doing the Switch (sorry)
  7. Jesus, that's a rookie mistake by me... Yep, Origin Exclusive. I'm Helseselskapet on Origin :). Just add me there.
  8. Ey @The Bard, I got Titanfall 2 as well ;D. Add me on Steam, I'm alak1987 there. Let's take a few rounds when we're both online :D.
  9. Ey @The Bard, I got Titanfall 2 as well ;D. Add me on Steam, I'm alak1987 there. Let's take a few rounds when we're both online :D.
  10. I'm not too sold on Destiny yet, but I may join at a later date :). I'll add you on Battle.net anyways, so we can play other games (OW?) ;D.
  11. @khilafah Watced this on my phone (which is just a tad smaller than the switch screen) and it was hard to see any difference other than the reporter screen and the facial shot. It goes to tell how powerful the Switch is as a handheld console. It's pretty close to the beasts that are Xbone and ps4pro and for a tablet that small, that is simply amazing.
  12. Yeah, I actually thought Bethesda would hold out any new game development after the release of Skyrim, to see if the game failed or not on the system. Which it probably would, seeing as it is a port of a game from 2011. I'm really glad to see that they have gone a step further and announced two games that are both triple A and totally not a typical Nintendo game! It really shakes things up, and in a very, very positive way!
  13. Not really sold on the english voice acting though.. I thought the whole presentation during yesterdays direct was dull, and that small titan which did the narrative.... it was just bland.
  14. If the direct is awesome, I'll gladly welcome you to the club, @Pestneb
  15. This. I keep seeing people just wanting the same old games released in a new and better version, but hey, Nintendo is amazing at going new directions with new IPs. But the big hitters, like Mario and Zelda, they get a fresh new style or new game play every time a new main game gets released. And that is awesome. If they could do that with the old franchises as well, that'd be good, but I'd rather have new and exciting experiences from Nintendo than a rehash. As for me, I hope we hear some more about the teased Tales of- game. It's about time, and if it's just Tales of Berseria I'd be more than happy. That game is supposed to be pretty great, if not the best of the series. Gameplay from the new No more Heroes would be amazing, and a new Platinum game or a Bayo 1+2 port would be warmly welcomed. Edit: And please, if we get some japanese RPG-ports, PLEASE don't give us the freaking Chibi-treatment. It's so irritating. (The curse of the DS-line)
  16. Aw damn. Too bad it's product specific xD
  17. Yeah, like this one: I really wouldn't min having one of those as my office keyboard. The rest of my colleagues would go nuts though...
  18. I only have the 1070, not sure if that helps. What did you have in mind?
  19. I would buy the shit outta the Dark Souls Trilogy, Mass Effect Trilogy and Bayonetta 1&2. Even if I already own all of them (except DS 2-3). Really looking forward to this direct, but if the past has taught me anything, it is to wind down the hype to a minimum. Edit: Japan gets 5 minutes extra with Senran Kagura I bet. That shit's too hot for Europe xD.
  20. So, are they considering local multiplayer? How would that be possible? Are they moving away from a single player story? And regarding the comment about 1080p HD, YES! Finally they give us an indication that it will be more than a "handheld port"
  21. Yeah, I plan on getting this as well as Fate/Extella on Switch. Both of them seem like good games for my morning commute. Going to buy them as soon as I finish watching Little Witch Academia on Netflix :D. And from what I gather here at the forum (and from reviews) this game is a gem, right?
  22. GAF ruined Peach's dress for me, so now I'm gonna give you the gift too. Her dress is a penis, and I can't unsee it :P.
  23. @dan-likes-trees: What The Bard said. I'm lucky enough to know a whole squad, and the game is amazing to play with the whole group. You always start out pretty carefree, just playing for fun and so on, but as you get further and further into a round, the tension builds at a really high pace. Highly reccomended!
  24. Wow, I was sooo sceptical when I first saw the leaks and original gameplay. I haven't even bothered to watch any gameplay since it was revealed at all. Now, seeing all these amazing reviews I really understand this is the one Switch game to get next. The great thing about this is that Ubisoft is gonna have a massive spike in sales numbers for the Switch, and that is hopefully gonna boost their commitment to supporting the console with more titles in the future. Good job Ubisoft, looks like you've earned my money!
  25. I'm gonna go with team pervs (invisibility) because... yeah, research. I'm going to a PC LAN-party this weekend :(. When do the Splatfest start? I miiiight be available on Saturday morning, seeing as I'm not heading to the LAN until 3 or 4 PM. Does it start at 3PM? :S Sucks that it is this weekend, seeing as I had a great time last Splatfest. ......Do you think... that Team Invisible will shoot with invisible ink?
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