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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. Just had my first few rounds of Battlegrounds. God damn, that is some intense and fun shit. I play with a squad of 4 friends, and when we land it's just BAM! Instant action. 50/50 chance of getting a gun and getting the drop on the nearby players that land next to me. I hate it when I land and instantly die, but I've played a couple of good rounds where we've made it to top 10. So much fun! I played a few games of H1Z1 King of the Kill a while back, but Battlegrounds is way better.
  2. Yeah, for me it's probably gonna be Splatoon 2 if the testfire seems cool, Fire Emblem (depending on review scores.. not really sure about it), Rime if it ever releases, and Mario Odyssey.
  3. Yeah, true enough. I feel the same. VR should be an open "platform", and one headset shouldn't be closed off to the other. There's enough exclusivity going on in the console business. We don't need that in this brand new and growing community. But to be honest, I think I ended up choosing the Rift over the Vive because of the exclusive games on the system. Thankfully it's starting to loosen up. On a different note: I tried Batman: Arkham VR last night. God damn, that was a cool demo. And the ending. Fucked me up :D. I really recommend it if you have a VR-system and want a short but sweet experience!
  4. Yeah, for anyone interested in the Oculus Rift, or VR in general, this is as good a deal as it gets. It's about half the price of the HTC Vive, and the Oculus is actually a better headset. So if you have an interest in VR gaming, and have the PC to run it, you should consider buying the Oculus while supplies lasts.
  5. If anyone wants to see an Elite Dangerous Flight Assist Off-PRO, I urge you to check out Isinona on Youtube. God damn, he's got some incredible skills. Too bad he stopped making videos some time ago. Now it's mostly a random video every now and then. Just look at this. Smuggler docking in silent running at over 300 km/h. Insane.
  6. Haha, glad to hear you enjoyed The Stanley Parable. It's a great game, with loads of good laughs. For anyone who still hasn't tried it, go play it now! I got around to buying PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds last night as well. Teamed up with three other friends and had a couple of bad runs, but I got the hang of the mechanics of the game. Seems like a good game, and it's most likely gonna take over from Overwatch as my main party game. I just bought a third sensor for the Oculus Rift, so as soon as I can move the PC out in the living room (probably around october/november), I'll set up 360 VR-space. Can't wait!
  7. I haven't played the first game, and the direct totally sold me. I'm really looking forward to it, amd the "demo" seems really smooth. After testing the tutorial, i found the controls pretty good for a console shooter. Looking forward to testing it out properly. Maybe it will detrone Overwatch as my main shooter.
  8. I gotta say, Link looks like a total badass with the Phantom Armor on. Too bad you can't upgrade it :(.
  9. Jesus... All my problems with the DLC was my doing :P. I forgot to go into the eShop and redownload the DLC. Jeez. Got the DLC installed, and I'm currently looking for the new DLC outfits. Looking pretty good so far, for a costume nut like me :D.
  10. Oh right. That's the only time in the game that happens. It doesn't matter if you know where to go or if you go in a completely different direction. It happens after a set time.
  11. Jesus.... The Norwegian price for the SNES Classic Mini is £140. No pre-order for me, hell no. The retailers have even announced that the high price is because the low amount of consoles they will get. They sold out the NES Classic, so now they charge more for the SNES Classic. Wow, just.. wow.
  12. I don't think it releases until 5PM today. So we'll see when it releases. Still haven't been able to get my DLC-chests after my Switch was repaired and the savefile got deleted by Nintendo. I'm hoping everything works out, but I have this feeling that I won't be able to get my DLC later today :P
  13. I would get the pro controller only if you plan on keeping the wii u for other games too. Just for one game, thats a bit too much :P. The pro controller is great though, so if you get it you're in for a treat ;D. Nothing beats the Switch Pro, though :P
  14. I can heartily recommend the Logitech G502 Proteus Core. Great mouse for the price, with just enough buttons without looking bad. And with the thumb rest it really feels good to use over long time. But as someone already said, go and try out a few. It's better to get a feel for it other than just jumping the gun.
  15. Yeah, this should solve it. It happened to me after an update, it required the system to be turned off completely. My switch wouldn't connect at all for 2 days. Turned it off and on again and everything was fine.
  16. Thankfully he won't jump off the roof.
  17. .....I am so sorry.
  18. Regarding Smash Bros. Switch: Both GameXplain and GoNintendo are saying its fake.
  19. ArtMediocre


    Just tried it. I have no idea what I'm doing :P.
  20. Oh damn. That's like one third of all the Switches produced, isn't there? :P
  21. How many units are we talking about here?
  22. Please share some pictures of it, @Kaepora_Gaebora . I've been in Zelda mode ever since the game came out. Made this old/worn Link as a tribute today. Can't stop playing this game..
  23. Well then, Switch version is back on. Looking forward to playing this. It's about time I play something other than Zelda on my Switch system :P. Anyone know any more about a release date for the game, or is it still "Summer 2017"?
  24. Nah, nothing. Some compensation would've been nice, so I hope I get something now that I've contacted NoE directly.
  25. Yeah @Hero\-of\-Time, i lost 105 hours of Zelda playtime. Didn't even get a notice from Nintendo. They told me the reason for not letting me know was that there was nothing they could do with the save anyway, so why tell me? This was the Scandinavian distributor though. Bergsala Sweden. I've heard they're not the best at customer service. What is more odd is that after probably spending an additional 50 hours on my new Zelda save, the play time on. My profile page is still clocked at 105 hours. And my DLC-chests are nowhere to be found in the new save. I've contacted Nintendo of Europe directly about this, but have yet to recieve any reply.
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