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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. I'll likely do the same. Haven't used my switch in ages, so it all depends on the upcoming library and price.
  2. OOOF That's such a long wait for the direct! Looks pretty good tho, and I guess its time to upgrade to a new system this year. I'm interested to see if there's any new features, or if its just the same as the Switch 1.
  3. Finally, thanks @Ashley ♥️
  4. Oooh, Red Steel 2 was an absolute banger! Thanks for the nostalgia. No announcement yet, is a Thursday reveal likely off?
  5. It fits too much, haha. I messed up the sizing, so I'll be finishing this one off proper, sell it off, and then print another one I'll keep. I might go for the Dread helmet though, seeing as this has a weird shape to the neck and the Dread fits better as a helmet. But it's all just for fun, and the prime design is so pretty too. I'll update when I've finished the helmet later, but it will take some time .
  6. Getting ready for Metroid Prime 4 in my own way.. https://www.instagram.com/p/DEDi6jluQrU/?igsh=MXVhN25qbDlwcW1xYQ==
  7. They should probably call it the "Switch U", to make the circle of life complete.
  8. Great minds think alike ;D
  9. I hope they have Mario Party 64. Imagine spinning the joystick 😂 I still remember the blisters
  10. My selection from the Steam sale: Celeste Mass Effect Legendary Edition Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition The Void Rains Upon Her Heart (Thanks @drahkon :P) Horizon Zero Dawn Stray God of War I guess it's finally time for me to experience some true PlayStation classics! Can't wait to sink my teeth into GoW and Horizon
  11. Thanks for the write up. I might just do a youtube watch of the story points, as I don't really feel like playing through it. I love the world, the characters and the atmosphere, but it's been a chore to get through the story. I kept hearing people say "you have to see it, it's the most gripping story" etc, but I honestly can't believe that. I've played the likes of Xenoblade 3, which made me ugly cry for 2 hours straight. Now THAT's a story I will forever remember. This on the other hand, I can't really recall what happened unless I do a recap and start to play the game. Hopefully a youtube walkthrough of Ending C will shed some light, and then I won't have to deal with the game being in my backlog all the time 😛
  12. I'm in the fact same boat. Going through C now, but its been a three year journey, haha.
  13. Weird to see so many of you share my views on the game. I thought i was in the minority, but I've played the game for probably 100-120 hours, and then just... stopped. I still haven't fought a 3 headed dragon or Gabon, so I have no idea how the game ends. Weird, because I usually religiously play Zelda games until it's 100% done. I've done all the tears though, and I miss a linear story driven game. So many characters I think could've worked amazingly well within a smaller scale. I'm unsure if I'll get back to it, but we'll see. I guess I have to finish it one day.
  14. Congrats! I always dread doing larger upgrades, haha. Next time I'll have to upgrade my CPU, which means new motherboard, possibly new RAM, and why not just add a GPU as well. Hope you enjoy the new build! What did you end up buying?
  15. I do the same, even though I'm Norwegian For me it all depends on what language is set on the game or book I'm writing notes of. So if I'm listening to a Norwegian lecture or book, I write in Norwegian. But games, films etc. is all English. So English it is.
  16. This looks very interesting, because of... reasons. But in honesty, after looking at the in-depth trailers, it looks to be a proper good game, not just a jiggle simulator. I got similar feelings from the setting and world as I did from NieR: Automata, which is not a bad thing! Crossing my fingers this will be one of the many ported PS-games that'ss find its way to PC in not too long. I imagine the mod scene will be pretty intense
  17. Agreed. If they manage to get it to work natively on PC, that'd help a lot with support and demand. But seeing as this is Sony, I wouldn't really be that surprised to see it's a streaming mode that somehow needs a PS5 to work. If they got it to work with SteamVR with no additional hiccups, they would have the first consumer friendly eyetracked headset available, that is even connected through cable. That would be huge.
  18. Hahaha. Btw, been hooked on The Finals for quite some time now. Great game, very fluid. Looking forward to season 2.
  19. Time to hang out here for a bit again
  20. I was hoping no one would notice The physics for that button is a bit off, so I always struggle with it. I keep hopping from one headset to the next, which is nice, but it's also a sign of the VR hardware scene in a nutshell. Never anything that's 100% what I want. If I could have Pico + Quest Pro controllers, I'd be happy for the next years. The Pico is aaaalmost there. But the limitations of inside-out tracking still annoys me. Interesting read. A lot of youtubers and people praise it as the second coming, so it's nice to see some actual reviews with no bias. Even though, it seems like a proper good introduction to VR for new players though, and the more people who try VR, the more mainstream it will become. Hopefully it will spike a big surge of new VR software with actual quality behind it. Resident Evil Village is one that I'd love to try. A full fledged RE game with full VR support? Yes please! Only downside with the system is that we'll probably get an even more split market with more exclusives at Sony and Meta. I wish it was more "VR for everybody!" mentality, but money is money.
  21. Okay, so this is not going to be about the PSVR2 (but congrats to everyone who gets one :D), but I recently bought a Pico 4 after considering it for a long, long time. I mainly play PCVR games, so my Quest didnt really exist as a platform for me. No games bought, no risk in switching to another standalone headset. I ended up weighing the pros vs the cons from a PCVR standpoint. And man, oh man, it was the right call. The headset is light, and the form factor is super small compared to the usual fresnel lens headsets. The balance is perfect with the (larger) battery on the back, and the pancake lenses... Oh man, the switch is amazing. The entire lens is the sweetspot, and it's crazy to pop it on and just "see" at once without needing to adjust the headset until I hit the spot. The controllers are better than the Q2. They feel solid, and of great quality, and the tracking is properly good. Q2 level, but a bit better. The fact that the tracking "rings" are to the sides of the controllers makes everything steady. Here's a short video of me testing out the tracking in Pavlov on a 40 m target. On quest, my controllers would have a tiny, tiny shake from just holding them still, making these hits very hard/impossible. I don't get that at all on Pico 4. Now I'm just looking forward to moving house (in about three months) so I can get my PC wired and hook up a router to get the Pico wireless with Virtual Desktop. It's supposedly really well done, and offers an experience on par with, or better than, the HP Reverb G2, which is actually pretty insane. I just hope my PC is powerful enough to handle it
  22. Looks amazing! The combat and combo animations are so well done. Looking forward to playing this sometime... in 2023 maybe.
  23. Well, now that they've upped the price, as well as launched a 1500 dollar headset, it might change. This probably doesn't bode well for the price point of the Quest 3 either, and if people go in thinking they're gonna pay 3-400 dollars for that, they're in for a surprise. I think we're looking at a price closer to 6-800 dollars, and that doesn't have foveated rendering or eye tracking.
  24. This right here! I was going to post something similar after seeing all the backlash. I mean, it's more or less just the reality. You're not paying for a simple accessory. You're playing for a display with 4K HDR OLED screens, tracking cameras, 90-120 FPS, 2x highly specced out controllers (!!), foveated rendering (!!!), which is better than even most high-end PCVR or standalone VR headsets. You thought this was going to be cheap? Do the math, I'd say. Better to realise that this is a beast on a whole different level than PSVR. That was junk in comparison, and it didn't even come with the complete package. The only thing this device is missing are the new pancake lenses. Other than that it looks to be a top of the line headset, and you get what you pay for here. I'm hoping we'll get this updated or modded for PC as soon as possible, along with support for the eye tracking and controller haptics. That'll probably make this the main headset for a lot of PCVR enthusiasts.
  25. Pasting this from Reddit, which made a lot of sense in my opinion: No matter the outcome, this will only go bad for her future career as a VA, probably won't see many jobs with an attitude like this.
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