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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. Well, truth be told, we are waiting for more info on the previously announced Fire Emblem for the Nintendo Switch, so more information on that is not really a big surprise. So just get ready to lose your shit :P.
  2. Hahahaha. All this speculation, all the trolling. This is pure gold! Pure gold I say!! I'm happy to have some good entertainment while I'm waiting for a direct. And we know it's coming, I just don't really care to speculate. Every time I do, I get disappointed by the direct, so this time I won't bother looking into rumors. But this build-up Nintendo is doing is devilish fun :D.
  3. I would hang it ....on my fridge!
  4. I dunno if there are many artists here, but I always think its cool to see what other people create with their imagination. So, if there are any artists here willing to share their artwork, I think we should have a thread for it here :). If there is already a thread for something like this, or it is inappropriate, point me in the right direction! Also, gaming/nintendo-related artwork is a plus :D. I'm currently working on a small series of powerful attacks by Nintendo Characters. Gonna be eight in total, I think, and it's part of my daily drawing challenge. In the end I'll have them colored, put up against each other, and put on a A3 or 50x70 print. So far I have Link and Mario :).
  5. Have you tried cleaning out the Switch USB C port? It might just be dirty. Try and scrape it with a toothpick and see if that helps
  6. @Shorty Well, I wouldn't say it's that bad if you give the Indoctrination theory a go. It makes for a better and mysterious ending anyhow. If you haven't seen it, i recommend you check it out :D.
  7. I would really recommend giving 2 and 3 a go. Some of the best games I've played, and the 3rd game is just pure polish when it comes to gameplay.
  8. This will be the only artwork I'll post, I swear, but it's related and inspired by this thread :P. So thanks for helping me get this idea .
  9. Not really that into new years resolutions, but I've made a few for this year. Do a 365 drawing challenge. A friend of mine did this, and it's been really inspiring to see his development and how his joy for art has expanded. I love to draw, but it can be months without anything. So, if I can at least do a small doodle each day, I'm sure I'll get a lot out of it in the end. Work out twice a week Started working out last year. I'm not fat or anything, but I know it will be good for me :). Ride my bike to and from work Started doing this last year as well :p. But I need to keep at it. At least twice a week during the warmer periods. It's around 7.5 miles each way, so if I can get 15 miles on my bike twice a week, that will be really nice. Also, I want to do more long trips for exercise as well. Record more music If I can, I really want to get back into making more Zelda cover songs, like I did before. I love recording stuff, but I really, really suck at taking the time to do it. FINISH THE WITCHER 3 This game has been looming over me ever since it got released. And I thought I had a good run going now, but then I discovered Xenoblade Chronicles 2. God dammit.
  10. I hear you Kav! This game is amazing, and even if I'm only 8 hours in, I am loving every single bit of it. Grinding is fun, the characters are great, and the story and setting is really good as well. I haven't had this much fun with a JRPG since I played Tales of Symphonia, and that might be my favourite JRPG of all time. So, what I am saying is that this is simply one amazing game. If anyone has been on the fence.. BUY IT!
  11. Rumors say that the date of the direct is the 11th of january. The less time to wait, the better!
  12. Okay, so then it should be a hardware issue then? With the PS4 and Pro not being able to crank out the needed graphics? I've read that Skyrim looks like a blurry mess. Would be nice to have that game on PC as well, for a proper comparison.
  13. Bough Gorogoa the other day. Man, what a trip! The amount of work behind that game must be massive! Played through it with my girlfriend (who don't "get" gaming) and later with my parents over at their place (and they REALLY don't get gaming). Everyone loved it, and we played through the game from start to finish both times. And kudos to Nintendo for that Switch magic. Being able to bring the console to my parents and show them something that awesome on the Switch screen was really something. And on a side note, after playing on the train and through the whole game with my folks, i still had 76% battery left. Shmowzow! ( thanks @Ashley)
  14. I really need to test the PS VR, because I don't have any problems with resolution on my Oculus. The PC hardware is high end, so I can see it's not for everybody, but if the resolution quality of the PSVR is so low, it puts the whole VR-experience in a bad light. If you get the chance, try Elite Dangerous or Robo Recall with Oculus or HTC Vive. I'm sure you'll be positively surprised :).
  15. Traded in a christmas present and got me this instead :D. I've been teased long enough. Not sure if I'll play through it with English or Japanese voices, but I'm really looking forward to this gem :D. Glad I got to start with the new patch as well. Waiting seems to have paid off.
  16. Bought the game again after losing my other game card, but I'm having a real blast by just exploring Hyrule once more. Glad that I have the game in my collection again. Got all the new costumes and stuff from the DLC's, but have yet to start on the actual story. Finishing some of the older missions first before I dive into the new ones. I've heard mixed reviews about the new DLC, but to be honest, paying for the game twice and also for the DLC... The game has given me over 250 hours SO FAR, so it's well worth the money in my opinion. I'll keep coming back to this game in years time. PS: Switch game cards are easy to lose on the bus. Respect your game cards!
  17. Have you tried updating the joy-cons? There is a update button either in the settings or in the controller menu (can't recall which one...) where you can update every controller connected to the Switch. Pretty handy, but well hidden.
  18. Now I'm sad that I don't own a PS4 :(. Edit: Hooray for PC
  19. I'd buy both if they come for the Switch. Soul Calibur 2 is the only fighting game I've played as much as Smash. Great rooster, really well balanced, and even with the best cameo fighter in a fighting game. Link just made a lot of sense in the Soul Calibur universe. If I could pick though, I'd go with SC VI. I'd rather have a fresh experience with a new game rather than yet another port of an old game. Not that I really mind, but if I can have a brand new game, I'd rather give that a go.
  20. There are rumors that it will be announced for Switch on either the Namco Bandai event on the15th of December, or in the upcoming Nintendo Direct in January. It might have been put on hold because Nintendo is having cameo characters, just like Soul Calibur 2 did with Link. I hope the rumors are true, but as with every rumor, it is best to take it with a grain of salt.
  21. Yeah, and I agree with you. But let me just say, if you have a significant other who don't care about video games, you have a big issue when trying to finish games that take over 200 hours. At least if you want to give the other person some well deserved attention :P. Multiplayer is better, because it is just plug and play for as long as I can plat (20-30 minutes), or the Switch. I can play that sucker anywhere :P. It's harder when you have a game that you need to keep playing, if you want to remember how to even do the basic combat. But still, it is first world problems, and I don't mind actually. Growing up means less time for games and more time for adulting.
  22. Same as me then. I want to get this game off my backlog list, so I've picked it up again. I am about 80% through the main story, but now I've started doing side quests instead, and it is taking forever! And to make matters worse, i bought the two expansions on sale. What have I done
  23. Oh damn, Platinum dropped the BOMB!! And it is even a Switch exclusive? I can already taste Xbone and PS players' delicious, salty tears :P.
  24. Oh well, no real reason for me to keep my Wii U anymore now is it? This is awesome, I was waiting for this. Probably gonna get this day one.
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