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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Me, myself and I? How much are you paid to promote those websites?
  2. Dude. You need to highlight this to the company they work for. That's not legit practice.
  3. Oz = cheaper car shit. Plus most places (i.e. westfield, almost psuenemic with shopping centres around here) offer free parking for the first 90 mins or so.
  4. Dysthymia is a type of depression. What you're saying is people here don't have severe or major depression. Apathy is supposed to be "I nothing you" but most times it is received as "I actively do not care;" there's semantics involved but there's also the way emotions and perceptions work. Floating through life saying "my intentions are pure, therefore I can do no harm. Anyone who is upset by this has to deal with it themselves" doesn't really recognise the fact that you cause ripples, you leave a wake. I did forget how 'blunt' you weres. I must try and remember that's simply because you state your opinions, and omit the bit where you also clarify that you are indeed just stating your opinion. What is the purpose of you studying psychology? Do you have a goal?
  5. Two facets to this. 1. This is ridiculous. I can't remember any of my economics a-level, so I'm asking for help to understand this. RPI is Retail Prices Index. My understanding is this is a comparison of how much items cost now compared to last year. The RPI comprises of a bunch of commonly purchased items to try and reflect the reality of how inflation affects the individual. So why is it at all sensible for the government (and associated private rail companies) to use that percentage figure as the basis of their price increase, let alone decide that an extra 3% on top is a 'good' idea? I need help to get my head around this concept, because at the moment it just seems like a greedy "well if everyone else is putting their prices up, then so we will too." It is a move that means many people who commute are looking at the cost of simply getting to and from work taking up to 15% of their earnings. The government Transport Secretary Theresa Villiers said "In the longer term we are determined to get rid of these above-inflation fare rises all together," which just means that eventually the fare increase may just simply fall in line with inflation. We won't say when, and we can't say for sure that inflation in the future will be any more affordable than it is now. 2. Is there any cause for complaint? His argument may be sound (see parentheses after this mini-rant) but he is perhaps a bit entitled. He is essentially saying "I want a house and a wife and kids, and I have to do this thing called work in order to pay for these things, but that's not enough! I want more!" Is it fair to have an above average boat on the river of life and yet still feel like you deserve a bigger engine? The price increase will not put anyone out of their homes. People who are commuting to london will be earning higher wages, in general, so it is a price hike that is affecting those who are more affluent. The price breakdown means that it's not every journey everywhere that is going up that much. (I tried to work out the maths - he earns 21k yet his rent and bills are 19.2k, his childcare is over 7k... so either he's running on a defecit or he's talking about his shared costs as if they're his own. If his partner is earning full-time minimum wage then she'll be getting, what, 13k, leaving around 4k a year for fun and games, minus trains? I don't know!) I'm flailing a bit at the concept of what I'm trying to say, here. All spun from the BBC article "Rail hike of 6.2% sparks angry reaction.
  6. @Fused King why not try Thread Subscription for the threads you personally enjoy and find informative? When viewing the thread there is a drop-down item called "Thread Tools," located on a bar just below the pagecount at the top. There should be a clickable option "Subscribe to this thread." You will now receive notifications and/or emails, depending on your selected options. A 'what are you playing now?' thread sounds nice - why not make one and see how it goes? I think currently the way people do it is simply to make a post in the relevant game thread and if others are still interested in talking about that game they can reply there.
  7. Blade runner rain on the streets, fifth element style hairdoos, Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror timeline thing. Perhaps a few game mechanics stolen from prince of persia, but dressed up in futuristic gear? Need more gameplay. It's capcom so ofc it's going to be some shoddy b-movie script full of clichés.
  8. Saw a youtube video about the space bar, and it said that kg x 0.02 = calories burnt per minute if the day is averaged out. I weighed in at 73kg fully clothed (I cannot recall the state of my bowels, unfortunately :P) so that's over 2k calories to run this stallion chassy. Indeed. Of course, last time I weighed myself I was notably more kg, but almost certainly not as lardy as I am now, so it's probably more just testament to the shit scales, really.
  9. Xbox is all I have experience with, so next gen = scary prospect. Realistically, gamertag is a big ol' leech on me. And I like it. So my hopes for the next gen are little things, like how a game has 1000G and if you get all the G you get a nice addition to your 'completed games' list -- however there's no distinction or differentiation for this achievement for when the DLC comes out and the new total is 1250G or whatever. It looks like an incomplete game. Also they should have a different notification noise for achievements popping and simply "x is online". Ah, man there were dozens more little things that they should do, but I can't remember. But what'll prrobably happen instead is somehow MS will try and force gamertag integration with some sort of social app so they can get more data; offer a more bolstered silver package... I unno.
  10. Ain't life grand for the overthinker? Beating yourself up over what others might be thinking, or what they aren't doing. Tired of treating others how you want to be treated... yet nobody is treating you that way? That unfateful philosophy isn't a karma wheel; it doesn't guarentee you anything. Issues of trust and faith? Past events reaching out of the depths and blinding you with the what-ifs? I don't know, man. Just rambling.
  11. It's also important to realise that, without the input of others, the 'focus' you provide to yourself is going to be inevitably misguided and perhaps a bit paranoid. Better to open up and be laughed at than to keep closed and enver know if the laughter is aimed at you or not.
  12. CITATION NEEDED. Only because i'm not yet convinced you're not going to turn around and try and sell diet pills in your sig.
  13. O_o wtf... what happened?! P.S. Does this midlife crisis come with a new avatar? Beause I think it should.
  14. This is ridiculous. Can I ban them now?
  15. Heard mixed things about dune - it's, what, 6 books all-in-all? Someone with a very trusted opinion told me that either the 3rd or 4th book is simply one of the best ohmigoshjesuswept books ever, and I feel like I need to get in on that action... but I've always found that it's a fairly large investment to go in on a series of books taht are connected. Culture novels, on teh otehr hand, offer a much better chance of the book being good, due to the author not having to try and constantly evolve/challenge a specific set of characters. @Daft I shall warn you now, that Consider Phlebas is THE worst culture novel :P Player of Games is the easiest starter, but yes, Use of Weapons is what many consider his best - he 'started' the novel 20 years earlier, sort of that one story he'd, for years, yearned to do properly. You'll never look at a chair in the same way again (srsly). I just have to stress that fact again; Consider Phlebas is the worst of the lot. It's a great introduction to the idea of what The Culture are, but please, please continue with others afterwards. You will not regret it! The 2nd book alone is set something liek 250 or 600 years later... Excession ended with me saying, rather loudly considering the packed train - "Noooo! What. The Fuck." Look forward to that.
  16. Aaand added Emma's and MadDog's as well. @Animal still has to finish his list of 8...
  17. Isaac Asimov's I, Robot collection of short stories is an absolutely seminal tome. Sci-phi, if you will :P Essential reading. No idea what you've read already. Space opera stuff = Ian M. Bank's The Culture series of novels. The Culture is a society of many races and species that are beyond the normal realms of life -- in teh sense that they adapt their own genes, and can live forever. They have spaceships the size of planets, which are considered alive, and are seriously smart AI with widely differing personalities. Each book is a different beast, entirely stand-alone in their own rights. Each time I finished a book, it replaced the previous as best damn sci-fi I've ever read. Cannot stress enough how good these are. Ender's Game is on the list of sci-fi books that everyone ought to read. It's not particularly well written, just the idea behind it is now an archetype. I do think it's more of a book for 'young adults' and reminded me a lot of Pratchett's Only You Can Save Mankind (technically part of the 'Johnny' trilogy, again for kids), though dobtlessly that was a purposeful nod by pratchett. Ender's Game also really reads like a fantasy novel set in space. Again, not necessarily a bad thing. What sorts of sci-fi are you reading? Other classics like Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham, and The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester are also phenomenal when you consider how long ago they were written. In looking for the author of The Demolished man, I found this list of 100 great sci-fi books, essentially it's a list of classics. As you can see, Ender's Game is number 1! I've 'only' read 23 of those listed (Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 was the last book I finished). The second book in teh Ender series, Speaker for the Dead, is ranked, so I guess I should give it another shot, too!
  18. If you read Ender's Game then you're trying (and failing) to be a hipster :P I read it 5 years ago, so I SUCCEEDED. (people tell me the 3rd book is awsome but I found the 2nd one such a leap of faith that I couldn't get through it. Weird purtuguese pig people!)
  19. Damn... Dude. Banana sandwiches with brown bread... I NEVER REALISED IT WAS JUST TO MAKE ME EAT THE BROWN BREAD. Fuck, man, I even ate the end bits of the loaf if there was banana promises made. Another fruity fable (that I've told before); my old product design teacher made the whole class silently stunned when he took out a kiwi fruit, said he'd missed lunch... and just took a bite out of the fucker. Skin and all. Nobody could believe what he had done. He might as well have bitten into a baby.
  20. @bob that banana vid is ace - will be freaking others out with that. When I was a kid I'd skip the fuss and just snap the banana in two then peel away both halves from the middle - or kinda split the skin... hard to explain. Funny! I've found green ones to be milder (less bitter?) so far. Will have to experiment!
  21. I've noticed weekends are definitely providing me with more unread threads to peruse. We're getting old, N-E!
  22. What about olives? That divides people. There used to be an olive stall in brighton's 'shopping centre' (australia has taught me that england's idea of a 'mall' is nothing more than an arcade, lol) that I thought smelt like the nappies my cousins used to lay. Nowadays I think they're a secret culinary weapon of mass affection. Shred some olives up so the haters can't see them and they'lll LAP IT THE FUCK UP.
  23. Mandarins and tangerines... No idea! Satsumas, oranges, clemantines... Not that I'm racist or anything but they all look the same to me! ... Looking it up, it seems that Oranges are the grandaddy, mandarines are the daddy, then tangerines are the.. er... kid? AUS supermarkets are extremely seasonal, unlike in the UK where you get all food ALL YEAR ROUND... Here there's a higher dependency on food cultivated nearby, and as such white grapes are gone from the shelves, but more to the point there are like 5 different types of mandarin (including tangelos) available from time to time... If that makes sense? Citrus fruits are my weakness. I always keep a couple of 'emergency limes' for cooking dishes (and have some readily sixthed pieces in the freezer). We also have a lemon tree in teh garden that produces lemons the size of potatoes. My cousin made a lemon cake. I made lemon chicken (with sweet potato wedges and a dijonnaise [?] themed spinach salad). I read somewhere that the banana plant is tecnically a herb... I may need to go check on that...
  24. And by cat, I obv. mean jayseven - which is french for "a really cool cat, y'all dig," anyway.
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