No longer an award, now a philanthropical experiment!
I would say that I see myself in a few member simply because I imagine they are going through what I went through when I was a bit younger. Moogle is similar, though he has a different humour, but is worth mentioning for the similar gingerness. They will doubtlessly disagree; Paj mee nah and gizmo have my teenage angst; jonnas, mundi, dannyboy and grunch share my empathic acceptance of other's views; Bard understands my nihilistic yet eloquent place in the world, JonSt shares my love for TV shows, Dyson has not only my love for cider but also my general temprament; chairdriver has my need for the world to see itself for what it is. Rummy shares a lot of my views on what human nature is.
of course, there are numerous other members that I know and . Cube is steadfast in his efforts to not offend; Shorty, whom I share a past with, is the rational side of me that... well, that doesn't really exist :P Even newcomer Mad Monkey appeals to me because he's not afraid to state his opinion, nor is he in any way bigoted, just perhaps in ownership of a slightly slippery tongue. Odwin is the man I'd like to be, who I often set as my benchmark target audience for moderator messabouts.
In anycase, there are certain names that appear in the "Last Post By;" field that draw me quicker to a thread than others. There are plenty of other names that I am equally eager to see what their opinion is, but it is this list that I feel a similarity to, which is why they get a mention and others that I equally respect do not.
So the question posited to you; not who you respect, nor who you like, but who do you think is most similar to you, and in what way?