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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. So true, and so win.
  2. well seeing as the current topic is flirting, I'm all for the kitty segue.
  3. Man that's bizarrely surprising. I actually felt a twang of emotion for you, bro. It's certainly one reason why I don't know if I could bear having pets that I'd outlive. Replacement tortoise is in order. My friend had to put one of her rats down a few years ago. I went with her, and on the way we took the rat out at a park and just let him run around for a bit. Was an odd day.
  4. No longer an award, now a philanthropical experiment! I would say that I see myself in a few member simply because I imagine they are going through what I went through when I was a bit younger. Moogle is similar, though he has a different humour, but is worth mentioning for the similar gingerness. They will doubtlessly disagree; Paj mee nah and gizmo have my teenage angst; jonnas, mundi, dannyboy and grunch share my empathic acceptance of other's views; Bard understands my nihilistic yet eloquent place in the world, JonSt shares my love for TV shows, Dyson has not only my love for cider but also my general temprament; chairdriver has my need for the world to see itself for what it is. Rummy shares a lot of my views on what human nature is. of course, there are numerous other members that I know and . Cube is steadfast in his efforts to not offend; Shorty, whom I share a past with, is the rational side of me that... well, that doesn't really exist :P Even newcomer Mad Monkey appeals to me because he's not afraid to state his opinion, nor is he in any way bigoted, just perhaps in ownership of a slightly slippery tongue. Odwin is the man I'd like to be, who I often set as my benchmark target audience for moderator messabouts. In anycase, there are certain names that appear in the "Last Post By;" field that draw me quicker to a thread than others. There are plenty of other names that I am equally eager to see what their opinion is, but it is this list that I feel a similarity to, which is why they get a mention and others that I equally respect do not. So the question posited to you; not who you respect, nor who you like, but who do you think is most similar to you, and in what way?
  5. I forget the rockstar game that we recently had a vid for, but this combined with that shows just how eerily accurate lip synch is getting! It makes me grin and cower in fear at the same time when I contemplate just how realistic graphics are getting (though I'm sure the rockstar one purputed to be in-game cut-scene graphics, while this is clearly just FMV-material).
  6. y'arrr, I be ready.
  7. relativelysober Chess?

  8. Love... will tear us apart :'(
  9. Bingo. I might just yank this over to gen chit-chat tbh!
  10. Ville; such a diagram would be better if we were allowed to list a bunch of members!
  11. I'm going to say Gizmo for this. from mewithoutyou to the depression, the girl problems and the general undertones of emo. He reminds me of myself a couple of years ago :P
  12. Then we cal all win an award, eh? :P
  13. Which member do you think is most like you in terms how their opinions and their beliefs? Do you see a bit of yourself in other members? Whom do you feel a closest affinity to?
  14. Got a minute to free the awards? Ashley ignores my pleas

  15. I like it, Nolan. Awards should be visible soon.
  16. Beep boop beep! You can release the flying monkeys now!

  17. I did :) as I said, executive decision from up top. Figuring you having first post in each thread is unfair for all. Don't fret! It'll be open as soon as I can get a red to do so

  18. Lol :P it was an executive decision. You're the only person who uses that button, it seems!

  19. Will your mafia work without the needed players? if not, then please, you should feel free to PM any frequent players to get them involved! As I've said elsewhere, this is my most anticipated game yet! It has to occur :P
  20. Smeagol; you should not consider the amount of interest in your thread to be at all equal to people's opinions of your abilities to put on a great show.
  21. If your foot-work can't make up for your sexual abilities, then I'm sorry, you're a lost cause.
  22. You're both tied. Smeag; did you take offense? If it helps, yours is my most anticipated mafia evaaar!
  23. I've never understood the Matt Damon hatred. He's no Nick Cage! Even if he's not one of the great actors he's perfectly reliable. Coen brothers are totally unable to make a bad movie, so you'll see this film and agree with me soon enough.
  24. You use your big toe from the opposite foot. Duh.
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