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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. A couple of christmas Eves ago me and three mates were in town drinking. We ended up going to the off-license and buying more booze, then heading the beach and climbing in a big boat and just drinking the night away. As it passed midnight we started shouting merry christmas at everyone in viewing distance. They mostly replied with great cheer! Last year in sheff I went to a pub with two mates from argos. Had a great laugh with them and really enjoyed the night. On the table next to us was this guy wearing a UFC tee challenging all his mates to an arm wrestle. I convinced one of my mates to challenge the beefcake - he did - and he won! Was so lol. My mate returned to our table, then I beat him! Wetherspoons Arm Wrestling Champ 2009! Muahahahaaa! This year I have a mini dilemma. My dad was supposed to be going to India for the hols, so before he left for his brief trip to the airport he presented me with a bag of gifts that I was to take to my sister's. There are two presents for her and like 6 for me. It's a weird thing but I'm going to feel really guilty opening these presents in front of my mum and my sister... Mum never really stopped loving my dad and my sister never had the chance to get to know him like I have since I moved in, so It's just a bit weird. They won't say anything but I'll see it in their eyes. ... Yeah. Moot point, really!
  2. No difference.
  3. I felt the illness GROW as I travelled on a train back from london. But I'm just at the 'it's just a bit of a runny nose. I'm not really ill' stage.
  4. He's talking about WaW - MW2 has had two map packs but the matchmaking system is much better at dealing with that sort of problem. After the first expansion I never encountered such a thing - presumably the lobby was taught to only offer maps all players had.
  5. Well done for asking! Takes a lotta guts.
  6. I saw that album and was trying to figure it out... I think the girl with dyed red/purplush hair in the last pic fancies you, but I figure you fancy the blackheaded older lady in the middle, seeing as you said she owns a business and I figure you have to be of a certain age for that. trufax?
  7. I quite enjoyed the show! Was nice to see some of the people that invented such iconic parts of everyone's childhood, and hear the tales of their origins. I loved the scenes of sheer madness for cabbage patch dolls, tamagotchis and pokemon cards! Shame to not see pogs there -- but that really didn't cause anywhere near as much of a stir. It was a good show. Regardless of the order I think it covered all the bases really well.
  8. Vodka's totally able to make you puke several times! ... But the shivers and all, yeah you're probably ill too Hard times nolan!
  9. Will red and blue only cull from the original 151? I'd love to play a pokemafia but my lack of knowledge with the rest of the pokemon really puts me off.
  10. Not sure presidency will get a majority while we're still uncertain what it does.
  11. Arnieboy's comment in the discussion on current gen made me think it'd be a good thread. What do you think of DLC? Personally, the idea that games can be patched post-release is one thing that is both good and bad. Imagine if Spacestation Silicon Valley's [N64] trophy glitch was fixed after release? Fantastic. The downside is, of course, games can be released with known bugs to meet a deadline, with a fix issued later on. With DLC game-content the main argument is surely this; if I pay £40 for a new game, I want that game to be complete. Why should I fork out another tenner a few months later for two hours of extra content for what was only a 6-hour game in the first place? The counter-argument, then, would be that DLC offers games the chance to continue playing their favourite game but in new areas, and so on. It has become fairly standard for the big games to offer DLC. New map packs, added missions, extra multiplayer modes. But if games are now made with DLC in mind, does it remove from the game itself? I think what really annoys me the most is when a game that hasn't even been released yet already has confirmed DLC. But then, I think any blatant display of a company's eager nature to take my 'hard-earned' dosh from me just instantly rubs me the wrong way. This isn't a well-worded post because generally I don't buy DLC, but still I'd like to hear your more eloquent thoughts.
  12. My dad's flight was cancelled yesterday. His holiday is totally fucked up and it's not looking likely that he'll be able to go at all. Flights will be refunded but all the bookings he made in india will retain their deposits so he's still going to be out a lot of money. And it means I don't have a free house at all
  13. Didn't you drink a crapload of vodka last night? :P
  14. [1 of 1]I've been taken aback simply with the thrip protests. The contents of the thread are of debate and discussion, and all views are being aired - no matter which way these discussions go, if done with reasonable rationality they won't end with any harm. People like O_W thoroughly enjoy a good debate, and mokong is perfectly happy to retort and counter anything O_W has. It's really nothing out of the ordinary.

  15. [2 of 2] This thread is not supposed to reference the award itself. PERSONALLY I think he's very successful and I have no qualms with that, but again the award and who voted for him and who didn't is not supposed to be involved in this thread.


    normally I'd allow a continuation of the thread for people to air their concerns over actual post contents - to me it's more exciting as a forum when we have such situations, but I wasn't happy with the concerns about it being a thrip - of which Maddog was the man who voiced his concerns loudest. All in all, I've come to the conclusion that we have nothing at all to argue about between us :P lol

  16. My eye is quite sticky.


    So is my stick! My selotape isn't very sticky though. My bras keep falling down.

  17. Sticky Ms makes everything mmmmmmmmm delicious!

  18. Audio Candles and balloons!
  19. Just to say that I've replied to that post on Captain Falcon's wall, as an effort to put this thread back on track. In your opinion, what does it mean to be successful? Is it when you've finally grown that beard? Written that book? Bought that suit? Become the boss? Run your own business? Perhaps being successful is being able to tie your shoelaces, eat your meal with real cutlery or perhaps cross the road? By gosh and by golly, it sure is hard to understand a thread title!
  20. "The issue of whether Mokong would have been fine with it should never have even had to come of come up though. Whether he approves or disproves is neither here or there. It's the fact he had to in the first place. That's what matters here."


    "If you have an issue with the thrip and are unable to actually contribute to the thread's topic - or perhaps unable to get past all the long posts and just want to have a whine at me, then you can just PM me.


    We're sorting out our thripping policy backstage. Mokong's fine with the thrip, so surely that's all that matters in this instance."


    He had to in the first place because people like you were crying about it.


    People were crying about it in the first place because they assumed that because it was done without his permission, and he would object to it.


    So people were crying about it because it was viewed as an assault on mokong's freedom.

  21. [2 of 4] I understand this, which is why I said that we're dealing with how we proceed with thrips from now on. Permission will be asked. But because mokong did clarify his lack of offense, I feel no need to apologise to him. And because I cannot change what has happened in teh past, I would ask you to tell me exactly what it is that is the problem here, and what solution there is.


    I can tell you why it happened in the first place.


    I made an award thread for most successful user IRL. Mokong was voted for, for his family development over the year. The matter of the subjectiity of the title was raised, then focus was shifted towards whether having children counted as success. Several people argued with this claim, some choosing to focus on the argument's victimising of Mokong.

  22. I thripped it, while Mokong was writing his lengthy reply. The argument was sustained, then the thrip was realised, then people took offense to the thrip - people who were not involved in the thrip. People who took offense for reasons they won't clarify beyond what I presume to be that they are fearful of their freedom on this forum.


    My reasoning was, and is, that mokong is an experienced admin of this site, one who has gladly shared his entire life so far on the forums with vids and pics. He is not the sort of person who is worried that something he has posted on an internet forum available for the whole world to see will suddenly be moved to... the same internet forum available for the whole world to see. He is a logical enough person to see that the context is not lost at all, and as an admin he would understand why the posts may need to be moved.

  23. [4 of 4]

    If you have a personal issue with the way I mod then please say so. The fact is that the majority of my modding is unknown. If you are just looking for something to complain about then feel free. I'm frankly a little pissed off in general at how people fly off the handle about things, especially when it's things that genuinely have nothing to do with them, and when all parties actually directly involved are totally fine with it.


    If the title was "argument moved from other thread because it was going Off Topic," would there have been a problem? Genuine question.


    This is a message to you because, again, the thread is going off topic and you refused to take my advice and take it to PMs so I thought I'd take it to plublic message myself.

  24. I think it's bizarre that you think people view women in this way. You shouldn't take offense or feel wrong because someone may assume you want to have kids. That is the default assumption. Live with it. If they say "you might change your mind when you're older" they're simply stating a rational and possible eventuality. If you're reacting so heatedly about it then it's you that isn't comfortable about the idea. I want kids one day, but one day I may not want kids. *shrug*
  25. Whenever I cook I imagine I'm a TV chef, telling the world why I'm adding a bit of paprika and how to judge when you've chopped enough onions. I will be audible if my girlfriend is in teh room. I also walk down the street and imagine what it'd be like to be hit in the face by a baseball bat. Quite a lot. it's one of my milder psychotic thoughts. I've physically flinched a few times. When I was a kid I used to try and repeat what the newsreader was saying at exactly the same time that they were saying it. It amused my sister a lot.
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