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Everything posted by Sarka

  1. Me too! I love High School Musical! Infact, I know all the words to almost all the songs as they are ALL SO CATCHY! Oooh, I can't wait for this!
  2. Pinnacle isn't that expensive. £63 here There is also Avid Free which is meant to be pretty damn good, especially considering that is is free, check it out here I personally bought a Mac and got Final Cut. Woop!
  3. Yeah, it's complete overkill - I don't think anyone expected to get so much stuff. I hope we can live up to it. Oh, and also - it's not a school media club, it's a Shetland wide club. Anyway, here I have two films. Sorry, another music video - this was the first video we ever made. The tape was skippy so I thought I wouldn't make it, but I did! So here it is. This ones mostly not a music video! 10 minutes of joy! Criminals, a rich man, a hilarious corridor scene () and some brownie/blondies. What more could you want?
  4. Next year I'll be doing Maths, English, Physics, Computing and Economics at Higher (A Level, though we do it in a year) and next year probably Maths and Physics at Advanced Higher and Chemistry/Business Management or something like that at Higher. Then go to Uni to study Maths + Something, depending how my Highers go. Then I'd like to go into banks/business through the maths route. If that goes well and I have loads of money when I'm 40ish or so, I'll retrain as a maths teacher and settle down until I die. If I don't become very rich in business I'll just keep doing it. Oh, and I'll also do lots of media crap on the side!
  5. Yeah, we've made an awful lot of music videos. Thanks for the advice, and we shall start doing more scripted stuff - but currently the main problem is that we just make films on the spur of the moment. Me and Mhairi are going to be planning some short movies soon, which should be interesting. While we plan them we'll look into cinematography, and now when I watch TV I've started looking at how things are done. It's really quite exciting as I've never thought of it before. Oooh, and here is the list of equipment bought for the MEDIA CLUB: Apple Mac Pro: 2x Dual Core 3GHz Quad Xeon CPU 16GB RAM 2 x 500GB Hard drives 2 x 30" Apple screens Nvidia Quadro Graphics Processor Secondary computer, iMac 24" 2.33GHz Intel Core'2' Duo 3GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 500GB Hard drive Field Editing Machine, MacBook Pro: 2.33GHz Intel Core'2' Duo 3GB RAM 200GB Hard drive And each has Final Cut Pro Studio and Shake. Then camera wise we have gotten a Canon XL-2 (with wide angle Lens) and a Canon CM-2. We also got mounts, dollies, cranes, jibs, radio microphones, microphone booms (with dead cats), tracking dolly and lighting kit. I hope we can put it to good use...
  6. Well, we have the first normal media club meeting tomorrow. We shall probably use it for props, costumes, hall hire etc. for our first production (which has to be about local community, as it's for a competition, arg (though it will still be exciting!)). I shall update you all with news of the excitement of media club *stands up*
  7. Chris(topher) Halcrow I don't really like Chris, as there seem to be so many of us. I'd like a nickname, but can't think of one... some people call me dancing Chris. That kinda has a feel to it.
  8. Can any German speakers help me? How do you say something like: "I hope to hear back from you soon" Or something similar. Thanks for any help!
  9. I made more movies! At my friends birthday, we made a happy happy movie, filled with joy and partiness! It is: Also, at the start of the year me and my good friend, Ruth, made a wondrous film about an evil doctor. This is kinda different and kinda sucky for most people I would assume, we found it amusing though. Enjoy!
  10. My Mother bought microwave pancakes as she can't be bothered to make any. Their quite nice actually. There's also a cafe in town which makes delicious pancakes with excellent fillings.
  11. Pfft, why not. Just for you retro-lover! More pics of the joyous day of fun! Cara + Jenny Me + Jenny Jenny + Ellen + Rocket = Innuendo! We also look sexy in all our videos(!) which can be found here!
  12. Jenny, Cara, me and Mhairi Everyone looks kinda crap in one way or another, but all in all - I love this photo!
  13. Youth Club! Oooh, the joys of Youth Club. My friends want me to dress up for it, but alas - I have no fancy dress clothes. There shall be much fun - probably including... DEATHBALL... ewww.
  14. I used to collect 20p's, but then I spent them on a (new at the time) Aqua PS2, FFX, Tekken Tag Tournament and a new phone. I had a lot.
  15. I think leggings are great! I wish I was a woman.
  16. December 31st '04 I beleive, so Cube-Europe. My only real memory of cube europe was when I said "I thrust my friend very much" accidentally, then got know as the thrust guy for a short period of time.
  17. 1. Pokemon DP 2. Mario Galaxy 3. Cooking Mama Wii 4. Wario Ware (well... it's out now) 5. EBA That's all I want this year.
  18. Desperate Housewives <- Best thing ever House - Hilarious, love the characters, plots, medical crap etc. Lost - Meh... once you pop you can't stop.
  19. I think you'll find Shetland was the first place in Britain to be bombed during WW2 and: A lot of crap went on during WW2, many thought the German may of invaded Britain through Shetland so it was busy. I would not do anything, and go with the flow - see how things turn out.
  20. Usually before I sleep, last night I spent about 2 hours before sleeping thinking. 'Twas fun.
  21. But what is Sephiroth sends you a valentines card... This year, my plan is to sex up some people using the cunning ploy of sending hundreds of valograms around our school. Pretty cunning.
  22. A video me and Letty made, there might be a special treat for any who watch. though I doubt it
  23. Well, I went to Letty's house on Friday, and we made a movie. Please note that I have no idea what's going on at the start with the grey, but it doesn't make any difference to the video really and that we barely shot enough to cover the song, that's why some of the shots go on for what seems like far to long.
  24. How? I can't see how... Leopard looks nice, I love spaces - can't wait for that!
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