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Everything posted by Sarka

  1. Those are our normal accents! Really! It's awful, we are often asked if we're up here on an exchange.
  2. Oooh, we had equipment night at media club and got to see everything. There is this thing with weights on it for tracking - and it is possibly the coolest thing ever. Also, I have (several, though I will only advertise one) new movie! It is . I coposed the soundtrack myself (on GrageBand). Full Quality version at http://www.greatmaddrin.com
  3. I know... bad bad choice. But I could either go for Admin, PE, Music or Art. Most people found Maths pretty easy in our year - but we do have the best maths teacher ever! Computing was ridiculously easy. Though in Credit paper, the memory stick held 300 Megabits of data, I'm sure! No one else picked up on it, but it was a small b! I'm starting to find Accounts easier - because there isn't an awful lot of KU you need to know - just doing lots and lots of past papers seem to work
  4. Well, I have Inkscape - which is great! But too vectory. Thanks, I got Seashore and GIMP!
  5. Yay! Me too. If I don't get at least 8 hours sleep I find it hard to function properly.
  6. How about Pidgeot. In the cartoon they pronounced it "Pi (pig) Jit (S**t)" but in my book of pokemon which had prnounciations in it it was prounounced "Pid - gee - oat" Hmm.
  7. Really? I thought the Maths was easier than most of the past papers I've done. What other subjects have you done? English wasn't that bad - a few things here and there that were a bit tricky. Admin was the weirest paper ever - seriously, nothing like any Admin paper ever. And computing was fine - pretty easy too! Now, half done - four more to do! Yay! Though I have nothing for around two weeks, Physics in 13 days time.
  8. What's the best easy, simple to use paint-style app for Macs?
  9. I'd rather be forced to make my own fun than to rely on things like cinema etc. Also, there is tonnes to do! Especially club wise. Pretty mcuh anything your interested in, you can go to a great youth group. Eg, Media Club! Youth Theatre! Many dancing troupes etc. And if there isn't one, you can pretty easily get funding and set one up. Alos, how many times did you go out when you were at Letty's? Did you go to Mousa?
  10. Lies! Just because there is no big cinemas or theme parks or anyhting liek that nearby doesn't mean there's nothing! Yesterday, about 40 people were all up at an old fort lieing around and doing crap. If Letty ever went anywhere she would find much enjoyment. More Lies. Most people aren't over 100, possibly in Bigton actually... but not most places. In fact, I bet that under 1% of people are over 100. Though I'm sure you aren't being serious. Hmmm Also, yesterday, and today - and most of this week has been excellent weather. We were all sunbathing yesterday! Several people were topless. You can buy pineapples here! At Sommerfield. I'm sure you can... And we have no need for trains, we're a tiny island - buses suffice. Trees are of little importance, but again, lies! We have trees at Sullom and Kergord. A big forest in fact! Shetland rules!
  11. It's 197! When you have a long row of adding and subtracting such as: 2 - 5 + 200 You go from left to right, we had a longish discussion in maths about it. So: 2 - 5 + 10 * 20 = 2 - 5 + 200 = -3 + 200 = 197
  12. Ok, it's sorted now. Thanks for the help everyone I'm now safely on my Mac.
  13. Norton brough up nothing, getting avg at the moment - and will scan ASAP. I know... I should more often. It's just that the disc space it so limited due to my copious amounts of raw video footage...
  14. Urrr, I have gotten a virus, very stuiply. Anyway, it's messing with everything and it is all happening on a process called "CCAPP.exe", anyway, when I try to end it, it won't let me - says permission is denied. Any way of solving this? (also, I have a mac, so please don't suggest that) edit: Also to make it clear, the virus is on my PC - not my Mac.
  15. If you're going to take the legal route: http://www.avid.com/products/freedv/index.asp Avid Free DV, meant to be good. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avid_Free_DV Also, remember that if you buy Adobe, it's pretty hard to use, quite professional - Pinnacle is much more user friendly.
  16. Studio 2... out now... Damn my intel graphics card!
  17. Until February of S3 Accounts was my best subject... then my teacher left, we moved on to other stuff, we missed out bits and I'm not very good at it now. I got a 2 in my prelim though, and I've got a 1 in my project. So hopefully it won't take too much revision to get a 1.
  18. Thanks a lot! You really helped! Yeah, first work it out (x - 1)(x + 4) = 0 Then see the two values for x. x = 1 or x = -4 Then using that, put it into one of your y equations. y = 4 - x y = 4 - 1 y = 3 And the other x value y = 4 - x y = 8 So they intersect at points (1, 3) and (-4, 8) That may make no sense... sorry.
  19. I have 4 on my first week, none on my second, two on my third and then Accounts on the fourth (along with German, urgh!) I suck so much at Accounts due to a lack of a teacher. When our old Accounts teacher left I had just finished Unit 3 (Not For Profit Organisations) and now I've forgotten everything we have ever done. I just get so confused with so many different final accounts. And how a balance sheet could be financed by so many things! However, though Accounts is my weakest subject I've not done any revision for it, I'm going to wait until I've finished my first four exams on the first week.
  20. Depends on the school. We have an odd policy, it's kind of like "we don't give study leave, but you can stay off if you think it's ok." Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. I am really looking forward to school and I want to be under pressure, so I have lots of exciting revision to do. That'll be great!
  21. Just saw episode 1 of Death Note, woah! It was great, can't wait to get up to speed with the rest of the series.
  22. Sweet! Looks lovely. I'm hoping to be able to afford one around Septemberish... so for the moment I will stick to the joy () of my £200 Canon. Oooh, thanks. I am thinking of getting it cut pretty short - not sure though... had it like this for around 3 years now. Presenting my newest video! The almighty "Cake?". Me and my friend Mhairi decided to make a short video, and here it is: (YouTube)http://www.greatmaddrin.com/?q=node/19 (GreatMaddrin.com)
  23. Physics question! I'm pretty sure I know this, since it's pretty basic - but I just want to make sure. In a circuit, when the voltage increases - the current does too, but the resistance stays the same. Correct? And in this same circuit, when the voltage is increased the power is increased too? Also, why is the total resistance in a parallel circuit generally lower than the resistance that is actually there, if that makes sense. Thanks
  24. Oooh, I had one of those. Though were your malteasers actually in the egg? Like a part of the egg? Cause they are great!
  25. I suppose... oh well. Then I disapprove of cheating, but approve of sleeping with people your not going out with.
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