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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nintendo at Gamescom 2019 booth tour video from GameXplain. Nice to see some footage of the booths.
  2. The latest footage from Gamescom now up on the main page. This should make for a memorable Halloween this year.
  3. The latest footage from Gamescom now up on the main page. Not long to go for this now.
  4. Happy Console Gamer with a review of Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors I think he's redeemed himself somewhat with this video @Hero-of-Time I already have the physical edition of this game pre-ordered and I can't wait for it, I didn't know a huge amount about it before, just that it looked cool. Now that I know more about it and that the Switch version is moreorless the definitive version of the game, I'm really looking forward to it.
  5. It looks like even Jim Sterling hasn't finished the original Grandia either, but he's determined to clear it this time so he can get onto playing Grandia II. I might just give the first Grandia a go, just to see.
  6. Now up on the main site. I watched most of the video either, it looks amazing, one might even say that it's... ...off the chain. (Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)
  7. Pokémon news articles... Gotta Post 'em All! I quite like the look of the town shown off in the video. It's got a train station, so... good transport links I guess.
  8. I'll watch the cutscenes of the first game, while levelling up in the second game.
  9. Annnnd suddenly I don't feel quite as guilty for not playing the Grandia games after you've both stated you haven't played the first game through either. Should I just play the second game then?
  10. OK, I just did a quick search and, it turns out I bought my copy of Grandia II on the Dreamcast just over three and a half years ago for a quite reasonable £29... The PS2 copy I bought originally came from a car boot sale a few years back for probably a couple of quid... And I have a Steam receipt for £7.49 which I bought the PC version for a few years back as well... I feel more than a little guilty that I haven't played it now and I really have no excuse. I'll make time for it... this year at some point hopefully, afterall I can't be buying for and/or assuming that every great game is coming out on the Switch. I've got to appreciate my retro games collection a lot more than I have been recently, this year and next year, less new games will be bought and more classics will be played.
  11. OK, so I'm reading that as... Even though it's a serviceable collection, it's not perfect, there will be no physical version because it's being done on the cheap and so it's a missed opportunity. I'll just play the original on the PS1 and the second game on either the PS2 or the Dreamcast.
  12. Yeah, on reflection, I din't really think it was much of a review, I just found it interesting hearing about how he got into the games originally, especially as I'm not that familiar with his channel as I only started watching his videos a few months ago, plus the fact that I've never played either of the Grandia games. But this latest HD Collection seems to be the way to experience both of them surely? So I guess I'll wait for that physical copy.
  13. Oh yeah! In February 2020 that boxed physical version of Yakuza 3, 4 & 5 will be mine! And that even gives me enough time to play Zero, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 as well... in theory.
  14. Nintendo's Gamescom 2019 lineup.
  15. Ghostrunner is coming to the Switch in 2020. Little Nightmares 2 has been announced and is also coming to the Switch in 2020. Windjammers 2 gets two new characters, is getting released on another non-console platform and is now coming out in 2020. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is still coming out on the Switch in "let's release everything in September" 2019. Check the articles for details and trailers.
  16. Up on the front page, latest press release, a brief write-up and that reveal trailer. I can't wait to play this when it comes out on the Switch. (a boxed physical release as quickly as is humanly possible please)
  17. Here is the final article for our Top Ten 3DS Games. Thanks to @RedShell for the 3DS-centric banner/side graphics. and @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for the well-written, informative and enjoyable write-ups. Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing, the 3DS is a console which I can say that I've had my fill of but at the same time need to play lots more. (my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded) The 3DS banner is mostly cut-pasted from the DS banner, I found some better buttons, so used those, going with the New 3DS XL layout. Some notes on the banners... one of the titles the images used are not for the 3DS version but I couldn't not use images from the Switch port. And for another of the banners... I know that maybe some of the characters might be from the sequel to it but I really liked the art, so... (also... there were two games which no one provided thoughts for, so I whipped up a couple of short insights for those, got to keep the article format consistency) Enjoy! And here's to the last? one.
  18. Here's our Roundup article, basically the press release and a link to the video, all the info is there though. All I can remember is The Touryst because it's a new game from Shin'en though from the way the game was introduced my hype couldn't have been lower... ...then the gameplay was thankfully allowed to speak for itself and all was well, I love most of what Shin'en have put out over the years so this should be good. They really don't need the presenters though, in either visual or audio form, if they must have them then they could do with tightening up the script a bit more. I mean, there were some interesting titles in there but when a lot of them aren't that exciting, the gaps inbetween just feel even more jarring. Overall though, these presentations are getting better, for a 20 minute video it was still good but if it wasn't for Ori at the end then... Also a bit strange that the Streets of Rage 4 announcement wasn't part of it as well but I guess that carries itself well as a standalone video.
  19. Yep, I'd say that @Glen-i has done a fantastic job with keeping the N-E Top Ten Games hype train running. @Dcubed as well because I know he's contributed to the write-ups and of course @RedShell has done some fantastic work with the main graphics. And I helped... a little bit... I've enjoyed making up the themed banners and formatting the articles (and making mistakes along the way) it's all part of the fun. I meant to have the Top Ten 3DS Games article up by now but I've been having a few computer issues, nothing too major but that took up a bit of time unfortunately. Still, I've got all the banners done, I just spent most of this evening piecing them together and I'll likely do the text formatting tomorrow so who knows... ...this time tomorrow evening, it might just be up on the main page. And then I can start on the Wii U banners, so all in all... the N-Europe Top Ten Games articles should all be finished either before this month is out or... fairly soon. Thanks again to the N-Europe community for contributing to all of the top ten's as we couldn't have made it without you all.
  20. Happy Console Gamer with a review of Grandia HD Collection for the Switch. It was really nice to listen to someone who remembers playing the games back in the day, got to meet some of the people involved with the game and who seems to have the same level of enthusiasm for the series (if not more so) twenty years on and is just as excited to play them all over again. I must confess... I do own the Grandia games in their original form and I have yet to play them but if this was to get a physical copy on the Switch then I'd buy it instantly. As it stands? I really don't want to buy it digitially as I'd view it as a missed chance for a physical version which I'm sure will happen.
  21. I wonder how many more controversial headlines will come about in relation to Borderlands 3 before the game actually comes out?
  22. All the latest Pokémon related info is up on the front page. A couple of videos in there and a link to the Official Pokémon YouTube Channel where all the action is taking place.
  23. Up on the front page. We'll have our usual roundup article up soon after the video has broadcast.
  24. Well, I have the full game installed but... my PC decided to have visual driver and seemingly audio driver issues as well. Just generally, not just when in game, I first noticed it earlier while watching a that review of the game on YouTube, then music as well and in the game. It did recover from a serious crash from the visual driver error, I've installed the latest Nvidia drivers for both video and audio, the video seems fine now but the audio is a mess. I get the same result regardless of pulling the audio from the audio jack in the back of the PC or the front, even the same result with audio over HDMI through the monitor speakers. I've reinstalled, uninstalled drivers etc and I'm giving up on it for now, seems I've got a few PC problems to iron out.
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