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N-E Staff
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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate hosts a Melee style tournament, starting today A little bit late on the news posting with this one (I was going to post it the other day) but in another way just in time because it starts today. Three day event, you can only pick Melee characters, stages and items... what's not to love? I even dug out the link to our original review for Super Smash Bros. Melee in the article so check that out if you like. A fantastic event to start Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's second year on the Switch and a good way to raise the series' profile in 2020.
  2. And out of nowhere like a Nintendo Direct announcement, here's an article for our Staff Top Ten Switch Games of 2019. (What do you mean it's 2020 and you didn't ask for this? Well... you've got it anyway and everyone worked hard on it, so please read it) Thanks to @RedShell for the slick Switch-based banner/side graphics. and @Vileplume2000 who had the idea for this article, the passion to write stuff about each game plus he got us all to vote for the games. Also thanks to all N-E Staff who voted, I know not everyone could as not everyone had played that many games, we still ended up with some excellent picks though . (my contribution was making the game banners in the article, putting in some weird 'verdicts' which no one asked for (what?) and getting it uploaded) Yes... I know there are two games for number 10 because that's how the points were allocated and we wouldn't have it any other way. (there might even be some honourable mentions in there as well and links to some reviews of course) Oh and even though I've proof-read this I don't know how many times and fixed a broken banner already, I'll be relying on @Jonnas to spot any errors in the article. (It's practically tradition at this point and thank you for pointing out the errors in the previous articles as some of them were quite significant and it's good to keep things professional) #PrOfessioNal!11!1! Enjoy!
  3. I'd say so, that sounds similar to how I play Pokémon, going into each patch of grass and catching all of the different types before moving on, plus doing a good bit of levelling up. I've still only played six hours or so since getting the game, still in the Wild area as well... I should go back to it. Which starter did you pick? (I went with Grookey just because... Grass Type starter traditions) Let us know if you want the other starters, I'm not in a position to get starter eggs yet (still need a Ditto) but I'm planning on doing so soon as my brother is going to be starting playing Pokémon Shield soon and I said I'd try and get him some starters which gives me a reason to play again plus I'll gladly breed starter Pokémon for anyone else who wants them at the same time. Although... after searching on where/how to get a Ditto, it looks like I'd best get playing as you do have to progress a fair bit before you can get to where Ditto is. I miss the earlier games when you could catch one within the first few hours of starting.
  4. Welcome to the forums @LadyLunaK Being that you're into gaming, are getting more into playing on the Switch and love using forums; I'd say that you've come to the right place. We've got a really fantastic community here at N-Europe and as @londragon has pointed out, the Switch friend codes thread is a great place to start adding people to your Switch friends list as we do play Switch games online quite regularly, at the moment I think we're playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate every Thursday at 9PM so that might be on tonight, there's even Mario Kart League nights which are also on Thursday at 8PM but we're inbetween leagues at the moment. Seeing as Lee has already promoted the N-E Café Podcast (which is our weekly podcast where lots of game discussion takes place along with sales and what everyone has been playing) I'll go ahead and promote A Smashing Cast which is where we play Smash, chat about games and just generally have fun; both are great new additions to the site and we're hoping to double-up our efforts with both of these podcasts plus more this year. I hope you enjoy your stay. Also, it's worth saying that it's great to see two new members sign up to our forums in the past 24 hours as @euroninfan recently joined us as well.
  5. If you want to show the other persons post (like above) then just hit the 'Quote' next to the + symbol at the bottom of their post. If you want to reply to someone by tagging them like... @euroninfan then just type the '@' symbol then start typing the persons user name right after the @ symbol. Some of these functions might not be available to you until you've made a few posts (I think it's ten posts still) but then you'll be able to always reply and quote. - - - - - As for the games, there are a load of games within those genres, let's see if I can find a few titles... Racing Crash Team Racing FAST RMX Horizon Chase Turbo Mario Kart 8 DX Team Sonic Racing Virtua Racing FPS Doom Doom II Doom 3 Doom (2016) Paladins Superhot Turok Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Wolfenstein II Wolfenstein Youngblood Platforming A Hat in Time Celeste Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Kirby Star Allies Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom New Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Shantae series Sonic Forces Super Mario Maker 2 Super Mario Odyssey Yooka-Laylee Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Fighting ACA Neo Geo series ARMS Pokkén Tournament DX River City Girls Raging Justice Samurai Shodown SNK Heroines Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Shmups ALL of them There are really too many to list but that should give you some ideas on where to start.
  6. It's a great console, I'll recommend the same games I posted one page back if you were thinking of buying one... Devil May Cry Trilogy Devil May Cry 5 God of War InFAMOUS Second Son/First Light Resident Evil 2 Shenmue I & II Shenmue III Yakuza series All good games on the PS4, well worth playing.
  7. Welcome to the forum @euroninfan I would say that your best bet is to buy a Nintendo Switch if the cost isn't really a factor in your decision, seeing as you already have a 3DS XL and don't seem too happy with it. There are a load of decent games on the Switch, as you have noticed, there are over 2,000 available so on average you're likely to find some games you'd be interested in. Which games are your favourite type to play? I'm sure we could probably recommend you some games which might help you make a decision. (assuming this is a genuine enquiry of course)
  8. First of all, Happy New Year! Secondly, Shovel Knight! (that's the transition tune) Finally, nicely done on the episode. I've just finished listening to it and I thought you all did really well to put it all together, especially over Christmas and I enjoyed listening to your Demon's Crest talk @Vileplume2000 you really summed up the game well I thought. It is a very divisive game, I can understand why there would be so many different takes on it, personally I enjoyed it back on the Virtual Consoles but I haven't revisited it. I was going to, just to see if my views on the game had changed but I've probably talked about it enough in the past, I still feel that it's an underrated gem though. Thanks for the episode, it was nice to listen to while putting together a certain article for the site which N-E staff members have contributed to, it's a 2019 article really but I think the extra time spent on it makes it still a very worthwhile read for the start of 2020, especially with the rate in which games are coming out for the Switch, so stay tuned for that and here's to the new decade.
  9. Thanks for the games. Oh and Happy New Year!
  10. I've made some good progress with the article, so I'll pop on Twitch for a bit and watch you all play.
  11. I won't be able to join tonight as I'll be finishing writing up a certain article for the main page and I did say that I'd do my best to get it finished before the year is out. But I hope it all goes well and that everyone has a good time though.
  12. Ah OK, then in that case it seems that you do need an account per region, I wasn't sure as I haven't tried to buy anything from any of the other eShops.
  13. I'm not completely certain on this but I think I've heard of people getting a Japanese account (seperate to their main account) to get the Japanese NES and SNES apps plus some region exclusive games and then switching back to their main accounts to play them, the only thing is though you need different currencies on different eShops so that's why you'd probably need the other account. However, if you have no digital currency in your wallet on the eShop before travelling, you should be able to just change the region to wherever you are, so long as you realise that if you change region and you have money from a different currency in your account and then try to buy currency in the new region eShop, I think you'll lose what any unspent currency, but if you're just buying the required amount needed to purchase whichever game you want to buy then this shouldn't be a problem. That's as much as I understand about the whole eShop accounts and region restriction stuff anyway but I reckon @Dcubed would be able to provide a more concise answer. I've just re-read the question though... yes I believe you can still connect to your home eShop while in another country, it depends on which region you choose on your Switch.
  14. I played most of the time with a Pro Controller and didn't have any issues so I don't think you have to worry about mandatory motion controls for the moons. Though I haven't completed it so I don't know for certain.
  15. Nope, it's all or nothing with Yakuza. But it is best to play through them all I hear. @RedShell will probably be able to answer you in more detail being that he's played them all. He'll probably advise you play them all as well though... I'd suggest starting with Yakuza 0 and see how you get on.
  16. Congrats on getting a PS4. I'd recommend... Devil May Cry Trilogy Devil May Cry 5 God of War InFAMOUS Second Son/First Light Resident Evil 2 Shenmue I & II Shenmue III Yakuza series Those are just the obvious games which stick out in the library to me, I'm sure there are plenty of others.
  17. My brother and I just started playing Doom 2016 on Nightmare mode for the first time on the Switch, after an hour and a half trying to beat the first main room we left it. Going just by that, a complete Nightmare mode run on 100% is probably more fun to watch than it is to play, I might even watch it for some tips if no progress has been made. Might just bump the difficulty down a notch though...
  18. I've had trouble with the original dock, I have two though so that when it happens I swap them out, it then works fine and I only swap back when I need to. I don't think the dock is necessarilly broken but what you've described @Aneres11 is exactly what happened to me but if you just have the one dock then it's tricky to diagnose. It's only because I like having the dock set up and keep another one for the times when I want to play Switch multiplayer or just in another room as it's easier. I'm actually about to play some Switch multiplayer now locally which means I'll be using my original dock which last messed up a few months back during Mario Kart night. I'll let you know how it goes but it's usually just annoyingly intermittent, as it will work perfectly for months and then it just stops working properly for seemingly no reason. If it's your only dock then, I know you've probably tried this already and it's a hassle but, just unplug everything, turn the TV off then start reconnecting everything to do with the Switch. Sometimes that works, I'm not sure if it's worth sending the dock in for repair, especially if it's going to cost you, if it isn't though then you don't have anything to lose. Definitely don't send your Switch console in though, it's more likely to just be the dock.
  19. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirits event 'Comfy and Easy to Wear' is now live This event will last for three short days so don't get too comfortable as some of these spirits surely won't be easy and might even wear on your patience. But it will be worth beating them to make your spirit collection complete again, until then you may find you're a few spirits short. OK, that's enough forced short references now, time to cut this post off at the knees. Still, a great theme for the last spirit event of 2019.
  20. The Adventures of Elena Temple: Definitive Edition gets a new trailer The Adventures of Elena Temple: Definitive Edition by developer Grimtalin is available on the Nintendo eShop for £4.49 (£3.59 -20% until 31/12/2019) (plus a discount for anyone who owns the original title) A very enjoyable title even in its original form, we reviewed it last year and the only criticism was that the game could have more replay value... ...this seems to solve that moderate gripe and then some, as there are now two more dungeons and loads of new ways to play. Check the article for the full details and trailer.
  21. Thanks for the games tonight @Glen-i @RedShell & @LazyBoy those were some fun matches. Cheers to everyone for joining in the with King K. Rool madness as well, no idea how the video turned out but will keep you posted.
  22. Is there any chance we could have a few matches as King K. Rool only please? (at least I think that's the idea @LazyBoy is going for) We were going to join and record all the matches, you'd be more than welcome to join us for an off-the-cuff edition of A Smashing Cast over on Discord... I know it's all a bit last minute, will be joining in a minute anyway. No worries if not though, the main thing is just playing a few rounds of Smash and having fun like we usually do.
  23. You know what game I ended up loading up this week at just before 8PM through force of habit... Ah well, at least I'm early for Smash!
  24. Ah, I see you got the artcard set from Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon an excellent film indeed, highly recommended if you don't already own it.
  25. Dark Samus & Richter amiibo figures available to pre-order now at Nintendo Store UK. Go go go!
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