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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hmm I was running Uncharted in 1080i over HDMI... I didn't see any screen tearing, it was just that it froze once near the end of the game when your running away from those "things" (doen't know if that constitutes a spoiler or not) after climbing up the rope, just before the final chapter. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about, I just wondered if anyone else had had any freezing on that game / on their PS3 or on a USA PS3... Also that MGS collection looks nice ^^ I'll probably pick that up before MGS4 comes out, I've only played MGS (Twin Snakes) and MGS 2 once and I haven't even played 3... so yeah I should really pick it up. Other than that theres not much else I want on it atm, however I'm gonna set myself up with a PSN soon and check out the PS store, just as soon as it finishes getting and installing the latest update... >>
  2. Well my first proper play of my USA PS3 was a good one, got Uncharted and completed it in three relatively short sittings but it was enjoyable. My only main gripe with the system so far is that it froze once on Uncharted :S I'm hoping it was just a software issue and not a hardware problem, like I say it's only happened once so *touch wood* it's fine. Making some nice progress in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, was thinking of picking up Ratchet and Clank but then realised I already have more than enough to play on my 360 atm as it is. Watched a Bluray on it, Underworld Evolution... (it came with the machine) good film, average plot, looked and sounded nice though so I can't complain but I know there are much better Blurays out there so I may get some more at some point. Overall though I'm really liking my PS3 and I still haven't even set it up online yet lol must get around to that... The wait until June 12th continues.
  3. Voltage regulator for my USA PS3 came today, works great just watched a trailer on the blu ray that came with it, looks nice, booted up Motorstorm, wasn't impressed, gonna trade it in against Uncharted today. Just booted up Ninja Gaiden Sigma, I already have Ninja Gaiden Black (essentially the same game but with less) anyways, that I like very much. ^^ Overall looks and sounds pretty nice though I'll be looking forward to hooking it up with a HDMI 1.3a lead which should arrive tomorrow (using optical and hdmi cable from 360 atm) but so far I quite like the machine overall.
  4. Just seen this... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/429260 Predictable but still amusing.
  5. Is either version of GTAIV technically superior in any noticable way? word is the 360 version is currently "better" due to exclusive downloadable content, is that correct? (half considering getting GTAIV and want to decide on a format)
  6. Hmm Idk if this helps but it might... http://uk.gamespot.com/features/6148616/p-2.html if it doesn't the only other way I could think of, off the top of my head, would be if you had a new PSP (the one that lets you connect via component or something?) and connect that to a TV capture card, then capture the footage via some generic capture software? If any of that makes sense I'll be amazed but it's the best i can think of off the top of my head.
  7. They seem fine for gaming, I very seldom bother with watching TV and mostly game but even so I would stick with an LCD because my experiences with them have been really good. Each to their own though. *back on topic* Can't wait to see what games look like on my USA PS3 in hopefully a few hours when the voltage regulator arrives (yes I got one following the advice of a fully qualified electrician, I know 90% of people say you don't need one but I've been told theres no harm in using it and may even make the unit last longer *shrugs*) either way I can't wait to play it later. Gonna trade in Motorstorm probably later plus a 360 peripheral to get a copy of Uncharted hopefully.
  8. Ah so it's still probably best to get the US ltd ed of MGS4 anyway?
  9. Ah right, so even though I have a USA PS3 (which I should be playing properly for the first time tomorrow) I should still preferably go for buying UK games? Which is fine as it's region free for PS3 games as far as I'm aware but region locked for downloadable content? hmm ok, I'll go for the Pal version then, thanks Owen.
  10. I may be getting this, considering trading in Motorstorm and an xbox 360 peripheral that I don't use anymore for it, I may play Motorstorm first briefly but tbh I think uncharted is more my type of game.
  11. Anyone know the best place to pre-order the USA version of MGS4 ltd ed?
  12. I think plasmas / projection tv's are the worst potentially affected with burn in. and LCD is supposed to be the most resistant, afaik, but yes it could well be a serious problem.
  13. http://www.ulillillia.us/images/vgSS/S3K007.jpg ^ Sonic passed act image http://static.flickr.com/109/280351824_57aeba9404_o.jpg ^ Final Fantasy lvl up image? (has no idea what one looks like)
  14. Google image search is you friend failing that, search for "videogame sprite archives" or something, have a look you may be surprised.
  15. S.C.G

    SC IV

    Hmm but Suda 51 (who is involved with NMH) was involved with Killer 7 yes? also made by Grasshopper who are owned by Capcom (I assumed) who also published the game, thats why I grouped TT under Capcom. Anyways my point was it would be a character from a different game appearing in SCIV if it happened so I'm not sure where they would stand on it. *back on topic* If all the Wii is gonna get from the SC series is another legends game then they might as well not bother, a new fighting game made specifically for Wii would be better but I doubt that will happen due to poor sales of SC Legends.
  16. S.C.G

    SC IV

    Actually that would pwn, not sure how Capcom would feel about lending one of their characters to Namco though but I'm sure it could be done.
  17. S.C.G

    SC IV

    Still it would have been a better idea for them to have made a cut-down version of SCIV with gesture controls for Wii rather than the travesty that was legends. Heck they could have even had Luke Skywalker or something as an exclusive Star Wars character.
  18. Cos I cba to phone em anyways it doesn't matter now because apparently it's not just about the difference in voltage, there are some other factors too, the person who's advising against using it without a voltage converter is a more than qualified electrician and most of the time is right anyway. So I'm getting the adaptor whether I need it or not, the upside is running it with the adaptor should in theory make the console last longer anyway as the insides of USA consoles are made to completely different standards than UK ones so I guess running it at it's original intended voltage will help. Anyways gonna order it tomorrow then I can run my PS3 through it "safely" and get to the important part... Playing the damn machine! Roll on June 12th! *edit* Also, wheres the best place to buy USA PS2 games and Blurays from besides eBay? I may get the majority of the ones I want from there but just wanted to know if there are any good import sites for them.
  19. I know lol but hopefully the confirmation from SCEA will be enough and if not then I'll just have to run it through the converter that I'll be supplised with not that there will be anything to convert but heh nm. :P
  20. I'm not, just got some people to convince, anyways I found this... http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=274798 (has picture of the internal power supply) and this... http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=4908&ref=y (article contains official confirmation by SCEA -that the power supply is universal) quote "We have confirmation from SCEA now that the power supply inside the Playstation 3 is, in fact, universal. The power supply supports 100 to 240 volts at 50 to 60 Hertz, which is useable in all modern power grids -- including Europe. Although European markers require a different physical plug for their infrastructure, there is no need to replace the power supply." So in theory all should be fine now. *update* E-mailed SCEA quoting what they said in the article, hopefully they'll confirm it for me. *awaits reply*
  21. Bleh... I may have to open it up then to confirm it *sigh* so pointless and needless though, I've looked for official confirmation too which would save me from opening it up, if anyone finds official confirmation let me know, otherwise I may just use a voltage converter even though it's needless...
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