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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday Lukelee! ^^
  2. Wakey wakey, Eggs 'n bakey... [/KillBill] It's not real bacon but turkey bacon, the egg though I can assure you is genuine, I started to eat it with a knife and fork which I then quickly abandonned in favour of folding it into a sandwich and chomping down on it pro-style, it was nice.
  3. Purgatory Pizza http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/488241 Pretty decent original flash.
  4. Excellent, absolute must purchase then well tbh it was allready before but having something to aim for just makes it better somehow plus I've allready got 1000 G on it so I'm ready for a new challenge. : peace: I am right in thinking that the 'Slayer' mode is basically four player mercenaries right? I'm just contemplating how awesome that will be atm.
  5. Will the versus DLC add any extra achievements?
  6. With any luck, next time Nintendo will make a console of their own that's HD capable so hopefully no need to partner with either of their rivals anyway it's pointless me even saying this because Nintendo will do something completely different regardless and I wouldn't have it any other way. All I know is that as long as Nintendo keep making decent 'core' games then I'll keep buying and enjoying them.
  7. *confused* the DS Ware store will be accessible from the DSi just like Wii Ware is from the Wii surely? So no need for a PC where purchasing stuff is concerned.
  8. I kept my name simple, in similar fashion to mcj Metroid actually as S.C.G is merely my initials, as an abbriviation I think it flows 'ok-ish' not as good as some but not bad, on the subject of names I'm just as happy to be called Sam if people find it easier to type than my initials with the dots inbetween lol. Anyway back on topic, I think the first one is better D666 but at the end of it all no matter what we all think it's still your choice so just choose the one that you like the best and let the mods do the rest, simple.
  9. I'm gonna be getting one (possibly early but not likely) from my local independant retailer who will be getting limited stocks but I'm gonna check back there and pre-order as soon as I can which will apparently be a week today lol so not so much a pre-order as holding one back I guess but it's the only thing they can do due to limited stocks. Anyway all will be cool as long as the DSi I get doesn't have any dead pixels, I'm really hoping they will have improved things on that front by now.
  10. So I downloaded Pearl Jam : Ten for this today and I'm loving it so far, a good few of the tracks are actually quite challenging to sing, not sure how they play on the Guitar or Drums yet as I haven tried but so far it's all good.
  11. When I said exclusives I wasn't just talking about Nintendo developed ones... of course the main reason why I bought a Wii was for Nintendo games but I also bought one to experience exclusives from third parties as well. I agree though, Nintendo are in a league of their own when it comes to their own big-name titles.
  12. I'm amazed he survived tbh, wouldn't you suffer serious blood loss from doing something like that? I'd imagine it to be like opening up an artery because well, a lot of blood flows to that point at times lol.
  13. Expectations will be pretty high for RE6 whenever it surfaces but for now I'm more than happy with what Capcom have achieved as far as making it fun to play is concerned because I have played this game for what two weeks now? or however long it is since it came out and it's provided me with one of the most engrossing and enjoyable experiences from a game of this generation.
  14. I like to keep things simple, what I use all of my consoles for boils down to this... Wii = Exclusives + VC games PS3 = TV, Blu-rays and the occasional exclusive retail game Xbox 360 = Exclusives + Multiformat platform of choice plus Arcade and DVD's I can't see this changing any time soon for me. :P
  15. I had no problems with the story, it was more epic than 4's as well as being more 'cannon' to the series, the only problem I have is that in a lot of ways it just isn't as good as Resi 4... but the improvements it does bring are welcome and it's a very enjoyable game, I'll be interested to see how much of an overhaul the series gets for Resident Evil 6 though.
  16. I couldn't resist either... Happy Birthday Ike! ^^
  17. Cancel and somehow subtly hint that you would prefer a white one over black, these things can be changed.
  18. That's pretty sad assuming it's not BS as Sega exclusives for the Wii (both produced and published titles) have on the whole been decent.
  19. The Dark Knight Decent film if somewhat predictable, Heath Ledger's excellent performance as the joker was definitely the high-point of the film for me. 8/10
  20. Today it was Omlette for lunch... Made with loads of leftover veg, bacon, onion and served with a side of Alfalfa Sprouts and Lettuce.
  21. Damages : Season 2 Episode lolz Good episode, the plot thickens and the series seems to keep getting better. 9/10
  22. I'm considering getting back into this... any tips? I'm pretty much still a 'noob' at it as I've only completed it with two characters on Medium... >>
  23. I'm inclined to agree here, after playing the game to death for around two weeks now it just doesn't have the same feel to it that Resi 4 did... but I did really enjoy it a lot I've played through it four times and I think the difference is that with Resi 4 when you played through it again each subsequent play still felt kinda fresh whereas with Resi 5 it seems to feel 'old' after the second playthrough; still enjoyable, just more predictable. However I do like the co-op system but I hope they return to single player for the next title and keep the co-op to where it truly shines and that for me is in mercenaries mode, either way though it's still a decent game but expectations are going to be that much higher for the next one. Also... Fuck yeah! 1000 G get. :awesome:
  24. S.C.G

    GDC 2009

    Echoing what I said in the Other Consoles variant of this thread... I'm anticipating NOTHING... therefore I won't be dissapointed but I may be pleasantly surprised.
  25. So the new FF:CC game is out this Friday, anyone getting it?
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