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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Do eeeeeet naaaaaow!
  2. Yeah the Sega classics menu is Bollocks! it's only to prevent you from 'cheating' with the level select codes because in theory you could - shock horror! - obtain the allready piss-easy achievements with even less effort... It's truely laughable.
  3. Dear god... I only just now bothered to view the trailer... :/ thoughts... it could be ok, but is 'ok' really good enough for Konami when they could be investing time and money more wisely by making sequels to stuff that most of us really want such as Castlevania or Rocket Knight Adventures?
  4. Well I am now considered to be an 'ideal weight' on Wii-Fit though I must stress when I got the result it was on the line but still, the right side of the line so I'm still happy. ^^' I'm not gonna get complacent though and say 'Well that's it, my BMI says ideal so I'm done' far from it... I know that I need to be at least a fair bit into the ideal area in order to maintain a healthy weight; this new reading means that I've put on 2lbs since the weekend which is really good for me, especially considering that it was Tuesday yesterday - my longer day at work - and I would have burnt more calories than normal. It's a good start anyway and proves that I must be doing at least something right finally.
  5. Hmm I can't really comment on whether I agree with the order or not, having only listened to about half of those but I was probably most impressed by Hounds of Love more than any of the other albums, Idk why but Lionheart just seemed really good as well because it was so different from her first album... maybe I'm a bit bias though because I love the album cover. :p It's funny though because although you've listed it as her 'worst' album that still doesn't make it bad by any means as they are all pretty damn good, it's just order of preference I don't really have an order yet, it's not possible, but I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of her albums; today it shall be the last four tracks from Hounds of Love on the way into work and then at least the first four tracks from The Sensual World on the way home.
  6. Happy Birthday guys! ^^
  7. Currently working my way through the entire Kate Bush discography and I must say I'm really enjoying it I'm up to Hounds of Love atm, probably my favourite album so far along with Lionheart though tbf I've liked them all so far. After going from having just a best of CD to an entire collection though, I feel that the title of her best of The Whole Story couldn't be any more misleading because after hearing many of her albums it's clear that the best of is merely half the story if that I'd still recommend it though to any one who's interested in listening to some of her work as it's a nice introduction. I'm still in no way really familiar with her as an artist though, will need to listen to her a good deal more I think, but I'm glad I decided to start properly listening because she's produced some really stunning tracks, even if some of it is an aquired taste.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that GP *big hugs* we lost one of our cats about a month ago, it sucks when it happens because it's always sad to lose a pet, especially when they get put down but at least you know that they won't suffer any pain anymore.
  9. Only if you are really into the genre, if not then I honestly would not bother.
  10. Prime 3's worlds weren't empty, they were just diluted little bit too much but they still had many moments of uniqueness that would shine through. Echoes worlds were often like a glass that was half-filled with liquid, sometimes they would feel half-empty, sometimes half-full but never quite in the same way as the first even though it still had moments of genius. The original Prime's worlds were gaming brilliance distilled to their purest form, never compromising anything be that either good or bad from the players perspective with a view to backtracking but either way you looked at it, there was a vast, meticulously designed overworld to explore that I personally never tired of journeying across many a time.
  11. Aside from the lack of pepper... I wholeheartedly approve Ashley those nacho's look absolutely nom!
  12. The highlight musically in Echoes was in Torvus, in the underground / underwater part where they re-used the Norfair(?) theme from Super Metroid, other than that though, the original Prime is better audibly.
  13. Hehe yeah, classic moment.
  14. Truth, when my weight isn't going the way I want it to I just do something extra that day to try and make it go the other way but you're right that there's no point in obsessing over it and worrying but being just that little bit more aware until things are going your way again does help. Well done Nicktendo! that's actually around the weight I'm aiming for, well ideally a few lbs over 9st but I'll be happy with 9st.
  15. Excellent... when you get it working properly.
  16. Thanks Raining I agree with the daily monitoring, it's good as you always know where you stand be it good or bad, personally it keeps me motivated and even though I get annoyed when things aren't going so well it just makes me want to try harder even if I end up maybe missing out a days weighing just to spite Wii-Fit... I believe that you can do it Raining! You may feel rather frustrated atm but just look back at what you've achieved so far you've worked really hard getting to the point you're at now and we all believe that you will reach your goal; so keep at it as I'm sure you will and remember that we are all here for you through the good times and the bad. ^^
  17. Well I've been weighing myself almost every day on Wii-Fit now for a week... first 4 days I seemed to put a small amount of weight on, like a 1lb or 2lb over those few days but then I lost about 1lb over the next two days but today I've put 1lb on, no wonder i've never really put any weight on for so long. :/ But still I am at least making progress of sorts... and yes I am weighing myself at the same time each day, in the morning before breakfast and at least because I'm monitoring my weight most days I can try and do something about it rather than ignoring it as I had been doing previously.
  18. Truth lol and tbh this could have gone in the "Funny video's, flash games etc" thread but nvm.
  19. They have allready said that they will link them both when S&K comes along or thereabouts... the only question is if they will add extra achievements, which they should and leaderboards for the combined games at the very least.
  20. Well if we are comparing it to a gym membership then yeah lol just buy EA sports active will work out cheaper in the long run.
  21. I seem to be playing this every other day now but for a good stretch each time, my favourite end battle comment of the moment has to be...
  22. Meh those achievements are easy I hope they add some extra achievements when they add the dlc to combine the two...
  23. Don't worry Nathan, the password is here...
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