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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Tbf it's all pretty redundant, cinemas use whatever high-end equipment that they have, if you go to a cinema and pay for a ticket then you're accepting that the picture quality is good enough to pay for and it is; plus when most people go to the cinema they won't be complaining about the picture quality, they will be watching the film and enjoying the atmosphere. As for value for money, if you allready have a Blu-Ray player at home then of course waiting for the film to come out on disc is better value, you don't get a cinema-sized screen to watch it on but arguably you don't need it if it's just you watching it. Arguing over things that really don't matter when you're viewing it on a cinema screen is trivial, it's not gonna look the same as it would on your HDTV at home, you probably get a better picture overall on a decent HDTV but it's not as big so it's merely a trade-off... Some people prefer to go to the cinema and find the picture quality acceptable, personally I don't... but that's because I live in Cornwall where a lot of the cinema's are still using old projectors, afaik there are only one or two that use new projectors so if you live anywhere where they are standard atm then consider yourself lucky, go and see w/e films you want to see and stop complaining. I'll only go to the cinema if I'm absolutely desperate to see a new film, which doesn't happen often at all; I dislike our local cinema because the screen has faults in it - absolutely unacceptable Imo - and it's usually full of idiots who don't know how to stfu... so I'll stick to dvd's for now and the odd blu-ray thanks, at least I know what kind of quality to expect when watching films at home.
  2. Agreed, there is a fine line between confidence and plain arrogance and he's clearly taken a running jump clean over it... hopefully he'll land flat on his 'perfect' face one day and realise that he's not all that.
  3. If the work of art is called "Pharmacy" then it's flawed... you don't got to a Pharmacy to buy pencils you go to WH Smiths.
  4. The words necessary wouldn't leave my mouth. And as the water filled my mouth, it couldn't wash the echoes out
  5. Review is all written-up allready, because I'm that awesome... :awesome: It'll be up on-site soon-ish when the graphics are finalised, I can only hope that I've done the trilogy justice in my review but I'll let you all decide that :p damn though... it's such an awesome collection and I love it so much.
  6. The review is coming along nicely now, everything is falling into place and I'm just enjoying piecing it all together. I'm glad to see that people are allready enjoying playing through it, there is so much to love about this trilogy and it definitely warrants purchase even if you've played them all before; it's the perfect excuse as if you ever needed one though.
  7. With a start, I woke up again Realising it was a dream, much to my disdain So I got out of bed, and caught the first train But halfway down the journey, I developed a migrain. It gets louder and louder, inside my brain
  8. Oh god... now usually this would be a no-brainer but... it isn't even though it is hmm... I'm gonna listen to both, I've heard them before but still I need to be sure so verdict in a moment. ----------------------------------------------------------- Tori Amos... Though I do actually love both tracks but there can be onllllly one winner so yeah... [/decision]
  9. Shamefully I lol'd at that...
  10. I'd say stay put, that way you can still get a job in retail for the moment, you have no immediate overheads to worry about and you'll have more money left to spend / save how you like in theory.
  11. You just flick the Wii remote upwards basically...
  12. Indeed, I don't regret buying it though because there are some really nice tracks on there anyway, other music I've listened today aside from Ladyhawke includes... Bjork Homogenic & Vespertine Kate Bush Aerial disc 1 atm and in one tracks time... disc 2 All relistens and all very much worthwhile.
  13. 1152x864... aww yeah! :awesome:
  14. I must admit, I'd prefer if this new technology were properly built into HDTV's as standard to avoid having to wear 'special' glasses everytime I want to play a game - how awkward would that be ffs? :/ - but at the same time it's not really a massive selling point, just a bonus for those who choose to buy a new HDTV when it becomes standard.
  15. Glad to hear that you decided to pick it up GP even if you only play it in short bursts - though it's better to play it to death for a week - you'll still get loads of enjoyment out of it I'm sure and like you say, it's there for you to play when you feel like it.
  16. Then Omnigel restores magical abilities in certain classes then? still essential...
  17. Don't accept this 'delayed' rubbish that they are spinning people in some retail stores, Play.com has stock of it right now so that can't be true. http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/10360732/Metroid-Prime-Trilogy/Product.html
  18. Firstly, Omnigel is necessary in Mass Effect - for healing I believe? - Secondly, the Red Star in Super Mario Galaxy allows you to earn a star by collecting Red Coins by way of flying... Hardly pointless I'd say...
  19. Ladyhawke... some of the tracks I really liked a lot but Idk... it didn't blow me away from first listen :/ she shows a decent amount of promise as an artist though and it'll be interesting to see which direction she goes in next but ultimately, a little overhyped, though I do love the album artwork.
  20. Buy it, Play it, Love it... Metroid Prime will never let you down. Wow... reviewing this is proving harder than I thought, I'll get it done and up on-site soon though, admitedly it's more a review of the collection then of the games themselves but there will be parts that reflect a little on each game, either way it's a fantastic package so expect it to score highly.
  21. Exactly... I'm in the same position, I've had a Samsung for about 4 years or so now and it's more than adequate and while 1080p would be nice for my next set, there will most likely be further advancements in HDTV in 2010 so it may well be worth holding on for a bit and seeing what happens.
  22. Omfg look, three Polar Bears! Omfg look, three Polar Bears! Omfg look, three Polar Bears! So good that it bears repeating... [/shamelessley stolen from Rez]
  23. What a load of bollocks... so he takes a load of everyday objects, sticks them on some elaborate shelves and then suddenly the total value of this random crap adds up to 10 million just because it's organised? This isn't true art, in fact it makes a mockery of the whole concept... it's a pack of pencils! get the fuck over it, and yourself for that matter... [/Rant]
  24. Mmm promising indeed... but with that said, most - including myself - will need to buy a new HDTV with a high enough refresh rate which will make some people wonder if it is in-fact worth it for a mere visual 'enhancement' afterall it doesn't actually add anything new to the gameplay, the games will still play the same but will have an extra dimension to them. Regardless, it's worth keeping an eye on, personally I am considering a HDTV upgrade sometime next year maybe so this will no doubt be a nice 'bonus' for doing so.
  25. Damn... I hope we start stocking them at Tesco soon, we'll probably have them on offer if so, three for £1 or something, anyway... as soon as I see one I will most likely partake in this Wispa Gold buying craze.
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