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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Aww nvm Flinkeh *man-hugs!* hope that today turns out to be better for you.
  2. That's not exactly what I mean... ok so in a boss battle, lets say there is a certain boss that requires you to use different beams on it, which changes rapidly while it's changing you can have the cursor hovering in the area of the beam you think you're gonna need - you can predict the pattern sometimes - and then it changes, you let go of the button, which changes to the desired beam and you're ready! It's probably not that easy to justify but I know what I mean... it's also easier to have the icons on-screen rather than having to remember a designated direction on a stick, plus there is one less movement because for the power-beam you just keep it in the middle. :p
  3. Time to get the glove out again... >.>
  4. No it doesn't... and hmm I thought we told you don't you ever come around here? Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear... There's fire in my eyes and my words are really clear, so beat it! just beat it! J/k here's the full setlist though for your viewing pleasure. http://www.destructoid.com/guitar-hero-5-s-entire-setlist-exposed-141959.phtml
  5. Then the slow lip of fire moves across the prairie with precision And every spectator falls victim to immediate superstition While, somewhere, with your pliers and glue you make your first incision
  6. Shhh! don't tell Dyson that, he'll end up hating it! lol I kid, I kid... :p Also I noticed that at certain points in the symphony they seem to make reference to days of past glory... Let's start over again Why can't we start it over again? Just let us start it over again And we’ll be good This time we’ll get it... We'll get it right It's our last chance to forgive ourselves Idk maybe it's just me, but I'm sure I've heard those bolded lyrics before, I was sure that there was another in one of the first two parts of the symphony but maybe I was mistaken though according to several lyrics list they even make reference to their name though I'm not sure if this is accurate... Spread our codes to the stars, You muse rescue us all, Was pretty sure that word was 'must' but come to think of it I'm sure I heard their name in it somewhere, anyway just mere observations is all.
  7. He was a living legend... R.I.P Patrick Swayze
  8. Precisely sumo73 - welcome to the forums btw - 3D should be considered as nothing more than a nice bonus atm, once they start implementing the technology into TV sets in a year or two (or whatever) as standard, maybe then it will be an extra appreciated element to entertainment but it's certainly not essential by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. S.C.G


    Same, it's not top of my list or anything but I could certainly see myself buying it at some point if the gameplay is decent and the price is right.
  10. *digs out post from Metroid prime Trilogy thread* I rest my case...
  11. Actually I find the new method easier and in some cases it allows you to switch to whichever required beam ahead of time, very useful indeed.
  12. Wait... you've never listened to Showbiz Coolness? I can't wait till you actually give it a listen, I think you may be pleasantly surprised by the album.
  13. Yes, Yes and Yes! but I'm also really liking the Exogenesis Symphony as well, though I don't think of it as the next Knights of Cydonia because it's completely different, though if any track is the next Cydonia for me then it'd be Unnatural Selection which is another favourite, because think about it... it's almost as long, has quite an epic feel to it overall, a change in pace towards the end which then builds up to a satisfying finish. Though really comparing it to Knights of Cydonia is silly really because they are different tracks entirely in actuality, but... just an observation.
  14. Showbiz! I absolutely love that album there are a lot of good tracks in there, some of my favourite Muse tracks even. --------------------------------------------------- Nearing the end of my third listen of The Resistance and as much as I still know Muse are capable of more I can't help but appreciate what they've done on this album, a lot of it is very nicely done indeed and there are one or two tracks that have now become firm favourites. 8/10
  15. Haha, I actually listened to that about a month or two ago when it come on randomly via Last.FM and while it's not one of my favourite songs or anything I did kinda enjoy it at the time, think it was the vague nostalgia-value. ------------------------------------ Giving The Resistance its third listen already It's gradually growing on me, quicker than I expected though. Nooo... Screenager is awesome! haha well I guess everyone has their favourite and not-so liked tracks even on albums as awesome as OOS.
  16. Yeah, I completely get why you singled that track out now, it's easily the weakest track on the album and the one I would choose to remove... and I suppose you could say that if you absolutely had to remove a track from OOS then maybe Micro Cuts would be that track for you? Personally I wouldn't mess with any of OOS as I love all the tracks but as for The Resistance... yeah I'd be much happier if Guiding Light just wasn't on it. :/
  17. After listening to The Resistance by Muse for the second time on my MP3 player I actually like it a lot more than I did from my first initial listen; it's actually pretty accomplished on a technical level and I appreciate more what the band have set out to do even if I still don't like all of it... Guiding Light for instance still doesn't sit right with me and I feel that if one track had to be removed from the album then that would be it because for me it adds nothing whereas the rest of the tracks at least introduce some sort of new dynamic to the album. It's a decent middle-of-the-road album and it's definitely growing on me for the most-part but again, as much as I like it overall I don't love it but it's still very enjoyable indeed and not the travesty that some might claim it to be... I do however look forward to them releasing a better album next time around because they are still capable of much more, but as it stands. 7.5/10
  18. Everlong... easiest decision ever.
  19. That was a really awesome match, can't wait for the next.
  20. So let me get this straight... this new 2D Sonic game that is being created just happens to have been dubbed 'Project Needlemouse' by Sega and yet some fans of Sonic have been working on a similar project with the same name? hence the confusion... this is my current understanding of things.
  21. This wouldn't happen to be the car boot that happens weekly at Rosudgen(sp?) would it YYG?
  22. Then the slow lip of fire moves across the prairie with precision
  23. Don't worry Coolness I'm sure you'll be just fine - the Welsh aren't that scary - also, that was a rather entertaining post.
  24. That the meteorite is a source of the light And the meteor's just what we see If you see light, don't walk to it! Just flee And the meteoroid is a stone that's devoid of the fire that propelled it to thee
  25. Having now listened to The Resistance by Muse I can now confidently say that I like it, however I don't love it... The singles such as Uprising and USOE do sound better on the album but that doesn't change the fact that they aren't that brilliant, infact if I'm quite honest I would cut the album in half and just have the following as these are the standout tracks for me... Resistance Unnatural Selection MK Ultra Exogenesis Symphony, Pt. I - Overture Exogenesis Symphony, Pt. II - Cross-Pollination Exogenesis Symphony, Pt. III - Redemption If the album was just the above tracks - possibly adding one more - I would most likely score it 8/10 but as it is, it gets a 7/10 from me atm. :/ This may seem a little harsh to some but I think the album would be better this way because as for Undisclosed Desires it's good but not great, Guiding Light I just can't warm to and while I Belong To You is brilliantly sung, the lyrics aren't that brilliant. Of course this is just my opinion and only from first listen but it's pretty undeniable that this album is a mixed bag, some of it is genuinely decent whereas the rest meanders in terms of quality. Verdict : It's good but Muse are capable of much more.
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