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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Shredding is awesome! ... Oh right, not that type of shredding then... >.>'
  2. I'm probably the only person who prefers it because it seems to represent the game better rather than people looking at the PAL version's box-art and thinking "wtf is that about then?" also I like the way that the NTSC Shadow of the Colossus artwork colour scheme seems more 'earthy' than the 'greeny' Pal version. Either way, it's still the same games inside and I just can't wait to finally play them. : peace:
  3. Still playing career mode on and off... Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down is pretty fun but Send A Little Love Token by The Duke Spirit... meh. Mirror People by Love And Rockets not bad... Comedown by Bush reasonably good... Never Miss A Beat by Kasier Chiefs lyrically it's nothing... yet it's fun to play. Dancing With Myself quite fun to play Shout It Out Loud by Kiss not so much...
  4. On teh Grunch's recommendation I got... Ico (NTSC) and... Shadow of the Colossus (NTSC) The two games that I feel the most guilty about missing out on last gen, so I'm catching up on them before the third games comes out.
  5. Gamers are indeed greedy this generation, some moreso than others, some understandably in some respects and some who have a greed that has quite literally consumed them... Where do I put myself? well... I would say I'm a little greedy but on the understandable side, I have a Wii, 360, PS3 and a DSi, I also had a PSP - twice - and sold it; now I own all of these consoles because deep down I know that each has absolutely brilliant exclusive titles. My main greedy gripe however is that how long it takes for some of these titles to appear, in Nintendo's case I understand because I wouldn't want them to rush their big titles as they always deliver but at the same time I cannot and will not sit down idly and do nothing as I wait, that would be nonsensical. No instead I mainly turn to the Xbox 360 for my gaming needs because although it rarely has exclusive games that are comparable in gameplay quality to Nintendo's efforts, it does have a steady flow of games that doesn't ever seem to dry up whereas I'd put the PS3 somewhere inbetween, there is quality there but a lot of it just isn't for me but some of the bigger titles I have obtained a huge amount of enjoyment from for the week or two long periods that I have played them. Looking at the non-retail aspect however things vary from week to week, on the Wii we have a mostly steadly influx of Virtual Console titles but sometimes these either aren't very good or people have allready played them though the weeks where a somewhat legendary title or two surfaces are brilliant plus we have had a lot of previously unreleased titles such as Sin and Punishment which is even getting its own retail-based Wii sequel! which many including myself are very happy about indeed. On the 360 there is a lot of stuff that hits the XBLA regularly including a lot of original arcade experiences though there are a lot of older games that get re-released which have allready been on the Wii's VC for - in some cases - years... the PS3 also has good exclusive downloadable games though these seem less frequent than say on the 360 and lets not forget Wiiware as that has provided us with a reasonable amount of downloadable goodness thus far, the DSiware... not so much but it's getting there, needs moar liek Flipnote! We are most definitely spoiled this generation though and this is easily evidenced by peoples huge backlog of games! I for one have more unfinished games than I could have imagined and I'm not very hopeful for finishing them all, on top of this I'm catching up on some PS2 games that I missed back in the day and to put it quite simply it's overwhelming... I am happy though that I still have time for games despite having a job - part-time hours - which some people find even that hard to juggle so I'm quite pleased in that respect, but if I had any more commitments in my life I think I would find it hard to game as much as I do now even though it's nowhere near as much as I used to! So for now I'm going to continue enjoying my reasonably commitment-free life and getting in as much game-time as I can, while I still can... starting now! :p
  6. ODST will sell more because it's Halo which equals a lower pre-order price / RRP. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 will sell well but not as fast as anything Halo, hence the higher pre-order price / RRP. This is how it seems to work in the world of retail, it's the only explanation I've been able to come up with anyway.
  7. Being that you live in Cornwall, I know of a shop that would have broke the street date if it's the one I'm thinking of I could have got a copy of it too but I'm gonna leave it for a bit.
  8. 'Do a columbo!' Classic ep.
  9. Welcome to the forums!
  10. Blatant untruths! :p I'm not gonna rattle of a list but just no, not the best year for music certainly but shit? surely not... [/My Opinion]
  11. Pearl Jam are indeed awesome, Ten in particular is an excellent album... Evvvvven Flooow, thoughts arrive like butterfliiiiies, oh he don't knoooow, so he chases them away yeah, ohhh some day yettt, he'll begin his life agaaaain, oh whispering hands, they lead him awaaaay, him awaaaay, him awaaaaaaaaaay --------------------------------- I spent last night / this morning on a beach with my brother / friends and a good deal of music was listened to during this time, on the way there a bit of Superunknown by Soundgarden which is a solid and enjoyable album... then on the beach round a fire as we were cooking Lamb burgers someone requested Rabbit Heart (Raise it up!) which I found stupidly appropriate given some of the lyrics in the song :p anyway Florence + The Machine continued to be played until the portable speakers we were using decided to die a death - they do this from time to time, will get a more reliable pair. We had tents but I knew I wouldn't get any sleep so I just listened to YS by Joanna Newsom which was another thoroughly enjoyable listen, plus combined with the calmness of the ocean inbetween each track just made it even more blissful... there was still much time to pass however and so I finally got around to giving Horse And I by Bat For Lashes a fair trial and lets just say it exceeded my expectations. On the journey back more Soundgarden and some Muse and now I'm just sitting back and enjoying Dry by PJ Harvey once more.
  12. Just caught up with this on 4oD... an enjoyable first episode for the latest series with a good few amusing moments.
  13. My thoughts exactly... it wasn't funny at all and I don't condone it being posted in this thread, but neither do I condone the actions of the individuals in that video, what they were doing was wrong but I don't think people getting blown up, regardless of where they are from is funny, not in the slightest... I'm just glad that kid got away safely, maybe this'll be an eye-opener for him, who knows... either way it's wrong for adults to get children to assist in the making of bombs, just plain wrong.
  14. Happy Birthday to 'the two 'Tendo's' Nicktendo and Nintendohnut who's bithdays it is today! hope you both have a great day! also mentions to the other six? people on the forum who's birthday it is today to but who don't seem to post I think? but yeah Happy Birthday anyway.
  15. Thanks for the scans Dante this keeps looking better each time I see it.
  16. Different, more varied setlist - good and bad - Jump-In, Jump-Out party Mode, Shred with 4 Guitars or any combination of instruments apparently... Rockefest Mode, Import GHWT DLC into GH5 - for a price - and use your own avatar in-game. There are other improvements but those are the most notable, hope this helps.
  17. I agree, it's not the best thing I've heard but I certainly enjoyed it. --------------------------------------- Anyway to stay on topic... My favourite part was... 'Don't cry. Beyonce will win next year'. XD
  18. Haha that was awesome it makes the Sonic cartoons actually vaugely watchable, are there more?
  19. For all the good songs on here there are so many that are just not fun to play or sing at all for me, just played David Bowie's 'Fame' and it's just so dull... :/ Cigarettes, Wedding Bands by Band Of Horses... thing that struck me about this track is that I'd just like to get rid of it and replace it with some Biffy Clyro... maybe not to everyone's taste but at least some classic Biffy would be a bit more interesting than this. Btw I know there are some good tracks in this game, I'm just playing through the story being slowly bored by a good few of the songs and choosing to pick these out for their blandness. My Woman From Tokyo by Deep Purple now that's more like it, shame it's the '99 remix but still, enjoyable. Under Pressure by Queen / David Bowie and Sex On Fire by Kinga Of Leon now those are fun to sing, why couldn't they just have more like that? ah well, take the rough with the smooth I guess... :p
  20. And yet... I've had mine for about three years and nothing has gone wrong with it at all, having said that, next year I will be consdering getting a new TV if the price is right and it will most likely be a Sony depending on what they manage to being to the HDTV market next year.
  21. 'Don't touch the dead bees in the window-sill!
  22. haha, I've just realised, despite loving the song and hearing it countless times, I hadn't actually seen the video to Everlong... ever! until now... just seen it and it's awesome. yeah yeah I know... 'welcome to 1995' etc... w/e if anyone else hasn't seen it before then give it a watch if you feel like it.
  23. Happy Birthday Skunky, Colin annnnnnnnd... The Villan! this is for you... Yep, the video to Everlong and believe it or not I've never seen it before now despite hearing the song countless times - I think the video is brilliant - anyway Happy Birthday! hope you've had a good day.
  24. A few months ago I would have probably voted for Everlong without question and believe it or not I was still considering doing so today... Although I have only started listening to Tori Amos recently, a lot of her music has become very powerful to me - Cornflake Girl especially - now, a lot of Foo Fighters music is powerful to me too - especially Everlong - but having said that it's still not my favourite track but it's definitely one of them... to be fair I think I'm with Flinky in that I prefer My Hero overall because it conveys more raw emotion and feels more powerful overall. It's not as if I'm ignoring the Foo's in preference to newer - to me - artists in fact just the other week I listened to The Colour And The Shape in full, granted it had been a little while since I'd last listened to it but overall I've played it a fuckload more times that I've ever played Tori Amos and they will most likely continue to outrank her in plays for a while yet as I have a fair few I believe. But really this isn't a fix, I halted my decision because I genuinely needed some time to think about which to choose :/ now if I had just voted for Tori as soon as the thread opened then I think that would definitely say something that I was maybe 'over' the Foo's but I could not and would not do that because that is definitely not the case... hell no.:p Dave Grohl is a legend to me no matter what anyone says but Tori Amos now occupies a special place in my heart too.
  25. Ok... but that's your choice this is a game and I don't see why you feel the need to take my decision so personally... Let me get this straight, I Love Everlong... I always have and I always will, it's one of my favourite Foo Fighters tracks and I have loved it for the past 'x' amount of years. But I also love Cornflake Girl because it to - just like Everlong - is a brilliant and well crafted song but I would be lying to myself if I voted for Everlong because I love Cornflake Girl that little bit more despite having only recently discovered it. Do you think I took this decision lightly? Did I fuck... I've listened to Everlong many times and played / sung along with it a good few times as well, when The Colour And The Shape became available for download on Rock Band I was probably one of the first there to download it just so that I could appreciate singing along to Everlong in its full glory as part of the album. Listening to Cornflake Girl though has made me realise that up until the past few months of this year, I'd been living a very sheltered life music-wise and as much as I love the Foo Fighters I love other bands / artists as well that I've discovered recently equally as much and some just that little bit more. It's not as if by voting for either track that I'd be claiming that it's the 'best song ever' because even with the varied selection we have had in Music Wars it all still makes up only a small percentage of the brilliant music that's out there and I don't want to stand still and watch it all pass me by, many days, weeks, months of my life have been dedicated to listening to the Foo's and while they still hold a special place in my heart they do not fill it for there is far more room in there for other bands, to love just one is to deny many other brilliant artists and if you can honestly say that you're ok with that then fine... but I just can't, sorry.
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