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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. 'Wild white horses, they will take me away... 'Nobody loves me, it's true... not like you do'
  2. If it turns out to be anything like F-Zero then HELL YES! If it turns out to be anything like Wipeout then HELL NO! F-Zero > Wipeout :p
  3. ^ This... they've basically just wasted their time bringing it to iPhone, sure it'll still sell - as seems to have been proven, unless you got it for free Will? - but why would you want to have a version of the game out there which is inferior thanks to lack of any 'proper' controls? It's basically a bad advertisement for a game which seems otherwise awesome on the other available platforms... y'know... the ones actually designed with gaming in mind as opposed to trying to be good at everything. :p
  4. I hear that... I'll end up buying it all on release AND the aforementioned DX disc version if it's ever created, I'm a sucker for Sonic and Sega is a sucker for our points.
  5. I wonder if after releasing all three eps, they'll then make it a retail title anyway... if they do they won't announce it until after all three have been released digitally anyway I'd bet. So then... it's 3600 points for three mini-sized Sonic games that make one whole... released over a period of time likely to be 6 months to a year and achievements presumably totalling 600 gamerscore. A DX version disc release with extra content/achievements at a budget price isn't out of the question...
  6. We'd expect no less of you coming from 'Port Town'... :wink: [/lamealcoholrelatedjoke]
  7. That's right it's an obscurely titled birthday thread! :p and it's a double celebration for today it's the birthday of both darksnowman and Eddage so I'd just like to with you both a... Happy Birthday! I hope you both have a great day guys! And if you're drinking then...
  8. I've ordered the film on the 'strength' of that one scene, purely because it's just so bad that it's good.
  9. I'd agree that Crazy Taxi hasn't aged that well in terms of controls but in terms of fun I'd wager that it still holds up, unfortunately the original soundtrack for the arcade versions is being removed I believe? due to shit licensing issues and whatnot, still that doesn't stop you from using your own music with it on the XBLA version but I know it'll be a blow to some. I'm much more looking forward to Jet Set Radio though tbh...
  10. OK Go are amazing, I allready knew one or two of their tracks thanks to Rock Band & Guitar Hero but when I first saw the treadmill video - thanks to Raining - I was like... and then... they are truely godlike in their timing and execution.
  11. It still stands up pretty well today, especially if you compare it to say... Sonic 2006 which basically tried to emulate the formula and kinda failed plus had an annoying story/plot 'twist' at the end. Sonic Adventure is the 'real deal' as it's the first proper 3D Sonic game - Sonic 3D doesn't count so shush! - that managed to successfully combine many classic elements from the series and make them work well in 3D, the hub seems quite basic and uninspiring at first but it ends up coming into its own when you get to properly explore it. Not forgetting the tons of replay value it has too, especially if you get the DX version as collecting the 130 emblems unlocks even more, plus mission mode etc... the only thing missing from the XBLA/PSN versions are the unlockable Sega Game Gear titles but lets face it, most of them were pretty bad compared to the sublime MD games so it's not a huge loss especially when you consider you gain achievments and leaderboards. *Edit* Also... whoever's playing this 'trial' version of the game is crap at it! I know it's just to show people what the game is like but dammmmmn! they made Sonic lose more rings than a recently robbed jeweler! They may have ended on 200+ but it's posible to get loads more than than and in about half the time.
  12. Game = 10X better than the relatively poor demo... I hear what you're saying though, Rock Band 3 is going to blow this out of the water but, we still have a little bit of a wait for that to come out, so this new GH game is what's tiding me over until then.
  13. Got this today - ShopTo = win - impressions so far are pretty good tbh, the setlist is decent as you know and the ordering of the songs in Quest mode is well paced, still a few 'filler' tracks in there but I've yet to find one that I hate yet. Overall so far it's enjoyable and well worth picking up Imo. *edit* Seems they've added/tweaked certain modes such as the new Quickplay+ which adds a lot of replayability to the game, everything seems a lot easier to navigate too which is a nice bonus.
  14. Some HDMI cables are just old... they should all work in theory but in actuality some just don't seem to work at all and you'll probably find that if you buy one that's recent then it'll just work. HDMI cables have versions like software updates I believe e.g 1.3 etc, when it came to getting a HDMI cable for my PS3 I went and bought not the most expensive but one of the newer HDMI cables at the time for about £7? or something... Never had a problem with it. You can check out everything related to the revisions that have been made to the cable over the years here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI#Version_comparison For instance apaprently you need a HDMI cable that's version 1.4 for it to produce 3D... providing you have the necessary equipment too of course I assume.
  15. ^ True... I have a Move controller right in front of me right now, it won't be used properly until I get a decent original retail game to play on it that really shows what it can do. So far Tumble is nice but I get the feeling that even buying the full game, it would still feel like a demo.
  16. I den't really goat it either...
  17. Happy Birthday guys! ^^
  18. Hell... fucking... yes!
  19. Radiant Silvergun? on XBLA? ... .. . sorry I just came a little... But seriously... Hell fucking yes! this is one game I can't wait to finally play.
  20. The only Demo I ended up trying - that actually worked - was Tumble and that actually showcases the accuracy of the devide very well, the pointer seemed a little slow at first until I got used to it, seeing the pointer move in true 1:1 is strangely satisfying.
  21. I have a Playstation Move in my hand right now - yay Shopto! - but I'm less than impressed so far because the first demo I've tried so far - The Shoot - doesn't work properly... and yes I have calibrated it / updated / set it all up correctly. I shall try another demo now - Tumble - but I'm less than optimistic.
  22. The last thing I actually ordered off the Stars Catalogue - as it was the only thing worth having at the time and that I had points for - was a Kirby gba game, and it never even arrived... After that I just gave up on it tbh, waste of time.
  23. Me! I saw them a Sonisphere a year ago and they were truly epic, they basically played every song you'd expect them too plus a few you wouldn't, was great fun singing along with the whole crowd though. ^^ Their latest album is good... but not amazing, I like the fact that they've tried to do something different from their previous albums but it is a bit grating in places, though it may require a few more listens for me to actually appreciate it for what it is... It'd almost feel unfair if I called it a letdown but in part it is, especially after reading the sleevenotes just before listening, then again I didn't actually know the album was even coming out until a week or two ago so I can't say I was really 'hyped' it was just 'oh! new LP album' *pre-orders* As an album it's nicely put together but there's a lot of filler that really doesn't need to be there, anyone hoping for a return to form will be simultaneously surprised and dissapointed as on one level it sounds better than Minutes to Midnight due to the many different layers it has but as you slowly start to peel away the layers you see that some of it isn't that substantial and you can't help but want more of the overly loud vocal tracks accompanied by 'bad-ass' bass that the band used to be famous for. It's both a triumph for not playing largely to expectations and a slight letdown for abandoning certain elements which used to work well for the band, overall it's still good and is better than some bands could muster but equally there are better bands out there; if you're a fan of LP though of course it's still worth buying, I'd just advise going into it with an open mind and having no real preconceived idea of what it 'should' be like, if you can do these two things then you're more likely to enjoy it as a whole rather than being left wanting more of what's just not there.
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