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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Check out this newly announced co-op indie title. Trailer and details plus a few images shown in the article.
  2. Good to hear your thoughts on the game @Hero-of-Time and welcome back! I do plan on playing Super Mario Party... possibly tonight actually though maybe another time for one reason... ...I finally bought an actual N64 copy of the original Mario Party which my brother(s) and I are planning on playing this evening on my RGB modded N64. There is a Switch dock set up in the other room as well though, so who knows... Super Mario Party might get played as well, if not now though, definitely at Christmas!
  3. European model of course. (it's the closest to the MD that I remember) I thought about the Everdrive for the MD but... I heard that there are voltage issues with using them for certain consoles. (not an issue with N64 and GBA ones apparently) Phantasy Star is indeed expensive... which game are you talking about btw? (The original MS title or all of the MD ones, Phantasy Star IV is very expensive now) I'm pretty sure I must have got Phantasy Star I, II, III & IV when they were at least half the price they are now, I've even got some JP variants as well, I love Phantasy Star.
  4. I know... I'm certain it will be worth it though. I grew up owning a Sega Mega Drive, so there wasn't really anything which would stop me from buying this. They have stated that they will be working to see if they can get the 32X to work with the hardware but they aren't making any promises although they also stated that they would love to make an entire FGPA solution for the 32X but there is a good chance that the Polymega will work well enough out of the box with 32X carts, so that system is an option as well as it supports a lot of consoles... even if it is mostly emulation based. Other cheap to purchase adapters will be made available for other cartridge-based Sega consoles in the future such as Game Gear and Mark III etc, so there's that and as an added bonus, each consoles comes with a Master System adapter at launch plus it seems that the machine can support Mega-CD as well, which is pretty amazing.
  5. I just managed to order one! I know it's a fair amount to pay but... the price of them will only go up once they sell out and then I'll be wishing I'd bought one, just like with the Super NT SFC colour version... ...which was also back in stock so I ordered one of those as well, while they are still available again. I'm just going to hide my credit card somewhere now I think and cancel a few non-essential game pre-orders.
  6. Also want. I'll keep a tab open and refresh it periodically, will post here if I get through to pre-order but it's not looking likely.
  7. Ah well, I've disabled messaging on there for now, only way to be 100% sure I guess.
  8. Sure, I just finished testing out the Taiko no Tatsujin demo but now I'm ready to hunt for a bit.
  9. DC - First GP - Race 3
  10. @Vileplume2000 That's a genuinely fantastic job you've done with bringing back Throwback Thursday and covering Wario Land 4 in addition to the N-E Game Club in detail. Excellent stuff.
  11. Sure, let me know 5 mins before you're about to start and I'll hunt with you for a while.
  12. My answer would be... Neither, save your money for better games. But seeing as you said one or the other... Battlefield V without hesitation. I haven't played either betas or whatever, that's just my instant reaction based on what I've heard about both games, so it's a pretty unbiased opinion for what it's worth... I'm not meaning to sound too harsh on either game series, they've just fallen way out of favour with me over the years and completely off my radar.
  13. What's wrong with the Xbox One Elite Controller? It's of much better build quality than the regular controller, easily allows for a wired connection and has interchangable sticks/d-pad. Yeah the price... obviously, I got mine cheaper though as the time and the fact that the face buttons are colourless but aside from that, I've found it to be fantastic... ...when I actually play my Xbox One. Which is actually a reasonable amount recently thanks to Forza Horizon 4.
  14. No worries, thanks to you both for sticking around when I shoowed up so late, it was nice to still get a few quests in. Always good to get G-Rank armour, that defence boost will really help. Likewise, cheers to @RedShell for the tips on how to effectively maintain your palico. I can't believe I had gone so long without realising how to properly equip skills etc for my main palico, Azel. If you want to farm stuff @Mokong then go to Bherna, then go to the palico ranch and talk to Neko, who will set you up. Just go to, Order Items > Request a Trade, then select your palico to farm with, the cycles and make sure you have plenty of Lagniapples.
  15. My vote goes to Castlevania as well, definitely a game everyone should play at least once.
  16. SUPER MARIO PARTY Review written by @Ashley
  17. Ah, now I was planning on joining you tonight but... I'm already playing Monster Hunter... World for the first time in ages as I'm helping someone out... though it has occured to me that I could play both and I'm willing to try if you like? I'd be playing in portable mode though and wouldn't be able to type really but we could give it a go.
  18. No worries, I'm glad to hear that you managed to get a few quests done though. Sure, we can hunt some monsters tomorrow then.
  19. I've just seen your message, I'll be right on. Edit - well I'm online now anyway, so if anyone wants to join me for some hunts (pass 4444) then they are welcome to.
  20. I like the NES controller, it's solid enough but it's impossible to deny that it has been bettered several times over now. (even though it didn't stop me nearly buying these) So these controllers are playing heavily on NEStalgia... ...I'll see myself out
  21. I didn't even get that far, after the poor implementation of adding a delivery address I just gave up. They should have tied it into the Nintendo Store UK instead, at least that works. If they are reverting payments for the controllers... that doesn't inspire much confidence, maybe they somehow didn't make enough despite limiting it to subscribers?
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