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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Top Tens are a bit of fun, quite literally so I don't mind them at all, that Top Ten "Top Ten" Numbers video was brilliant as it's basically parody. If you're dropping the EZA Podcast now, I'd suggest at least tuning in for next week as I can confirm that Pro Strats Only is officially dead and is being replaced. The last podcast was great as well, there was actually a game that no one had really heard of but aside from that it was just a good show. Personally, I think things have improved since they got the new studio, I've even tuned into Fiasconauts (watching it now) seeing as I have early access to it. Also, I must say that Frame Trap just gets better and better with each week so I'm all in for that as well, oh plus Huber Syndrome of course and Easy Update. Aside from EZA though, I'm cutting down on my YouTube content, some of it just isn't worth the time any more. As and when I find good videos though, I'll be sure to post them on the forum.
  2. I've written a quick summary plus posted the whole PR update in the article. Thanks to @Hero-of-Time for the heads up, I've credited you at the bottom of the article. This news is surely a blow but at least it sounds like Yacht Club Games are doing it right. It has been so long that I did just buy Shovel Knight when the Switch came out, I didn't even know we'd be getting a physical version. Definitely double-dipping... wait... PC, Wii U, 3DS, Switch... quadruple-dipping? on this one.
  3. S.C.G


    Hi @Sckewi and welcome to the forum. It's always nice to have new members join our forum, so thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. Good to hear that you've been into gaming for a while and it sounds like the Switch has brought you back to home console gaming a bit more, which is excellent. I mostly use mine in TV mode as well, much more comfortable with a Pro Controller or GameCube controller on the big screen. Also, it sounds like you're from the future... ...how is Metroid Prime 4? I'm still eagerly awaiting it for the Switch. I am of course just joking around, I presume you meant Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and I would have to agree with you there as while I've completed all the Metroid Prime games, going back to the original recently as part of our N-Europe Game Club I have found that I prefer the original GameCube version, using the original controls and I'm hoping that both Metroid Prime Trilogy and Metroid Prime 4 (when they get released on the Switch) will offer a range of controls. Nice selection of games that you're into, I like Final Fantasy but have never finished one (maybe one day) Pokemon is good when you feel like playing it, Command & Conquer always looked like an interesting set of strategy games to me, Zelda is one of my favourite series as well and I definitely enjoyed Breath of the Wild when the Switch first came out plus I love many of the Sonic games, so you're in good company here. Anyway, please enjoy the forum and hopefully we'll get to have some interesting discussions about games in the future.
  4. Such a great video from Sega Lord X, it definitely echoes my sentiments when it comes to videogames and collecting as a hobby. There are many reasons that people are into gaming and collecting, it's far deeper than a "childish pastime" which some might have you believe. This just makes me even more determined to put more time into playing games and organising my game room.
  5. That picture of Waluigi is pure gold! I did start scanning in amiibo figures when I was playing the game, probably loads more I could get, easily one of the best features of the game and amiibo usage in general. I need to start using my 3DS a bit more, pretty sure that Wario Ware Gold is still in the cartridge slot. (*checks* it isn't but, it's in my 3DS carry case so close enough)
  6. That's fair, I can understand as wireless is definitely more convenient, I thought that I could live without wired pads but I was wrong about that as I've gone right back to them. I will say that for some consoles I have invested in some controller extenders, I think for the PS4 all you'd need is a USB extender if there wasn't enough reach. It's probably just that my setup allows wired controllers quite easily, that probably has a lot to do with it, I even use my Switch Pro Controller wired now too. I do have an absolute mess of controller cables, video cables, and more recently ethernet cables now as well but it's something I'm going to improve on.
  7. I use the Nacon Revolution for most PS4 games... ...and the MadCatz Fightpad Pro for 2D games. I haven't used my original PS4 pad in quite a while. It's good to have a wired pad if you can, unless you can't live without wireless or really hate wires. The pros outweight the cons for me, less lag, no wireless interference and no constant recharging. And this is coming from me, I used to really like using wireless pads, but I haven't used them in quite a while aside from the Wavebird for the GC.
  8. Project H.A.M.M.E.R. it's time! (hammer time!)
  9. This looks like a fair review of Metro Exodus which makes me want to play the game, hopefully pretty soon. It sounds like about what I expected from the title, even though I don't really have a proper frame of reference yet as I need to play the previous games. Speaking of frames, it looks like this game is possibly being discussed in this weeks Frame Trap amongst other titles (just going by the video title) so I'll be interested to hear more. But as far as playing the game goes, I reckon by the time I get around to it, I'll have a better idea of what to expect which should be good. It takes a lot for me to bother playing First Person Shooters these days if they aren't already from a classic franchise that I enjoy, as in really old shooters. This series seems like a breath of fresh air though in some ways, which is quite apt given that's one of the aspects you have to fight to conserve while playing.
  10. I really hope some of the Sega owned Arcade games in this video make it across to Sega Ages on the Switch. Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder and Outrunners in particular.
  11. A few potential questions answered in this video, mostly just stuff that can be discovered from just rewatching the trailer a few times, some good observations though.
  12. Well played, well played indeed.
  13. I'm fine with the graphics, they generally suit the game and are faithful to the original, just not in ways that are perhaps immediately obvious until you look at them side by side. This quick comparison video definitely fixes in my mind what I thought after a while of being able to reflect on it, I wasn't sure but I can see the details now. With that said, I would also be OK with a feature that essentially shows you a HD version of the pixel graphics at the touch of a button but I'm aware this only works in some cases. Either way, I'm just really happy to be able to hopefully get to play a modern-day version of a really brilliant Zelda title which is likely vastly overlooked by newer players. That is of course understandable, as if the Nintendo Switch is the first Nintendo console for some people then they might not have heard of this game... ...I'd imagine that will change now though and I think it's great that a new generation will get to experience what a generations old Zelda game is like, possibly for the first time. I can't wait to play through it again and it will be nice to see what improvements are made where they make sense and what extras are hidden away. Oh and with that art style, you can guarantee that we're getting another Link amiibo though make one of Marin too please... and Bow-Wow... and the Owl of course.
  14. Oh my! I only just got around to listening to this just now and while I'm only four tracks in, this is clearly phenomenal work indeed. I know exactly how all of the songs originally sounded on MegaDrive hardware so to hear them running on SNES hardware is like relistening to them all over again for the first time. It gives you a greater appreciation of the talent involved both in the case of the original composers and the creator of these new versions running on different hardware. I'm off to listen to the rest of it now!
  15. I'd have to say that I generally agree with this Top Ten list, even though ultimately it's all subjective etc... there's some really great music in there. It makes me want to play all of the games, well most of them anyway.
  16. Well, on the bright side, at least that gives me time to play through the first two Metro games.
  17. Thank you very much to @Glen-i @Ugh first aid @RedShell and @BowserBasher for a wonderful three hours of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This is the first time I've been back to the game since late December last year and my first time playing the game online... I loved every minute of it so thank you for a chaotic evening of shenanigans, scrambling for the Smash Ball and general brilliance. I'm glad to see that I can still stand my ground when playing as Samus... well, most of the time anyway. It was a load of fun when I just embraced the random fighter selection as there were plenty of fighters I wouldn't have picked probably. Fighting as Robin was interesting, that's a character whose fighting style just seemed to "click" almost instantly... ...Cloud however, not so much but it was still fun to play as a range of characters regardless. Anyway, cheers for the games, you can likely count me in each week now I'd have thought as I've clearly got some catching up to do.
  18. Go on then, seeing as it's my week off and I have been wanting to play some Smash online. I'll risk it, seeing as I haven't played since long before the Pirahna Plant update.
  19. That's exactly what I was thinking when they started talking about the DLC and it would certainly make a lot more sense.
  20. Maybe this is what has held up the physical edition of Hollow Knight? Double pack please! Either way, this is great news, I'll gladly pay for both and play both once they are properly released. Also, pretty good that anyone who backed the game gets this for free.
  21. *clicks fingers* And here's N-Europe's snappy Roundup of the Nintendo Direct. (Thanks to @Ashley and @Mr-Paul for setting me up with the PR info)
  22. I couldn't quite believe it when I saw those waves I thought... I know those waves... but nah... it wouldn't be... but... it looks like... IT IS! The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remake! Damn, it's a good time to be a Nintendo fan.
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