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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Wanted James McAvoy's whining throughout the earlier scenes got a bit annoying, and the whole 'mystical lume' thing was plain rediculous, as were the sniper bullets that seemingly cross entire cities and on no real path! but other than that it was an alright watch with a couple of good plot twists! 7/10 Taken "I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." Great film! good story, good acting, great action, Liam Neeson & Famke Janssen! My only criticisms was that it was perhaps a little short meaning in felt a bit rushed throughout and I would have liked to have seen some parts have more depth to them. 8/10
  2. ONLY using games I've played, think my top 10 would be: 1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2. Super Smash Bros. Melee 3. Super Mario 64 4. Resident Evil 4 5. F-Zero X 6. Wii Sports 7. Pokemon Red 8. Goldeneye 9. Mario Kart Wii 10. Metroid Prime [11. Diddy Kong Racing] [12. Super Mario Galaxy]
  3. So for HotD: Zapper > Perfect Shot > Hand Cannon? hmm... may get a Zapper at some point then!
  4. Gametrailers Review - 7.4 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45838.html
  5. Gametrailers Review - 7.8 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45765.html
  6. Gametrailers Review - 7.3 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45754.html
  7. Audio Don King Boxing Think it actually looks pretty fun with both Wiimote and Balance Board support, and the in-ring shots actually look pretty good. Though I guess a lot of people will just wait for Punch-Out to get their boxing fix, but this does look good as a realistic alternative.
  8. It may be possible with an evolution of the T-Virus, as the Nemesis was created in this way and was able to understand and follow orders. Also it's presumed Wesker has some form of the T-Virus, after being attacked by and surviving the tyrant in Resi 1, and over times he has become 'superhuman'. Though if you watch the latest trailer it appears the busty woman he's working with from Tri-Cell [is she?], may be giving him injections. Perhaps to keep topping him up very slowly over time, gradually increasing his abilities, or perhaps the T-Virus is now getting to a stage where he is struggling to keep it under control and he needs to keep it regulated with some kind of antidote!?
  9. Looking forward to this:
  10. Comic-Con '09: Experience Interview http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45651.html
  11. oh for gods sake!
  12. You say that, but then we have no other info to go on!
  13. So you jumped to conclusions! that's not EA's fault! I for one had no idea what to expect from Dead Space Wii. We all knew it wasn't going to be identicle to the original and compromises made somewhere because the Wii just isn't capable. Yes the assumption was we might get something along the lines of the Xbox demo, but maybe that just wasn't sustainable across the entire game. EA are evidentely putting every effort behind this game and it annoys me that some people are being so narrow minded. You're not a games developer who can call the Wii capabilities so leave that to the experts; and EA and the Dead Space team are just that, and that's who we have working on this game, so cut them some slack. They will want to do their new franchise proud in everyway they can, and it sounds like they have every intention of doing so and delivering something truely special with this edition in the series. So cut them some slack, as there are countless developers and franchises out there who won't take a risk on Wii full stop.
  14. Lets see... Arm pit, Sand pit, Mosh pit........ huh no! guess it's next on my list!
  15. Oh I meant on this forum.
  16. Name one person who's said that!
  17. Wouldn't it be red and white?...
  18. I don't understand how you can be so narrow minded about this! And also, the Wii can't handle Dead Rising and Dead Space, that's why we are getting these different versions. Who's to say we won't get Dead Rising 2 in the future, but Dead Rising 1 isn' out on Wii yet. Also, Dead Rising 2 isn't going to be any more capable on Wii than DR1 is it! What are you expecting DR2 to be able to do on Wii that DR1 can't?! We aren't suddenly going to get another 30 zombies on screen just because it's the sequel. It would no doubt run off the same engine as the port they are working on now. So why should Capcom announce DR2 on Wii when 1) DR1 isn't out yet 2) They don't know how well DR will sell on Wii 3) The 'port' hasn't been well recieved [despite supposedly being built from the ground up] so why should they expect the sequel be received any better, and thus why should they bring DR2 to Wii. Perhaps it's just one of those games that wont translate well!
  19. Yippee Ki-Yay! Finally! Capcom haven't pledged to get fully behind the Wii... EA have!
  20. So EA give us hardcore fans a mature game, then we complain about it when it get it! That surely just makes companies think, why bother! YES I know this wasn't necessarily what we were wanting/expecting Dead Space Wii to be, but at least we are getting the series! And like I've said numerous times, it will lead to the likelihood of getting Dead Space 2. It looks like they are putting shit loads of effort into this game and they are making it a new story entry.
  21. Complaining about this is idiotic! They aren't going to change it now!
  22. Wouldn't call Dead Rising a spin-off, it's just a lesser version.
  23. Madworld Pre-Order gifts: HMV Preorder = Game Soundtrack Gamestation = T-Shirt GAME = T-Shirt Think I like GAME's pre-order best.
  24. It's not out of the question:
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