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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That's bull! I'd take Transformers anyday!
  2. With the recent trend, is anyone else worried that this game won't sell? Or at least nowhere near the numbers of the first. I think the change in visual style won't help it either. For us gamers it looks like beautifully stylised art, but for the mass casuals who want nothing but realistic these days, I'm not sure a great deal of the 1million+ Red Steel owners will be coming back for the sequel!
  3. After seeing Venom I'm inclined to agree!Mind you, Gollum was made to work extremely well in an otherwise human [played] cast, so it can be done.
  4. And they've already had them on Wii. Of which there were no 'classic' franchises. And I couldn't care about any new IP's like Cosmic Walker and the like if they're gonna turn into half-assed attempts and missed opportunties like Disaster was. In reality however, Nintendo's sales may have slowed, but they're still regularly outselling their rivals, and by quite some margin... so this news isn't going to make them alter their strategy. However, hopefully it may have made them reappreciate their true fans a little more and they may do things slightly differently with the Wii HD or Wii 2.
  5. Hang on a minute, surely you don't mean that, but instead all us gamers who have stuck by Nintendo throughout the years only to now be treated like shit now that they've struck gold with their new casual audience. I'd call myself a hardcore Nintendo fan, and I don't care about HD visuals (though they'd be nice!), adult games and all the other stuff you mention... and yet my patience with them is definately waning! Would it hurt them to release a Donkey Kong, F-Zero, Mario Tennis, StarFox, Kirby, 1080, Waverace, Mario Golf or Fire Emblem once in a while! Or actually listen to the fans and update the likes of Kid Icarus or Pilotwings etc... These are the types of games I've stuck by them for all these years... because contrary to what Reggie et al. would have you believe, there is life outside of Mario and Zelda!
  6. If only they hadn't had Molly seeing Parkmans Dad, and Sylar dissapearing down into the sewer, we could have pretended it ended with Season 1!
  7. They had the wrong cheerleader all along. The End.
  8. They all loose their powers... The End.
  9. Bit of news from today:
  10. Yeah that's the rumour. In other news... No Donington http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79826 Raikkonen says McLaren the only option http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79831 LOL at todays driver press conference!! :laughing: The drivers present were Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso, Jarno Trulli, Adrian Sutil...
  11. It's being tagged the worlds first 'Twilight Race'... it starts in the day and finishes at night, though artificial lights are on throughout the race to assist the drivers with the transition. Rosberg confirms he will leave Williams http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79812
  12. How Abu Dhabi will look: Also just came across these two awesome pics of James Hunt, what a legend!! No wonder Kimi would have liked to have been a driver in the 70's, fuck the constant stewards inquiries, rules and politics, F1 was so much more rock and roll and just focused on the racing. Nowadays your seen as a rebel just for eating a magnum in the back of the garage let alone... Well at least Kimi's bringing the hair back! Anyone else want to post some of their favourite F1 pictures?
  13. Before we found out she was a lesbian I thought it might possibly be the main guys baby.Thought he might get jealous of Jack Davenport hanging around, start drinking, be working late with lesbian one night and it would lead to them having a one-night-stand... which in turn would then lead to his wife leaving him and shacking up with Davenport. But that's unlikely now we know her sexuality, though I guess still slightly possible.
  14. Collectors edition looks great!
  15. Just had to post this... Hmm I dunno Mika, possibly because he's yet to outscore Massa this season!! Hakkinen may be an awesome driver, but he doesn't half come out with some crap at times, like on the red button.
  16. Why what's wrong with it? I really like the GT Bonusround.
  17. Rumours are Ferdinand is going to be dropped, possibly this weekend, and may soon be on the way out if his form doesn't pick up.
  18. Yeah it was quite a good episode compared to all those so far. The black towers story has finally moved on 'slightly' after a weeks break... just hurry up and bloody visit the place!! Sexy lesbian couple ftw, and yeah Rez she was Ryans Chino ex in the OC! Yeah it seemed immediately obvious that its most likely their baby, and yeah I got the feeling they'd been going out for a while. But OMG with the names!! haha it shouldn't be this difficult!! Yeah fat black guy has been in it a few times, not really sure what he does though! and can't remember if we've seen his flashforward or not, don't think we have... he just mentioned in the very first meeting after the blackout that he'd seen the same time and date as main guy.
  19. Gametrailers Preview:
  20. Gametrailers Bonus Round Episode 4: http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bonusround/309?ch=4&sd=1 Discuss: How will New Super Mario Bros Wii perform? and COD:MW2. Good watch.
  21. Men in Black Was on earlier today, and I was suprised at how great it still looks! It's 12 years old and really the effects dont look dated at all! I think that's down to them being used well and in just the right amount. They didn't go CGI crazy like they could have done, and so everything just still seems to blend together really well. Will Smith is awesome in this, and despite not really being a Tommy LJ fan, I like him in this aswell. Funny, great characters, good enough story, good pacing. Love the concept of galaxies being within marbles, and for all we know we are just some much larger beings plaything! We really have know idea of how we fit into the grand scheme of things!! Just a great film, a classic and one of my favs... 8/10
  22. Yeah I had a look, but couldn't find anything. May look again. Yeah I tried that earlier and surprisingly just 1 result!
  23. yeah I've tried a fair few of those type of sites. It's looking like Avant Garde fonts are ones you have to pay for. Ideally I'd like to be ble to type with it, though yeah i may have to resort to cutting it out otherwise, but that's gonna lead to one lengthy job in the writing i had planned. Ah well, the search continues! EDIT: just searched on whatthefont, came back with some equivalents, but yeah i think they're all ones that need to be payed for on font sites.
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