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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. No ones stopping you. Well of course it will be inaffective if no one gets behind the campaign.
  2. haha, yeah that makes sense!
  3. Why, what are you doing for them? Is this diverting your resources?So what because other children are missing we shouldn't do anything for this one? That's exactly why I said put your personal opinion aside for one moment. I've certainly got my own opinions, but ultimately what's the point. It's a few seconds out of your day to post a link on a couple of websites. It's not hurting you in any way, you've got nothing to loose and everything to gain in helping.
  4. Put your personal feelings aside for one minute... So a new viral advertising campaign has been started in an attempt to find Madeleine McCann. People are urged to visit this website http://ceop.police.uk/madeleine/madeleine.asp in order to get it higher up the internet search engines, and to distribute the video worldwide in any way they can, through email, websites and social networking sites like twitter and facebook. This story has recieved so much press attention, and I'm sure there are many differents opinions to the story, towards her parents, and what may or may not have happened to her. The truth is we may never know. But regardless of your opinion, I think it's worth putting your skepticism to one side. There's every possibilty that she's still out there and I know that if it were my child I would be doing everything I could to get her back. So pass the video on.
  5. Took a first time visit to a local train yard,
  6. ROFL!! that video was hilarious!! Despite it's gameplay flaws it looks like a truely frightening game!
  7. Surely if there was another blackout the guy and the woman wouldn't have seen the crow hit the window?
  8. That would be it! *facepalms*
  9. Ok he definately calls him Shakira Miyamoto.
  10. Real time 'energy tennis' with Ganondorf ftw!
  11. haha yeah. The tall black towers in what ever country it was... are they part of the group that built them? ...typing this I just remembered those people in that country didn't die did they, they just blacked out. Hmm... so where did 20million people die and over what time scale, because you'd have thought someone might start picking up on that!
  12. Yeah was good.Definately had it's moments... and some dodgy ones as highlighted by Jay. Thought the scene between Mark (I was as surpised as everyone to find out that's his name!) and his wife was a bit too forced at the end. I wanted him to turn around and say, 'wait a fucking minute, it's no wonder I'll likely start drinking after tonight, what with Commodore Fuck Buddy Norrington having just been in our house!' Blue hand stuff was cool! 20million people hey, so they're part of the black tower group then I take it?
  13. The original Mario Bros gets its charm from being the first Mario adventure, the NES sprites, and being what it was at the time it was created.This just looks quite bland and lacking in the character Super Mario World was able to add in order to move the series forward. But then again, until I play it there's no real way of knowing. I'm still really looking forward to it, I just think they could have done so much more with the overall style.
  14. Same feeling I get.Think it might be down to the 3D levels looking so bare and quite characterless!
  15. I enjoy the prequels aswell... well Eps. I & III anyways, I'm not a fan of Eps. II. This isn't the main reason I don't enjoy Episode II, but does anyone else find it one of the most confusing films/stories to follow... ever? It doesn't matter how many times I watch it I just can't get a proper grasp of the whole clone story and who knows what.
  16. And out of nowhere... Bridgestone to quit F1 after 2010 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79968
  17. Thought that Ride looked like Rita with the 5 starting lights?
  18. James Corden, he's an idiot! Was an OK race, nothing really happened though, but I think of all the recent new circuits it's my favourite... Kobayashi had a great race. He's potentially the next rookie driver to have proven they really deserve a place in F1... following Hamilton and Vettel. All the others like Grosjean, Piquet, Alguersuari just seem to be a waste of space, though Buemi's got potential I reckon. I just picture Kobayashi like some crazed banzai style driver in the car, screaming away... possibly out of control most of the time but somehow capable of pulling it off! and good to watch. They should have him and Sato at Toyota! It would make for one crazy japanese team that everyone would be afraid of going anywhere near!
  19. Sutil into the back of Trulli just for lol's would be hillarious!
  20. IGN: First Look http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/104/1040693p1.html
  21. Alguersuari, over an overexcited Hamilton/Vettel trying to gain time.
  22. haha well done! I've had a hole in one on the 2nd hole of the original Wii Sports... was a great moment!
  23. I'm liking this circuit/venue and think I actually prefer it to Singapore as a night race. Unlike so many new circuits I think this one has real character, it feels intimate, and has a sort of stadium feel to it which I think is really quite unique, almost like racing in a massive wembley stadium. And I'm already getting to know the track unlike somewhere like Valencia [and even parts of Singapore] where I have no clue what's coming next on the circuit. I think it has some great features. I still can't believe that the long straight is the longest in F1 though, it doesn't appear as long as Monza to me, and of course Fuji (unless they're not that as it's off the calender). Qualifying was good and I hope there's a great race tomorrow. Oh and Ferrari World in the background looks immense! and towering over the grandstands! If only the hotel didn't look like some kind of giant sex toy!
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