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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. haha, nice moves! Though the other day I got stuck behind someone (quite a young couple it turned out, not a confused older driver) doing 30mph on a national speed limit road! So I was close up behind them looking for my chance to overtake (which didn't come for quite some time), however they seemingly thought I was badgering them as they then kept slowing down to 25mph (ON A 60!!)which I could see they found that rather amusing! One of those moments when I wished I had a scolling message bar on the parcel shelf! Oh I'd have let them know alright!!
  2. Hmm maybe, made sense in my head. I want the forum back on the left. I'm suprised no one has ever done right aligned text as 'their thing'. Sure everyone would hate them, but still.
  3. Centered forum. Do not like! Must counteract!
  4. Though SSBB certainly went overboard!
  5. Me. And supposedly it's a book based on some kind of true story!
  6. Yes Dante, you hear!
  7. Based on their comments throughout that video, 9.5 seems too high a score.
  8. Edited that for you.
  9. Awesome Disc Art!!
  10. Just do a Gok Wan and stick a massive belt round it... belts seems to be his answer to literally everything!
  11. Probably won't come off now anyway! By next N-E meet... My Precious!!
  12. This.No one seems to stick around these days, we've all got very set in our ways! Who was the last main noob to regular?
  13. Awesome!! "Get that out of my face..."
  14. Welcome shoocraft!! Allow myself to introduce....... myself!
  15. haha, that came across as though you were really being told off!
  16. ^ And not a puzzle in sight I'd imagine! "That's no Resident Evil Mansion" "It's a Space Station"
  17. haha, ok so you may be unfit, but I wasn't gonna post 'you look a great weight'.... just meant you have a good shape to you. Audio
  18. haha, nice! *pst* FLink, you still got the receipt for that pen?!... ... No you cannot just keep it for next year!
  19. Agreed. Out of the ones you've posted. Definately black buttons of some kind. What's the coat? Are these MA-HU-SIVE buttons were talking about here, or small little ones. If they are big, plain black ones would be nice enough.
  20. ...joke
  21. "Your FRIENDS knowledge dissapoints me Admiral"
  22. Cheers Zech, sounds great!! Would you say having HD visuals really adds to the game, or do you still get the same experience on Wii?
  23. A Boy and his Blob and a Free Coupon for a Night of FLink lovin. Merry Chirstmas. Yeah get it as a present for the misses.
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