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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. there was barely any reaction whatsoever! just an unfunny opinion... no? I was expecting him to burst into uncontrollable laughter at a joke and swerve like crazy... alas i was all round dissapointed!
  2. It's just the W I need slanted. I think you need to pay for all the fonts on that site ^
  3. haha I saw that repeated on ITV2 at some late hour, admit it you loved it! She did actually seem a completely different person to what you'd expect, came across really well... though that dog house was crazy! Personally don't find particularly attractive, but yeah seemed a nice enough gal behind all the PR fakeness! Clever really!
  4. Hey all, I'm trying to find a free Avant Garde font (or as close as I guess) which has a slanted W in this style... I've got a regular avant garge font (without any slanted letters), but I cant find this one anywhere. Does anyone have this font as a TT file, or know of anywhere to get it? Thanks!
  5. Could explain the look he's giving us!
  6. Hells Bells Molly, get a grip!! "Be not afraid of hotness: some are born hot, some achieve hotness and some have hotness thrust upon them" ...ok that may not make total sense, but you were born hot, so pull yourself together Sandra'mon and bag yourself some lovin. You deserves eeeet! Then feel sorry for the rest of us!
  7. Possibly. If anything I thought it might be a slight nod to the way the town changed in the original version.
  8. IMO its probably the best of the lot tbh!
  9. Doh! *major facepalm* see I completely knew that... stupid 2 timelines got me again, if only I'd thought about it! Thanks Hero!
  10. We just heard it was on the previous page!!?
  11. I just rewatched the ending to MM. I thought it was always thought the reason Link didnt return to save Hyrule in the build up to the WW flooding was because he stayed in Termina; but right at the end of the ending he is shown back in the Lost Woods of Hyrule. I'm confused now... I guess he just went off and had his own adventures.
  12. dont think any has been released yet... just toad...
  13. All the talk of this possible new IP announcement, surely this has gotta show up again at some point... unless Nintendo have ditched it already as with Project Hammer. You know I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo just produce a bunch of 10 second tech demos for E3 which they put into a montage, (to keep the Nintendo fans onside) which they have no intention of developing!
  14. ^ The Wii versions of all these Codemasters games are being done by Codemasters themselves, but outsourced to some other crappy developer.
  15. I think it really will depend on whether you have people to play a 3/4 player game with, or if you are pretty much stuck with the single player. Either way it should loose a point for not being online!
  16. True, and yeah I was thinking more about the randomers that had them. I think it was just more noticable right at the end, considering all 3 guys that took part in the ending had one!
  17. What's it matter whether I call them lightsaber or beam katana? especially given the ammount of star wars references in the game and the colour/style of the final upgrade.They still shouldn't have popularised them in the game. Anyways, you don't own NMH, for shame!
  18. Toppa da mornin to ya Henry. One thing I didn't really like in the original was that quite a few other assasins had 'lightsabers' as weapons. I think each assasin should have had their own weapon as it made Travis seem less unique. If they'd have done this but then had Henry turning up with a lightsaber though would have been cool.
  19. Lady Gaga before she was Lady Gaga, on MTV hiden camera show Boiling Point...
  20. Posted before?... Lady Gaga before she was Lady Gaga, on MTV hiden camera show Boiling Point...
  21. So thats analogue movement as opposed to the Wiimote D-pad. I might go for the wiimote-nunchuck combo as I always use the analogue stick in Smash Bros for example.
  22. Nintendo and online in the same sentence?!! Surely not!
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