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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Better comebacks people, better comebacks!
  2. I do think the whole Brawn story tends to get exagerated somewhat. The way people often talk about it makes it sound like they didn't have a car until the last minute (when infact it had been developed for a whole year and was sitting there ready for race confirmation) and that they are a small team doing it all themselves on no budget (when infact they've had £100million backing from Honda this year). However, no doubt things got extremely tense for them over the winter and full hats of to Brawn for galvanising that team and they did a fantastic job. And it was great that he acknowledged all the people who lost their jobs. It'll be interesting how they move on from now, how will next years budget relate, will Honda still play a role... I guess Mercedes will get fully behind them no and that will do ALOT for the team.
  3. Anyone else think Trulli was being a bit of a cock?!! When you watch the replay I honestly have no idea what he's having a go at Sutil for; especially in the physical way he was!! Go to 6:02 Also thought Webber was a bit out of order (5:34)... He completely closed the door on kimi and put him on the grass, webber wasn't exactly short of space!! He's a bit of a hypocrit considering he's always preaching about driver safety in his role as head of the GPDA!
  4. Lemmy has a ball dammit and is like 2inches tall!
  5. Woah! Also Kobayashi was crazy today!! He has huge confidence, showed a lot of potential, but also pulled a few mad stunts!! Could be one to watch though!
  6. Fucking hell my heart was in my mouth when Kimi's car turned into a fireball for a brief second!! Well done to Button, he did a great drive today! Though I'll be honest I would have liked to have seen it decided in Abu Dhabi, and really would have prefered to see Rubens take the title as I feel he's deserved of one. Unlucky to Vettel aswell, he seemed extremely dissapointed but I think Red Bull may get another good chance next year.
  7. Nice! Nah I don't care really, it's just Iggy was kinda my fave for whatever reason and now he's unrecognisable. Doesn't matter though, like you say it's just cool they've brought them back!
  8. FLink, control your woman! :p
  9. Brrraaazil: Oh dear, probably the worst showcase yet! Rain spray does not look good!
  10. New Trailer:
  11. Trailer!!
  12. Embrace the Shadows:
  13. *Brings out the car porn*
  14. THATS IGGY!! Oh bollocks to that, what have they done to him! Forgot about Lemmy also having rainbow hair. Cheers for clearing everything up Dante... stupid Nintendo design team!
  15. Yeah it should help them massively going up the hill of the starting straight! Button better watch up for some first corner mayhem!!
  16. That'll also put Vettel on the 'clean' and better side of the grid, but that wont count for much if its wet!
  17. Prefer the original look tbh!
  18. On that weight Barrichello really needs to run away at the front. I REALLY hope its a full on wet race tomorrow!! Legards repeated quote of the day: "Up the pit straight, UP THE HILL!" Oh and I hope we see a return of the now legendary Interlagos Owl... classic!!
  19. Yeah I saw the advert on channel 4 late last night. I also thought they were great in the ad!! And it's well funny!! Great job Nintendo and Ant & Dec!
  20. Well spotted! However it is £5 more than the Shopto price (that bundles from Play) and I'm not sure if I like the wheel or not! Somehow though, despite everything being against it, I'm still slightly tempted! If only they could have done a better job!
  21. What an AWESOME result!!! Barachello P1... Button p14!! Buttons been far to slack and casual these last few races, just thinking he can breeze in and do the littlest amount possible to bring this championship home, well that's what you get! Hope Barachello gets the win tomorrow with Button out of the points... lets take it to Abu Dhabi, where hopefully Barachello can claim a much deserved world championship!!
  22. WOW, what a washout!! On one hand I'm loving it!... but I'm GUTTED for Vettel!! Man did he look pissed getting out the car! Cracking drive by Kimi, hopefully he may get pole!
  23. Always Iggy FTW!! look at him with his crazyness and rainbow hair!
  24. In commentary during Free Practice yesterday they said the pitlane speed limit ends at the line you can see crossed just after the last pit garage. This means that for the very brave there's time that can be made up here because technically you can go what ever speed you like through the tunnel and round those corners, which is pretty insane! They also said there could be a problem if a car stops/stalls in the tunnel, but then someone from one of the teams text in a said it should be ok because despite being covered they do have some sort of crane and it's actually wider than it looks at 7m wide. Also apparently because of the pit lane complex being where it is and the track layout, a tunnel was actually the only way they could get the pit lane to join back up with the track after the first corner. Not quite sure what he was doing there, he seemed to drive sector 1 quite a few times, it got a bit confusing like he was just going where ever he wanted!I thought there was meant to be a few main straights, it didn't really feel like it, especially as he was going quite slowly! Ah well, will have to wait and see, I'm pretty excited for it! It certainly looks very finished and to a high standard... though a tad like having a GP at a fancy Airport!
  25. I've never really had trouble with play ariving late. Sometimes it's even come sooner, though lately it's not been quite as good. Amazo can be quite aswell sometimes. I'd say they're about the same.
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