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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah, the battle won by The Blacks (which sounds politically incorrect, but still...), that's the one! I like cufflinks, use them in one of my shirts all the time (replaced the stupid 'two buttons joined by a piece of string' placeholder). They're a bit like the ones in that picture you posted FLink, only silver/metal.
  2. Great news indeed!! Like Daft said, doing the same for The Last Guardian is a must... it would be EPIC!!
  3. Yeah welcome to the forum NintendWho! Prime really is a sublime game!!... this is gonna be one great collection!!
  4. I'm just saying, he may not get a chance to stay at Ferrari if they do indeed want Alonso and Massa (and possibly Schumi back in a third car). If Kimi is a free agent, I think McLaren would be foolish not to give him a seat as he's the best of the rest. Rosberg will get his chance, he's only 24, but realistically do you not see him just being the next Heikki in that team? It's only Kimi who I think could handle being in team Hamilton. And Alonso has always been about attention seeking and stirring up controversy! The thing with the whole Alonso Ferrari thing is... don't see it playing out any better than Alonso at McLaren, the similarities are to apparent... Massa will be a quick team mate (like Hamilton) Massa has grown up with the team and is part of the Ferrari family (like Hamilton at McLaren) Alonso won't get his desired no.1 status (like at McLaren) ...and frankly if he doesn't get his own way in the team like at Renault with his clear no.2 drivers and Flavio giving him everything he wants, he throws a strop!
  5. ^ Kimi never cares who his team mate is, he gets on with Hamilton well enough, and he knows the team and engineers well. He just wants a fast car. Personally I'd rather see Kimi and Hamilton pushing each another, and surely he's got to be you're preferred choice over Heikki and Rosberg? Also, tbf Ferrari are pretty much built around Massa and this really annoying family/sentimentality/schumi crap at the moment! Luca should have been gone after Valencia! I wouldn't be surprised if Alonso has built up all this Ferrari stuff himself for the attention.
  6. Yeah I read about that new scandal... I'd be surprised if anything came of it.It does seem a bit coincidental that Piquet is dropped and suddenly this arises! Kimi has said this... I could also see a slim chance of him going back to McLaren now Ron's gone. Oddly enough McLaren and Mercedes have made a point of publically praising/congratulating Kimi's performance after the last two GP's both on TV and in their press releases. Ferrari have got to be careful, wouldn't you rather retain Kimi than reface this...
  7. First to build in a grid like 'block' system.
  8. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25221 ?
  9. so....... lesbians 'ey! there a bit of alright aren't they!
  10. Can't say I've ever seen him in anything but Fraiser (and the Simpsons!)!
  11. I know!! Her roots are really bad! *snap snap*
  12. Me... ... only just realised EA made this awesome awesome game!! Also, graphically I'd still take BAR over this GTI crap!!
  13. Domino Wasn't expecting much from it but actually quite enjoyed this one. It's pretty nonsensicle (who knows if I've spelt that right, it's probably the first time I've ever typed the word!), fun, with good action, a decent enough story. Keira did pretty well, her posh voice jarred a little with the film at times, but it was ok and she looked pretty smoking of course! Rourke and the rest of the cast were good enough too. Visually I also thought the movie looked fantastic. It's a few years old now but it could easily be a brand new release. Enjoyable watch 7/10
  14. Yeah I think you're making too bigger deal of this. Your ex has every right to go, so she should do if she's been invited. Just like you have every right to move on with your life, so yes bring your new girl along because it's important you start doing things with her to see if it has potential and to let her meet your friends etc... Hopefully you turning up with someone new will also help the ex get over things, which it sounds like you want her/she needs to do.
  15. To me it's just Jack Nicholson going 'woo hoo hoo' etc... at the end of each sentence and dancing around like an idiot.
  16. ^ hmm good point, could be their tactic, but starting from 8/9 without KERS is risky... like they said during qualifying you can be 10secs down after the first lap.
  17. This... Except I don't think he's a great actor, never really liked any of his performances (but that's my just my opinion).
  18. That was one messed up qualifying!!!! Congrats to Force India, but I don't see either them or Toyota having the race pace. Kimi ftw!!! but I think it will be between him and Rubens.
  19. If you'd read my posts you'd see I said I absolutely hate Jack Nicholsons Joker, he's absolutely shit. It still didn't stop some idiots saying (hence the ) in the build up to TDK that it would be hard to beat his well known performance.
  20. Yeah I'd say 4 was around the first time I played a few game, then when I was 5 or 6 I got an Amiga 500, and the good times rolled!
  21. It's also just been confirmed as the first 'Twilight Race'... although arguably Australia and Malaysia tried that this year and with slightly dangerous outcomes... However where as those became dangerous for the driver as the light faded, in Abu Dhabi it will only be the spectators that get to enjoy the transition from day to night, as the drivers will race under floodlights...
  22. ^ If you watch the first minute of the IGN review you'll get an understand how all 3 games work on the disc. And no new bits other than increased bloom/visual effetcs for Prime 1 & 2, and Prime 2 gets a few difficulty changes to make it a bit less frustrating.
  23. Yeah the new cheaper Elites just come with a component cable.
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