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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. A quote from Ted Kravitz's Belgian column...
  2. What do you mean by standard picture? as in nothing special?
  3. They really need to do something other than Lex, he's so boring now!
  4. ^ You did have to plan a route though so that you didn't get 100 coins and then realised you'd got rid of the tiles leading back to the start square! I'm not really fussed about Yoshi either, I'm still scepticle of him in 3D after his aweful implementation in Sunshine. But I'd kinda like to see blue winged Yoshi appear to fly you between some planets etc... Ice Mario was AWESOME!! I loved the skating, which actually had a bit of depth to it, spin jumps, skating backwards etc... Fire Mario was great too, but yeah I'd agree the rest were a bit useless... that or they didn't get enough use to show what they could do. I thought the worst was the Red Star flying suit, it seems so rigid and awkward when you were flying around, and there was quite a big build up to obtaining it, only for you to practically never ever use it!! I agree I'd like to see a few more Mario characters appear. I thought it was a missed opportunity that on Luigi's playthrough you still rescued Peach... what does she care about Luigi! and likewise him about Peach! They should have replaced her with Daisy for the cutscenes, so that Luigi was rescueing his captured princess! Just little things like that would go along way and make a lot more sense!
  5. ^ That's one of the best sights I've ever seen!! AWESOME thanks!!
  6. ^ your right, I did scan page1 but didn't notice that concealed link. Dunno why GT have it up as new?!
  7. Yes the film is shit. Even the plane scene to an extent... sure it looks cool, but you know nothing bads gonna go down as it's Supermans big come back scene! And Kevin Spacey/Lex is rubbish!
  8. Comedy Trailer: Bowser Gameplay ^ EPIC!! and I presume the Pink Pig type thing is another large Koopa like Bowser?... first time we've seen one isn't it?
  9. 20 Minute Developer Walkthrough:
  10. haha, I'd rather go to Spa three times a year than some of the aweful circuits we have/are getting! SO glad Canada's back next year!!!
  11. And would you look at that view!!! ...lame!! Actually I was gonna say, unless that's the sea on the right!... but then I realised there's NO WAY you'd put an F1 car doing 180mph next to coastal winds!!
  12. ^ haha I saw that, was great! I'm finding the Kimi/McLaren theory quite interesting atm. They keep asking Martin Whitmarsh on the BBC, Red Button Forum etc... about has Heikki done enough to secure a seat and he'll never give a straight answer... in fact all his answers keep implying... No. He also blurted out the other week at Valencia about the Alonso/Ferrari rumour, creating more speculation. He's also said that McLaren are going to wait until this (to him) likely announcement takes place before deciding on drivers, because he sees it as a move that will blow the driver market open. When really all that will be different then is that Kimi will be free. Becaue if he wanted to sign Nico etc... he could do they now, why wait for Ferrari. Plus he keeps praising Kimi's efforts lately and saying how he's really raised his game/is a true racer etc... On another note... was everyone enjoying the homoerotic Eddie/Rubens love-in this weekend! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's alright them saying that now, but whether it will be the case in 6 months time is yet to be seen! Also in the news... Great!... The last thing we need is another wasteland 'technical' circuit. Slow speed corner leading on to a long back straight and starting straight anyone?!! Update:
  13. It's probably quite likely Ico/Sotc will get a boxset isn't it? They know quite a few people missed out on the games and that they're quite iconic and rare. TLG is the last part of the trilogy (just like GoW3) so I can see them doing a bundle.
  14. Great news!
  15. Personally I think they're a bit rubbish, but then I think the characters are a bit rediculous anyway and don't really expect much more from the reboot.
  16. Yeah, isn't it WiFi enabled so you can send each other something to do with achievment and trophies or something isn't it? Can't believe your dismissing the game based on that reason Erin14!! Fair enough if you didn't like some gameplay aspects of first person adventure games, but Metroids got nothing to do with multiplayer, you shouldn't even be expecting it from the series.
  17. Graphics look fantastic!! And the Okami series was just made for DS Stylus play!! The DS can really pull that style off like in GTA. From that screen it also looks like it tops Nintendo's own Zelda DS efforts! Really looking forward to seeing more. Would a DSi game being DSi only? or if you played it on a previous DS console would you maybe just lack a few features or something?
  18. I like to Chewit Chewit, I like to Chewit Chewit, I like to Chewit Chewit, I like to....CHEWIT!!
  19. Nah, only the Gold Link statue from the Nintendo Stars catalogue.
  20. ^ No I said the Sonic one looks like it should only be about £9.99.
  21. I really don't see how they can justify that Sonic statue!... Maybe a lot of work has gone in to it but it doesn't look worth more than £9.99!
  22. I like the one on the roundabout! Like the motion blur!
  23. haha Yeah yellow can look really nice in a bedroom, makes it feel all warm and sunny, especially in the mornings. Anyways I'll look forward to seeing it [/end flirting]:awesome:
  24. And there was me thinking we were gonna keep it a secret! Yellow! Now that's a bold choice!!
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