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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Toppa da morn'n to ya FLink... Now if you'd just point her out to me... I'll be on my way!
  2. Still... the game must be good, he orgasmed at 3:29!
  3. ^ Yeah I'm not fussed having a new console colour, I just like to see new colour controllers.
  4. HO-LY SHIT!! Awesome!! Be interesting to see the next group of actors they've libed up for this, because B-O-B launched many a great actor aswell as having some great names.
  5. REALLY looking forward to this!!
  6. Thanks for the link! It's difficult to tell how good the visuals. From those pictures it looks ok, but then they've been shrunk down so much to fit on the back of the box. Also a couple of them could be cutscenes and the bottom left looks like artwork.
  7. Is Gameplay the cheapest atm @£29.99?
  8. *BUMP* Just a heads up this is out Friday. Dunno what they were thinking with this timed deal, because personally any hype and excitement has long gone, there's plenty of other games around atm, and I think many will have already had their fix with the 360/PS3 version. There is 4-player co-op though.
  9. I was a little bit dissapointed but that trailer. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting, but other than some fancy effects at times it felt a bit like a FanFilm! Still, it will likely turn out pretty great and I'm bound to see it anyways and enjoy it!
  10. Yeah I was still holding on to that bit of hope... such is my love of F1!
  11. OK confirmed, this game is every kind of aweful!... - LOL at Abu Dhabi, the developers didn't get the call about it being a Twilight race then! and what was with all the sandy areas? - The perspective of the other cars around you looks terrible. - NO crash damage... WTF!!! - Judging by that strange 'Nitro' sound, I'm guessing all cars have KERS = Fail. I thought each team was going to get it own racing characteristics based on this season, but obviously stregths and weaknesses would balance out. I guess not. I'll be keeping my cash!
  12. Favourite song of the moment: Guilty pleasure of the moment: First 40secs sound very Michael Jackson.
  13. Yeah I was gonna say, and why I posted the deal, because I think the game's been pretty difficult to get hold of.
  14. yeah I read that story, quite something!It's a shame for him, but he's given himself a good shot at a drive with another team, whether this year or in the future. Shame about Toyota, they've been in the sport for some time now and as a manufacturer team they feel like quite an important part of it. This will confirm Sauber a place on the grid then if they manage to get something together. Also...
  15. Marbles Balance Challenge - £15.99 http://www.blahdvd.com/Games/Marbles-Balance-Challenge-Wii/KON09178/product.htm
  16. http://www.shopto.net/WII/HARDWARE/WIICO25-Wii%20Console%20Limited%20Black%20Edition%20with%20Wii%20Sports%20with%20Wii%20Sports%20Resort%20with%20Wii%20Motion%20Plus.html
  17. Coming up on Gametrailers this week...
  18. ^ probably because it looks and plays like shite!
  19. Well it's just a reminder to people isn't it, 2 years on.Even if just for the next day or hour even after somebody watches the video, they might notice a possible sighting etc... it's still worthwhile. Plus the video does contain a guestimate of what she may look like now, though it could be completely worthless. But then facially, maybe there's not much change between the ages of 4 and 6 anyway. Except for the fact she's still missing. You'd give up on your child after a couple of years then would you, and hope everyone else do the same?
  20. Proud of you FLink.
  21. I don't disagree one bit.But the situation is what it is and to use the press attention against helping her I think is disgusting. It's not Madeleines fault her case has recieved all this attention and she's the one who needs to be thought about.
  22. ^ haha FFS! Is this season gonna air on the BBC, or is that it now?
  23. Thing is, I know that everyday I leave the house, I'm not looking out for Madeleine, it doesn't cross my mind... and I expect it's the same with everyone else and especially in other countries, they wouldn't have a clue. And especially if they've completely changed her image. Yes she may be dead, yes her parents might have killed her, but then again she might be alive, and her parents [other than perhaps being irresponsible] done nothing wrong. Personally I think it's incredibly stupid of people to say 100% that she's dead and therefore what's the point, because we honestly don't know what's gone on. I don't see the harm in helping the cause, if we're all being taken for a ride, well so be it!
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