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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I can see it being a flying type, with the 4 long ribbons, ears and tail, trailing back as it flies majestically through the sky.
  2. An Uncharted / Prince of Persia cross over could be funny! Drake's on a quest to find the mystical dagger that rewinds time and ends up awakening The Prince. Drake is using every last bit of strength jumping between hand holds as they flee the crumbling temple... whilst The Prince just Wall Runs past him! :p *enter smart ass comment from Drake*
  3. How frickin' exciting is next week gonna be!! HUGE game reveal in the form of Destiny... do we know what consoles it's coming out on? PS3/360 or PS4/720 and have they said no Wii U version? And then Sony on Feb 20th!! FUUUUUUCK!!
  4. Some very tempting stuff there!! BatmanAA Darksiders (but then the sequel isn't great and the series could be over) De Blob 2 Sly Trilogy (Dishonoured too, but feel we'll see it cheaper online in the future and I have other stuff to play) Damn! Superfrog was Amazeballs!
  5. haha, yeah I adored the Demo Discs that came with the Official Dreamcast Magazine! When I got my PS3 a year or so ago, one of the most exciting things was having demo's again!! Going on to the PSN Store and having pages and pages of them!!
  6. Love these! What country is this?
  7. Gotta use this as a thread as a place to store the epic Sonic intro songs! Some of the best gaming tunes around!
  8. ^ What he said! :p Should be around £10 online.
  9. Exactly, there was too much of a separation, and people seemed to think that general industry news had more of a place in the Other Consoles thread or General Chit Chat when that really shouldn't be the case, especially on a Nintendo forum. That's rectified now. Regarding Retro Gaming, it's not good for the forum to have 'museum like threads' that people just read occasionally and don't contribute too. If there are some great Retro games in there then discuss them people! :p
  10. There's a thread for discussing the new game: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35307
  11. Here's the full list: http://awards.bafta.org/award/2013/games What does everyone make of it?... Anything missing? Can't believe there's not a single 3DS game in the Handheld/Mobile category, though having said that I'm not sure what should have been nominated. I loved The Unfinished Swan so I'd like to see that recognised. How did FIFA 2013 get a Best Game nomination?!... does there have to be a game from a sports category?
  12. IGN had some thoughts about what Nintendo could learn from the Dark Souls games: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1534829#post1534829
  13. No worries man! :)

  14. Oh I get what you mean now; I thought you just meant no Zelda games for 5 years or whatever. But yeah... Nintendo could actually take a cue from MGS/Raiden and have a move Stealthy/Ninja type Zelda game starring Sheik! and FINALLY tell us the backstory behind and let us see more of the Sheikah tribe! (ignore the subtitle but the rest is good)
  15. @Murr already a thread for this, but I'd moved it to general gaming discussion, so no worries http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35307 --- Until a game is 'unnanounced' i.e. we don't know the consoles, the name etc... everyone from all boards can discuss it in General Gaming Discussion... Then once the game is announced and 'coming to whichever console', create the game threads in Nintendo Gaming and Other Consoles.
  16. Realistically it's never gonna happen though! Provided they make notable changes to the formula like those above, I'll sit up and ["HEY"] listen!
  17. Some nice ideas here... Tbh I was sold simply by the idea of finding a note or an annotated map left behind by another player, and looking down at it on the floor/holding it in you virtual hand on the gamepad screen! I really hope we do see some changes like those mentioned above, I want a vast Hyrule to await ready for exploration!
  18. Possible delay... I guess it might have been... maybe Sony are now nicely staggering their PS3 games out to the launch of the PS4?
  19. I definitely think they'll add more [playable] DC character to the game universe, outside of the Batman ones of Nightwing/Robin/Catwoman.
  20. I don't understand when visually this game got so bad/plain average! This looked really good, the rain, lighting etc... Now that same indoor section where it's hammering down with rain outside, just doesn't anymore! And this is the PC version!
  21. IGN Review - 4.5
  22. It really does look like a 90's Arcade Racer! The colours are just what you'd expect! Nice one! A lot of racers are taking themselves a bit too seriously at the moment and going all open world; I do like the straightforward just choose a track and race setup! --- @Wii just so you know for future you've added the Wii U logo to you post instead of the thread itself)
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