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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yes Pirates, do keep up Dazzy :p
  2. Just seen this animation, pretty cool.
  3. Possible April 9th release...
  4. It's not really, I mean the idea of Skylanders and Disney Infinity is really that you want to collect these characters. It would be the same with a Nintendo one, people would be all over the characters and maybe even swapping and trading things. It's a community game. They sell you the single player experience and then it's up to you.
  5. It's $29.99/£19.99 for the digital version on all consoles, for an initial 2hr 'campaign' with other stuff to do afterwards. Although I still think it's a rip-off.
  6. You will buy Retro_Link a Wii U and PS4... You will buy Retro_Link a Wii U and PS4...
  7. Yeah I've heard it's great and supposedly move the cinematic universe forward! I'll be getting Thor!
  8. Nintendo have incredible foresight don't they! :p Make no games online for the Wii U so you don't disappoint anyone when you close it down.
  9. And introducing a new female companion, Biddy Kong!
  10. Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and GAMES!
  11. I'd probably only really want to go to London for it.
  12. I don't really want to write too much about this game (and thankfully a lot has already been said by others), because this was one of the worst games I've ever played. That's not to say it's one of the worst games ever made, but that I'm quite choosy with what games to buy, I tend to focus on one at a time and don't buy as many as some... so it's quite rare that I actually buy a game that I don't like, or complete. This game was both, an experience it shares on the Wii with MadWorld. I thought the controls and traversing the environment felt clunky and cumbersome, the visuals a let down and the story and voice acting left much to be desired. Nothing warmed me to this game at all, and combined with my general preference for 3D gaming over 2D and I just tired of it and traded it in. Like @Jonnas actually, I almost didn't bother with the game because I just had the feeling it wouldn't be for me. But it was cheap and I loved Metroid Prime so I thought I'd give it a go. I ended up skipping through the rest of the story cutscenes on youtube, and I glad I didn't give it any more of my gameplay time to see it through than I did.
  13. Yeah more this. I do wonder whether the Wii U would have stood more of a chance with the Wiimote. Because yes 3rd party support was still lacking on the Wii, but it did get good exclusives and ports. It would have been a continuation for developers, who would probably still complain about it being a unique control scheme that needed dedicated time spent on it, but at least they would be used to it. And I think it's easier to think of uses for the Wiimote, it's so much more agile. Yes games could feel gimmicky, there was waggle, but it was fun at least. I'd take gimmicky games over no games. Importantly FPS felt unique and an experience you couldn't get elsewhere. Goldeneye 007's controls were superb and so intuitive! Likewise sports games, Grand Slam Tennis, Tiger Woods. Even if Nintendo come up with experiences for the Gamepad you can't get elsewhere, it still wouldn't match entire genres that play differently. And so much untapped potential with Nintendo themselves on the console we never got to see, with Mario Tennis, Golf, Wii Sports 2, Luigi's Mansion, straightforward sequels to Excitetruck, Punch-Out. Ah well.
  14. ok, now I feel bad for the fat, vaguely different looking Pikachu
  15. *sigh* I wish Nintendo would have just stuck with the Wiimote for this gen, if it was just going to be a glorified Wii anyway. I'd love a sequel to Zack & Wiki.
  16. Should be Raichu. Stupid new Pokemon :p
  17. I wouldn't take aliens invading New York and Gods who ride across rainbow bridges to teleport via... more rainbows... thanks to a man who can see the entire universe with the naked eye, too seriously Just think of Guardians as Marvels Star Wars, Groot as Chewey and Rocket as an Ewok and then it's much more believable :p
  18. First Trailer is going to be shown before Captain America Winter Soldier.
  19. Tbh the vast majority of PS4 Plus titles for the first year are going to be Indie games and HD remakes, so I'm not sure what they're expecting. Drive Club will be a great bonus when it arrives, Knack maybe in the summer, and if we're lucky something like Infamous as a Merry Christmas.
  20. Yep same, terrible character really. Was ok and kind of a novelty in Mario Tennis 64, but just somewhat annoying since. Plus he doesn't have any sort of move set anyway. Guess he'd be a Luigi-Peach clone somewhat.
  21. Yeah true. And you're right, not like we can change it now anyway. I was gonna maybe give Mario Kart a go online, but I'll just have to start with Mario Kart 8
  22. I'm thinking more of the casual families who play Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports/Fit... more likely they have a 360 in the family as well now as they've grown up, and aren't about to rush out and buy a Wii U.
  23. You might not like IGN's Rewind videos, but it's great to get a chance to watch this trailer in slow motion! It all run's so smooth and the animation is great... when you can actually see it happening :p
  24. I'm just surprised Nintendo feel they can afford to piss people off right now. At least wait until the end of the year when Mario Kart 8 and Smash are out so people have an alternative. Why send people off to spend more time online on their 360/PS3?
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