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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm on Momohine's and according to the game I'm on the last act. Really enjoying it so far. I'm definitely a long blade person, to be honest. Although, I tend to go for a mixture. The Giant Tornado sword is a beast. Hmm, about the challenge rooms: They tend to differ, although I don't think I've had much trouble so far. I think I'm on the easier setting though.
  2. I've had a really shit day today, so coming home to watch the game and seeing Blackpool rip us apart and take a 2-0 lead was the perfect end to it, I thought. However, that second half performance was so much better. Giggs was so fucking good tonight. I loved it when the fans started singing Giggs Will Tear You Apart. I thought Scholesy deserved a goal, as he had a few great efforts but didn't manage to get one. Berbatov and Hernandez have been awesome this season. That last goal had Cantona written all over it. I had shivers down my spine. Blackpool were so unlucky though and they deserved something from the game. Many teams would have defended like hell and played a 10-0-0 formation after going one up, but they kept pressing and got a second. Should have probably had a penalty as well. Really unlucky. I hope they stay up as I admire the football that they play and they have a brilliant manager and team. On a sad note, was horrible to see Rafael with the oxygen mask on. Hope the lad gets better. Coming home from work and seeing Andy Gray sacked was shocking. Didn't expect that. I don't like the guy, but he's one of these ones that you love to hate. So, it'll be odd not hearing his voice on SkySports anymore. A bit of a tame incident for him to leave though, that Charlotte Jackson video. I hear much worse on a daily basis.
  3. So, they're buying Wii games and then destroying them? Surely the joke is on them, because they could have spent the money buying a game for another system? A kick in the nuts for us Europeans, though. I'd like to cut his diiiisc into little pieces.
  4. Its all well and good saying Nintendo should do this and Nintendo should do that. They're not stupid (Well, Nintendo of Europe certainly are. FUCK YOU, NoE). Nintendo are a business and they know exactly what to do to continue to make money. Honestly, who the fuck knows what they're working on right now? If Nintendo thought a WiiHD was some kind of answer, they would have done it by now. They're not particularly afraid to whore things out or take the piss (DSi). So, to them, it wasn't worth it. Unless they just haven't released it yet. As for the idea that the year ahead doesn't look great: What are we basing that on? The fact that right now we know little about which games will be coming out at this point? Is it really that different to how things were this time last year? Didn't the Wii then go on to have a brilliant year in terms of releases last year? The games will continue to come, or at least I hope so anyway.
  5. Well, I think it worked well in conjunction with collectables. Because, you could get things like the Accel Charge and also that upgrade to help you recover more energy when you concentrated. Also, I ended up collecting as many missile upgrades as I could because they were reaaaally useful, particularly in the heat of battle where you needed super missiles or where you weren't sure if you could use concentration. Getting energy things were valuable, too. I probably could have done with a few more in the game. I used to give a FUCK YEAH everytime I found one. Or even the energy parts.
  6. I do not wish to smell your hair anymore. :'(
  7. Maybe even use the B button on the back of the wiimote, or maybe that can be used to toggle between missiles and beams? Or something. One thing that I'm quite a fan of is the introduction of the concentration technique, and the sense move. Concentration added another dynamic to battles, particularly against tougher enemies. It wasnt simply a case of destroying enemies or rocks or something to get health. It was quite exciting using concentration and praying that you didn't get hit, tense as hell.
  8. Word! You'll be asking for a speed limit on F Zero next.
  9. Oh, God. Where do I begin with this thread. This happened before when I went to get a haircut. *person looks puzzled at me* "Where are you from?" "I'm from South Wales." "...k...you don't...sound like you're from Wales." "Well, my Mother and her family are from the Greater Manchester area, so I guess I sound like a mixture of them and stuff." "ok...cool. So, are you Spanish?" "What?" "Italian? You don't look Welsh." "Oh yeah, my Dad is from Pakistan." "So, you're Pakistani?" "Uhh...I guess? I dunno!" Another one as well is explaining my family history. Basically, I was brought up by my grandparents (my Grandad is Pakistani and my Mother is a whiteymcwhitewhite), and so my real Dad was half-cast, and he then married a Pakistani (which didn't work out.) So, my grandparents took care of me. Ok, thats simple so far. Except, that I call my grandparents Mum and Dad and I refer to my real dad by his name, although whenever people ask me who he is, I call him my Dad. So, it sounds like I have 2 Dads, when I actually have one. Still simple, but then you throw into the equation that my Sister is actually my Aunty. She's my Dad's sister but she grew up with me and my brothers in my grandparents/Mum and Dad's house, so throughout my life I've seen her and refered to her as my sister. So, my Grandparents are my Mum and Dad, my real Dad is Shakeel and my sister is my Aunty. Throw into the mix that Ine is Belgium and we have all the colours of the rainbow. Another one is that I actually did have a sister years ago who died. So, if somebody asks me if I have a sister, the response could be 0, 1 or 2! 0 because technically I don't have a sister anymore. 1 because I guess I did have one, or that I have my current aunty who I see as a sister. Or 2 because well...I count them both. I say 1, usually. Hit the one in the middle!
  10. Andy Gray and Richard Keys are both tools, particularly Gray, who must have an over/self-important opinion about everything. Such an arrogant shit. Also, I find it a bit funny that they claim that she didn't know the offside rule when these two guys spend up to half an hour after games arguing whether a player is offside or not. This is brilliant. Unlucky, Dog. Sounds like Chelsea were on fire tonight.
  11. Right, so I've done the Epilogue:
  12. I'm gonna try and select two per console (that I owned). Marble Madness - Playing the game for the first time and realising that I had the touch of a God. I didn't play this until I was midway through high school, but I knew that this was something special. Shortly afterwards I played Super Monkey Ball, which was inspired by this. Metroid - Borrowing the cartridge off a friend and first of all hearing the Title Introduction Music and then the "Samus Theme" (Durrrr daaaaa durrrrrr doooo doowwwwww). Blew me away. That has stuck with me every since and I am so glad that it is used in the majority of Metroid games. Super Mario All Stars - YES! My memory of this is where I played this game for the first time with my brother, where he tried to jump with Mario by flicking the controller up. My favourite moment of this is my first encounter with Bowser, hitting the axe behind him to make the bridge collapse. So amazing, my heart was pounding. A Link To The Past - Getting The Master Sword and feeling like a true hero. I thought I had finished the game at that point, little did I realise it wasn't even barely halfway through the game. Streets of Rage - That very first level, with the awesome music, and playing this in co-op with my brothers. Such a brilliant control scheme and it looked beautiful for a game of that time. One of my favourite all time games. Street Fighter 2 - Memories of whoring Dhalsim to defeat my brothers and cousins, as we played a lot of multiplayer back in those days. Ocarina of Time - Seeing Adult Link and also the epic Battle with Ganondorf at the end, racing up his castle to find him on the organ. Probably the best boss fight I've ever had the pleasure to witness and play. Majora's Mask - That panic as you find yourself on the last day with barefully enough time to get to Skull Kid on top of the tower. I remember I ran out of time one time and was so sad. This game has a brilliant melancholic tone to it. Fantastic. Eternal Darkness - Destroying the City of Ehn'gha and giving a massive FUCK YEAH! This is my favourite all time game. Another shout out has to go for that Foot Stomping scene as was mentioned earlier. I played the game through all 3 times so I could see the differences and it was worth it. Killer 7 - Getting to the end of the game and thinking wtffff just happened? Brilliant little gem. Soul Caliber - Playing a best of 100 games game against my best friend. The score was 49-49 and he won the last two to make it 51-49. So fucking brilliant. Crazy Taxi - Brilliant soundtrack and just a lovely little game. My favourite moments are just the ones where I race against the clock, with the booming soundtrack. When the time is over, I'd do it all again. Silent Hill Shattered Memories - That car sequence underwater. Fucking brilliant. One of the best set pieces I've seen. So memorable and I know that I will play the game through again just to get to that scene. Metroid Other M - THAT scene where Samus confronts her foe. Blew me away. I've watched that scene on youtube a good few times already. Loved it. Reminds me a tiny bit of the scene in Alien where the Alien terrorises Lambert and Parker. Not as violent, of course.
  13. Because of the annoying "THE WAR IS OVERRR" Xion/Zion kid. "Neo, I believe." Urgh. The script was arse. (sorry Dannyboy) I suggest we throw Keanu off a train and replace him with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He has a keanu look about him. Except, it looks like there's something going on inside his head, in contrast to The Reeves who has a vacuum between his ears.
  14. Fuck Yeeeah! You won't believe the amount of searching and trawling the web I had to do to find that exact shot. Mario has his face everywhere, but usually the background was different or something. I initially thought it was Mario Paint, but he has his cap on sideways for that boxart.
  15. Berbatov was outstanding yesterday. In fact, the front four of Giggs, Rooney, Berba and Nani looked very dangerous. With Giggs and Rooney the creators and Nani and Berba finishing things up. The score could have been a lot worse for Birmingham, they didn't get anywhere near them all game. Van Persie looked unplayable yesterday, as well. I'm not a huge fan of his, but he was brilliant yesterday.
  16. Number 4 is Stunt Race FX. Mario's face appears on some of the borders, I think.
  17. I agree, Jonnas. Following on from your point, there is a fair bit of "baiting" that takes place. They know exactly what they're doing, as well.
  18. I haaaated this when I played it on my friend's 64 years back. I was really into Mario Kart back then. Played this and it just did nothing for me. I liked my carting pure. I think back in those days you either belonged to the Mario Kart camp or Diddy. I was firmly in the Mario one.
  19. Hahahaa. Its true. My top 5 contains...Dead Space Extraction, Silent Hill, Muramasa, Metroid, Little King...and about 10 others. Oh dear.
  20. The problem is that it doesn't work like that these days. It's no longer a case of such and such game is coming out next year, because Nintendo don't reveal games until quite late on now. Donkey Kong was shown at E3 and then released later that year. I think I prefer it this way, because...it's just quite exciting not knowing what to except. Plus the games don't get bogged down with the hype for too long. See Duke Nuken Forever. So, Kirby and Zelda are definites (hope Zelda is). Aside from that, fuck knows what we'll be playing in 6 months time.
  21. No reason to play Little King? Have ye no soul? I want to play it, but when I do I literally sit there for hours. Its not healthy for my liiife.
  22. It is very strange how blue hair suits you. Love the photos.
  23. Yeah, I agree with most of this. Although I do think that the motion controls do have a place, but the time and situation has to be right. They can't just be used in every game because some games simply don't need it. In that sense, the other features of the system or controller can come into play. Its a bit criminal how the Wiimote speaker hasn't been used in a much better way, except for games like Shattered Memories. Actually, Shattered Memories is a great example of what the Wiimote can offer in terms of enriching the experience. You had the pointer controls for using the torch and looking at objects. You had the nunchuk and gesture system to knock over objects during the nightmare sections, or for solving puzzles. You had the speaker to listen to messages during the game or that "radio crackling sound" before something was revealed. That game had the lot.
  24. On the plus side, there are roughly two months between now and the launch of the system. So, plenty of time for Nintendo to finalise things and let us know what is happening. Although, I would prefer to know now. I've gotta say, seeing those boxes of the system the other day has made me want this, but I won't be able to afford eet.
  25. The Falcon raises good points, especially the point about posts going un-read/not being seen. It does seem very much that you have to have a particular personality to "stand out", but then, does everybody want to "stand out", as such? I think a large amount just like to post, have their say and then read what others think. Although, it is very difficult to take part in a discussion if certain posts aren't read, etc. Personally, I think I'm one of these ones who tends to wander about anyway. I don't really go into Creative, The Playground or Tech Talk. I stick to Wii and General, and sometimes Retro and DS. That's what I usually post in, but I tend to read pretty much every post anyway. It's a shame that the Wii board isn't a bit more lively. I remember posting about Punchout recently and that thread has received something like 3 posts in a year. Whereas ExciteTruck earlier in its lifetime had quite a large following on this board. There's a cult and loyal Wii following on here which is great (and you guys know who you are) but it's a shame that there isn't a larger crowd. I'd love to talk about Muramasa but there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest, which is a shame. Although, I am perhaps too late to get any real discussion going, as people have played it and moved on. As for people sticking to their respective boards: Well, people will post if they think its worth posting. I never post in tech talk because I haven't got a lot to say there and the subjects which get talked about don't interest me. So, I don't. In general, the thread I mostly post in is the football thread anyway.
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