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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Take care of yourselves, @S\.C\.G. We can do eeeet.
  2. I'd actually say that the GamePad is really useful at times. I love being able to plot routes. It makes multitasking so much easier. The Wiimote controls are awesome, but there's definitely a place for the GamePad here. I'd love to see another Battalion Wars where you can use the Wiimote and nunchuk for fighting, but the Pad's screen for sending troops in elsewhere and plotting movements, etc.
  3. Fuck this "it should only be on a handheld" bullshit. Times change. "Football shouldn't have technology. It gives us nothing to talk about in the pub, plus too many interruptions." "No online gameplay, let's just all have splitscreen, it's better with friends near us." "There's no point adding touchscreen controls, because we already have buttons." "Metroid is fine in 2D." "Nobody can do the joker better than Jack Nicholson, so why bother?" Times change and things need to evolve. Yes, there is a social element with handheld pokemon, but there's also a social element involved with online gaming. There's a massive community out there with gamers who play online. Dare I say it, more people play online nowadays than they do splitscreen. For the sake of evolving, Pokemon also needs to change. Otherwise, all we'll be doing is adding more Pokemon and keeping everything else the same. Having it's own separate entity on the home console would allow those traditionalists who do want things the same to still have the handheld adventures, but it also gives us, the other gamers out there, the opportunity to play the game on a home console. It won't happen, because it's too much of an obvious idea for Nintendo to do it. Want to know of another "too obvious" title? Mario fucking Tennis on the Wii. Maybe Nintendo just loves missing opportunities?
  4. That was a tough game to start off at, but a good performance to get the win. Best thing about today is Welbeck grabbing two goals. Let's hope he keeps that up. Performance of the day has to go to Ross Barkley at Everton. Exactly what England needs.
  5. Good going, @Raining_again /Raineeeng. I'm going to be taking my legs a bit easy for a few weeks as my hip flexor is still a bit sore. Best to just let it recover before going at it again. Weight loss is going good, still. Crunch time will be when school starts up, because I'm at a bit of a loss with what I'll be doing during dinner times there. At the moment, I'm very satisfied with my diet and lifestyle. I'm losing weight, exercising enough and eating tasty, healthy food (the shit exists). Will see. Abs. Soon.
  6. Congrats, guys. Lovely photos.
  7. It needs to be done through Episodic Content, too. "Previously, on Pokemon..." It turns out that the Pokemans are all stuffed toys in the bedroom of Ash, who is a patient in some kind of mental institute.
  8. I'm using it for player 2 on Tekken and for Sonic Racing. Will also be using it for future multiplayer games, too. So, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, etc. Unless there's a superior Wiimote option.
  9. It'll be anything but the thing that many of us want. :p But, I would love to feel the euphoria if we got a proper Pokemon RPG.
  10. It's fine. All we need to do is ask @Serebii to verify when the seasons take place. I think you'll find that Spring lasts from March to June. Summer is just July. Autumn is August to November. Everything else is winter. So...aww fuck.
  11. Erh Merh Gerrrrddd. I grew up as a massive Ocean Colour Scene fan. I love their music. I heard this song on the radio in the car the other day and felt oh so nostalgic. High Five, Braaaaah. Ohhh ohhh laaa laaa. Ohhh ohhh laaa laa.
  12. The stuff is good. In this case, the yellow is from the saffron infused water, which was added to the rice. That was for the last two rice meals. Tasty food. Pretty good for you, too. There were only two spoons of yoghurt in this, and even then that was fat free. Rice is brown rice and we use half of what the recipe states. Prawns are quite low in calories. All fresh stuff.
  13. u shud av gt 1 4 pkmn3 brah. Or Wonohwon.
  14. Oh God, I forgot about that soundtrack. I remember all the hype about it being orchestrated. It would be a unique entry for the series. I can't remember a single tune from that game, except the sky overworld theme, which would probably be more fitting in a Mario adventure. Again, both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess had much, much better soundtracks. Hidden Village theme trumps anything we had in Skyward Sword.
  15. Nintendo need a goddamn kick up the arse. Xenoblade's overworld size puts it to absolute shame. I'm not saying that we need one quite as big in Zelda, but we deserve a lot more than we're getting. It's not just the size, but the depth of the overworld. So much to do within it, so much to collect, so much to see, so many wow and beautiful moments. What I also love is that the areas aren't dominated by the elements. Zelda is tied into this too much. I'm sick of FIRE WATER FOREST...FIRE AGAIN.
  16. Phew, I guess it's all ok then. It's a lovely bit of kit, isn't it? So light! Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all. Nothing at alllll. I will give you a tenner when Tibet is free.
  17. There were two things that Skyward Sword did right. The item upgrade system was fantastic, as were the outstanding motion controls. Ok, I'll also give the unique art style. Three things. Everything else is bordering on mediocre or terrible. The first third of the game is pretty good and it shows lots of promise, but it rapidly falls apart. It's also very fucking repetitive. 3 fights against The Imprisoned or whatever it's called. It was cool the first time around and it led me to believe that there would be other cool overworld bosses. Wrong. You fight it 3 times. 3 TIMES. In addition to that, you pretty much do the same with Ghirahim. It's almost identical each time, too. In general, the boss fights in this game are dire. As good as the motion controls are, they can't save poor ideas or creativity. The boss fights were lame and completely forgettable. It is an insult to say that Skyward Sword is better than Twilight Princess because the boss fights alone destroy, nay, obliterate the drivel we had in Skyward Sword. The dungeons, aside from the Buddha-inspired one, were also a bit bland. Some cool moments, but no overall awesome feeling. Again, Twilight Princess destroys Skyward Sword in this department. But, the icing on the cake for me is the story. Or rather, the lack of it. You get tons of it in the first quarter/third at Skyloft and so on, and a little bit towards the end, but it is absolutely devoid of any story or progression in the middle third. You get nothing. You complete a dungeon and you get nothing. At least Twilight Princess had some of those cool Midna/Zant moments, or even THAT cutscene with at the Mirror. Lastly, the overworld. There was so much potential here. You've got a vast sky. Why were there not smaller islands for you to visit? Maybe you could have started settlements on the smaller ones? It was empty. A beautiful but empty vast nothingness. Also, I loathe the way that you have, essentially, four areas to visit in the game. Skyloft, and the three main areas on the ground. Sorry, but what complete shit. I've heard people say that they were well developed. They most certainly were not. There is nothing at all separating them from sections within a Mario Galaxy-type of platformer. There's no interesting people to meet, no other quests to go on. In all of these areas, Twilight Princess is the better game. You've also got Midna who is infinitely more interesting than Fi, who I did not give one fuck about in the game.
  18. Seems legit. Also, Faq U Retro. You don't deserve the _Link title.
  19. I'd personally put TP a bit higher. 9.5 or even on a 10 itself as I adore it. Aside from that, it's about right. Skyward Sword definitely the weakest game, then followed by Wind Waker. Glad to see somebody else that shares the same views as me. Saying that, all these screens and boxes make me want it again. But...it's all and illusion!
  20. You'd have to be fucking nuts to give up fruit. It's the tastiest thing evaaaaaar. Tempted to make a fruit salad later. Mmmm. Pupupupuupup.
  21. I would hate for that to happen now, as it would really be a huge moral issue. I'm already feeling guilty as fuck. I'm the type who gets nervous asking money back from people who owe me it, that sorta thing. :p
  22. I'm still planning on sending the faulty one back. But yes, still confusion. I've still not received an email or anything about this. I'm not going to send the "spare one" back just yet, unless they specifically ask for it. For all I know, it could be a gesture or apology for the first one turning up faulty. Which is what my initial reaction was anyway.
  23. I'm just going to echo that bit about the rice. Dat rice. Fuck. So nice. Wouldeatagain/10. I've been a big fan of prawns lately.
  24. That cider was lovely, brooo. Glad you had a good time, I enjoyed it. Next time, we'll need to go to Aruba when its night-time, it's a totally different place. :awesome: at the last bit. Yesterday turned out to be a good day. Meeting up with Ashley was lovely and then we had a fantastic meal for tea. A home cooked Prawn Masala with Fruit and Nut Rice. Fuck...dat rice. Contender for the best rice of all time. Up there with coconut rice, for me.
  25. I've had my time with Resident Evil and it's probably time for me to walk away and let it go now. It's changed/changing too much and I believe that they've lost that original essence of what made it good in the first place. I have great memories of discovering the series on the Gamecube. Zero blew me away at that time, as did the remake. I just can't get geared up or excited about it.
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