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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. - South Miami man gets into an argument with his wife - He is said to have gone upstairs to the bedroom where he took a gun out of the closet before going back down to his wife. - Pointed gun at wife who is then said to "have brandished a knife from the kitchen". - Man "manages to disarm his wife", who then "begins to punch, kick and scream at him" before he shoots her, killing her. - Man posts the following on facebook: "I’m going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife. Love you guys. Miss you guys. Take care. Facebook people you’ll see me in the news." He posted a photo of her dead body along with that post. It was up for hours before it was taken down by Facebook, after being asked by the authorities. His wife's 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship was upstairs during the time of the killing, but no harm is said to have come of her. The pictures are on the following link, which is the source: Miami Herald ...Fuck.
  2. I heard the game may be getting an August release. Can anyone confirm? I downloaded the demo and gave it a whiz. Looool at Kamiya for flashing up that screen quickly showing that there would be a demo available today. Game is chaotic as fuck, but I like it. I have a feeling it'll be easier in the actual game itself because these things are usually "layered" so to speak, so you'll start out with very little and gradually build on top of it. Demos sometimes just throw you right in the middle of things. It'll be a definite purchase. I like the look of it, I'm sure it'll be great fun.
  3. Our hands would meet and I would feel every inch of his silver handle. As slow as the days pass, I would pull the handle close to my face, inspecting it with a curiosity that I have not known for years. The cream of desire would violently pump into my hands. I would smother it and let it run through my fingers. In a moment of fleeting passion, I rub its substance, in all of its smooth yet sticky vigour. I can feel its warmth. Danny looks at me and I know that he has been ready for his moment. He wants to feel the warmth of his own desires sliding across his face. In one fell swoop, the two worlds collide. A mirror so adequately positioned catches all of the moment, my hands envelop around the silver beast, bringing it close to his face in what seems like an impossible instance. Dannyboy admires his new cleanshaven look.
  4. The important information will be that the past year has all been a ruse and the game has been hidden on shop shelves and the eShop the whole time.
  5. So, Hull City have changed their name. They are the Hull City Tigers locally and Hull Tigers internationally. Also, Raheem Sterling has been charged with assault. What do you call a Liverpool player in a suit? The accused.
  6. You are pursuing something that is entirely different to what is being offered to you. That is both to your credit and your downfall. Not every woman that you will meet will be interested in a relationship. Some will just want sex. People have urges. It's not entirely a bad thing, it can relieve stress, tension and it can instil confidence and belief in yourself. At the moment, you're holding out for somebody who will be willing to give you more than just sex. Not entirely a bad thing, but I wonder if you're regretting it inside. In addition to this, passion and attraction is something that can be developed. You might not always fancy someone straight away but you might do after a while. Good stuff, braaah. The best outlook on life is to not expect anything. If it happens, it happens. If not, then you've not really lost a lot. (expect time, but let's not go down that route) That's awesome. In another universe, the super-sexy-beardless-Dannyboy would have maintained eye contact with that woman whilst eating the bagel. Gently nibbling it suggestively and seductively and watching her keeling over with anticipation as she prepares to be annihilated. HNNNNNNGGGGG.
  7. He looks a bit too smug in the newer one. Also, I prefer the pose that he's striking the older version. It seems more warrior like, rather than, "hai, look at mah sword!"
  8. Yeah, Zechs is right on this one. It's amazing what dropping the price to £20 and adding in a piece of "hardware" or an extra can do for sales. For that same reason, I expect many people bought Red Steel 2 for its motionplus accessory.
  9. I'm playing Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed for the Wii U. Love eeeeeeet. It seems that it's a lot more racing focused than Mario Kart Wii. The courses are excellent and I'm loving the transitions between road to sea to air. £15 well spent!
  10. Quit your job. That way you can watch all the directs you want.
  11. - I'm in the process of improving my Spanish, so this should help. Plus, it's only £20 and it comes with a shit load of CDs. We'll see how this goes. I'm also improving my Dutch at the moment. (LEARN ALL OF THE LANGUAGES) - £15 - £22 Think that's it. Ine has bought a spice rack, which is sweeeeeeeet.
  12. Didn't Links Crossbow Training come with the Zapper? I'm sure that helped a little. But, still, that's quite disappointing. Budget and effort doesn't equal sales and I guess this just proves it. To a lot of people out there, the Just Dance games are good fun that you can have with your friends. I'm sure those same Zelda fans will go out and buy the next one, but there's a huge group of people out there who do like Just Dance and those "dance-mat" style games from before. There was a huge wave at that time, too. Remember the popularity of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Waves come and go.
  13. What time will this direct be starting?
  14. The game is ace, I'm really enjoying it. The singleplayer stuff is fantastic. I've tried the multiplayer with Ine and we both had a blast. I hope that there will be people up for some races on here.
  15. I disagree. You have to look at the bans because you have to prepare yourself for the fact that he might potentially get another one, rendering him unable to play in the league or Europe at some point in the season. It's the same with players who play in the African Cup of Nations, they'll be unable for club competition at some point, and that does need to be taken into account when looking at signings. Also, he attracts controversy wherever he goes. It's a negative image that the club doesn't need. Nobody is doubting his obvious footballing talent, but there are too many other things that need to be looked at, too. £40million is far too much to waste on such a liability. Look at the way he's currently acting and how pissed Rodgers is at him.
  16. ... Goddammit, Rummy.
  17. I've thanked you for the Total Recall reference. I use the GamePad stand. Put that on the table, use the Wiimote and Nunchuk, and use my fingers to scroll along the pad if I need to. I love it.
  18. Ah, I don't have the original classic controller myself so thought they were 2 buttons short. You are indeed right. Out of curiosity, what annoyed you about the GamePad/Wiimote combo? I've found it god-like for Pikmin.
  19. Nintendo have been competing in both the handheld and home console departments for years. You make it sound like they've suddenly decided to make a home console and are suddenly terrible at it.
  20. I just don't see why Arsenal want Suarez. The guy is an absolute liability. That's a lot of money to spend on somebody who causes so much trouble, and there's no telling when he would decided that he suddenly wants out again. If you hate being having your players linked to teams like Real Madrid every summer, you'll hate having Suarez in your team. If Arsenal finish third, he'll then decide that he wants to go somewhere to win the league. It's a total mismatch. Out of respect for Arsenal, I would hate to see this guy play for them.
  21. There does seem to be a bit of negativity surrounding this issue. Some feel that Nintendo simply have too many controllers. I'll explain my situation and what brought me to this topic. I've purchased Tekken and Sonic All Stars racing both for Wii U (they both have reeeeally long titles...) The singleplayer stuff using the GamePad is fine. But, I fancied trying a bit of multiplayer. Now, this is where there seems to be an issue for some. What exactly is supported and what is not? I've had a look at the back of both boxes and, to my surprise, there are quite a few different controller options. Sonic, in particular, uses the GamePad and can use Pro controller, Wiimote, Wiimote + Nunchuk, Wheel and CCPro...talk about spoilt for choice. I can't really see that being a negative at all. The only criticism could be that you need the classic controller pro and not the original one, as that doesn't contain enough shoulder buttons. But...I'm pleasantly surprised that I don't necessarily need to leave the old CCPro in the drawer and can actually use it. So, in short: Do you feel that there are too many controllers? If so, why is that a negative?
  22. I'm using it again for some Spanish Learning DVDs. Huehuehue. yes
  23. So...nobody actually knows when summer takes place then? Thanks Shibata/Nintendo/Obama!
  24. They're 24 quid on Amazon but I managed to get about 2 quid off. Go for eet.
  25. Surely you'll progress further in one dungeon as opposed to another, due to the weapons/items that each one will need. For example, the forest dungeon might require the bow but the fire dungeon might require both the bow and hammer in order to complete it. I'm also worried about how this will affect the narrative. Cutscenes, plot points, introduction to new areas, etc.
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