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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Zelda 3DS looks shit hot. Can't believe people were negative about it before. It looks awesome.
  2. I've got it. Playing it now. It's awesome. Shit, Mario Kart really has to up a gear now...
  3. Yeah, you can do that (I've done it before), although I don't know the extent of Mindfreak's leg pain.
  4. Well done, mafia. This mafia had potential. But, for many reasons, it didn't live up to it. The crowning moment was the fact it took three or so days to lynch Diageo. Inactivity killed the game, too many people refusing to co-operate and give information, the town not working together as a team to bring down the mafia, in-fighting and so on. On a positive note, the write-ups and roles were good.
  5. Metroid Dread would be HNNNNGGGGGGGGG. I don't think my heart could take it. Not going to happen, though...Hmm. I think that project is dead for sure. We're more likely to get something like a sequel to Fusion, which would still be awesome. A Full 3D HD Remake of Super Metroid. Orrr, the sequel to Fusion for Wii U in the style of Other M (platformer) but with the graphical finesse and touch of the Prime games. Oh My...
  6. Yeah, you're right, the Torres/Andy Carroll transfers have distorted things. It's a pain in the arse, tbh. Contracts just mean so little.
  7. That's the one, hahahaha. I might read it again later. Pure gold. One of the reasons why I love the internet. Witch hazel is meant to be good, aye. I was told that a long time ago, but I've never given it a go myself. The Karma Cream is meant to be used on your body, but I've found that it goes well with my face, so I use it there. I regret nothing.gif That Brad Pitt picture Odwin posted speaks volumes. Beards are shit. He's got a face that most women would erupt over, but that beard ruins everything. Anyway, I've shaved today. Two days after shaving. Fuck your beards!
  8. Personally, I think it's far more likely that you retain the muscle and lose the fat, especially when you look at calorie surplus and excess. As for seated back exercises: You might have a machine that has this already set up for you. If not, get a bench and go to a pulley machine and do it there. Lat Pulldowns. You could try shrugs whilst seated. Set your bench to 90 degrees/upright position, sit on it and use dumbbells for shrugs. I've never done it but no reason why it shouldn't work in principle. Just found this: Again, no reason why it shouldn't work, but you'd struggle to find a bench at that height.
  9. How about Nano Assault, brah? This would be a great move and a big step in the right direction. Fingers crossed.
  10. You should have had an email from them, sometime around midnight or even yesterday. Check your flubit account itself, there will be a notice on there or some kind of disclaimer. It's a shame, as I was just getting into it. I liked the idea of giving power to the consumer, although they do seem to have sold out on this one. I reckon Amazon have paid a hefty price for their services.
  11. I have to lol at these prices for Rooney. If an out-of-form Torres was apparently worth 50 million at that time, how can Rooney be worth just half that? He's still only 27...Anything less than 35 is a scandal. Even then, I'd be reluctant to let him leave. He can play in more positions than Torres and is generally the better player. As for Suarez: Only now Liverpool fans understand the kind of prick that he is. He is everything that is wrong with the game. He cheats, he is unsportsmanlike, generally a bad person and now he is forcing a move out of a club in an unsavoury way.
  12. My Pikmin 3 order still says its processing. I ordered a spice rack at midnight on Friday/Saturday. It's here now. Excellent. On the downside, Flubit have shot themselves in the foot and are now only letting you use links from Amazon. So, you can't use WowHD or Zavvi and expect to beat their prices, it's all through Amazon. Utterly dreadful business decision. The feedback on their blog all says the same thing. Probably won't be using them too much now, after all.
  13. Brilliant, isn't it? Right, what is this Nintendo TV thing? What is it meant to do?
  14. That's the good lord telling you to give up the dream. My facial hair started developing at around the same time. At the end of 6th form/start of Uni, I had terrible marks on my face from shaving. I remember being asked once or twice if I had been attacked by an animal or been in a fight. That was...sad. It really pays off to look around at different shaving products and skin care. Taking care of your skin is important. Drinking a lot of water and being fit and healthy will go some way towards this, too. Nowadays, my skin is pretty good. I rarely get any spots or marks on my face. I've used Karma Cream from Lush since I started getting those marks and it's been better since.
  15. N-Europe is a growing site, there's still time. People will come. Anyway, I feel personally proud that I'm responsible for helping Wii U sales. I hear they're into double figures now.
  16. If that's the one I'm thinking of, there's some hilarious reviews of that product on Amazon. I do feel quite sophisticated whilst shaving, mind. Shaving soap, shaving brush...all I need is a cut throat razor blade and awhh yeeeah.
  17. Dreamcast and Saturn games would be sweet. HNNNNGGGGGGGGG! I doubt it'll happen for a while, though. Although, I am in the mood for some Crazy Taxi...
  18. Could it even be to do with the hamstrings, maybe? My first thought was runner's knee as I did something similar a few years back. Just take it easy for a few weeks and slowly ease back into it. Your legs and knees in particular are delicate.
  19. I'm not a fan of them. I'm firmly in the "moustaches and beards are lame" camp. Stubble is fine and I can deal with it. But, after about 2 days, it's a pain in the arse. Day 1: Shave. Day 2: Stubble, still looks fine. Day 3: FUCKS SAKE, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, MAN. Day 4: Restart process. Same as day 1. I feel sorry for men who can't grow anything at all though, or who have patches of baldness on their beard/tache area. Must be a real feelsbadman moment. So, I don't like. I despise goatees in particular.
  20. But...But... Bacon cherry.
  21. I don't think anyone is implying that, brah. Aside from a bit of joking, I think people are being realistic. Nintendo could show something new, or they might not. But, what will will definitely get is news on existing titles, trailers, etc. I'd say the majority are looking forward to eet.
  22. Fucking lol at the end. NEW CONSOLE. NEW CONTROLLER. You can tell that a whole bunch of Nintendo people were sat around a table trying to figure out how to put that idea across. "We could use capital letters, boss." "Good idea, Cedric." "*whispers silently to himself* YESSS *fist pump*" Do you need the GamePad? NO. Bacon cherry.
  23. Hahahahaha. That title. This is only a bit of fun, Serebii. Secretly, we all want Nintendo to come out and for Iwata to pull his trousers down to reveal that Mario Kart is releasing early. I want to be leaf.
  24. Oh lawd. "I really really really really really need to know... Was it - a - ty- po?" Hahahahahahaahahahah.
  25. Introducing New Super Mario Bros. Wii U 2 Returns.
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