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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Retro_Link called this in the very first post. What does their statement mean? Why isn't there a proper reason instead of this bullshit that they're spouting? If they're working on some cool Wii U specific features, then say it. At the moment, it just sounds more of the "other systems first, Wii U last" speak.
  2. Lol at the thread creation date for this thread. September 2011. It's not far off September 2014. Apparently the game is out in 2015 for Europe, right? I'm out. I was really hyped for this, but I no longer care for it. No Wii U version, no care.
  3. Welcome to the footballer of today. Suarez is a different breed entirely. Being a violent prick is moving it up another gear entirely.
  4. WatchDogs was always going to fail on Wii U. The sales of the system aren't great, so already the userbase is small. Nintendo now have a bad reputation for not being the console to own if you want to buy "serious" games and even worse when these games are by third parties. It's very difficult for a third party to sell an "adult" game on the system (that is, a game aimed at adults, 18+), so already that is limiting the userbase even further. Add that in with the killer punch - the game isn't even available for Wii U at the same time as others. So, if somebody does own a Wii U, they might have already bought the game for the PS4/One/PC already, especially as these systems are more powerful. If they have a PS3/360, they might have just made do and bought it on there. The final part of all of this...where's the incentive for gamers to wait for this to hit Wii U? It's not graphically going to be better than other systems, we don't know of any other features and it will no doubt be full price when it arrives...by which time you can pick it up on other systems for cheaper if you own them. Too many factors that go against this being a success. - Limited market. - A third party game in a genre that has never really done well on Nintendo systems. - Already available on other systems, including next gen formats. - It's arriving too late. Nintendo should have done whatever it takes to get the game ready for release. It's too late now. The buzz has gone. Destiny is now the next big thing, the moment has passed. The game could get canned tomorrow for Wii U and nobody would care.
  5. Well done to Liverpool for getting rid of this shitebag. He has caused trouble everywhere. He went to The Netherlands and caused trouble. Caused trouble twice in England. Went to two World Cups and caused trouble, again. He's a vile piece of work and it actually strengthens the integrity for English football by not associating ourselves with this "man". Very talented, yes. But, Liverpool FC is more than just one person and they'll no doubt recover. What they would find it harder to recover from is the inevitability of him causing yet more grief and bringing more shame to the badge. Shame on Barcelona for being so desperate to sign this fucker and for letting two decent men go in Sanchez and Fabregas.
  6. Amazing signing for Arsenal. What are Barcelona playing at letting him and Fabregas go? Both are quality players and are decent people. I find it hard to believe that they're selling these players and yet are recruiting somebody like Suarez.
  7. I can understand why Other M gets some hate and luckily I've never had too much of a hard time justifying my reasons for loving it as there have been a few people on here that love it too and also that we're quite a forgiving bunch here. But, I can just imagine that there are pockets of the internet...the interverse that can't let that one go. It's a shame really. Reminds me of your Miiverse discussion, @Hero\-of\-Time. That podcast actually sounds really interesting. I followed NintendoWorldReport before their name change and they were...quite average, tbh. You could find half a dozen sites like theirs. Like us, for example. But, somehow, they've kicked it up a gear and are probably one of the best Nintendo websites out there. We should take lessons from them. Dunno about their forum, though. Signed up years ago, got bored and never went back. Pretty sure ours is one of the best.
  8. What's the question, brah? Would I be interested in this game? I'm not one for handhelds and I've outgrown Pokemon.
  9. I'm in the minority I imagine, but I quite like it. Seems fine/nice to me. It looks like Evra is off to Juve. They've wanted him for a while. I will miss him. However, I would love, love, love eet if we are using this as a way to bring Juve to the table so we can ask them about Vidal. Apparently talks are already underway.
  10. Sunshine is the greatest of all time. KANEDAAAAAAAAAAAA.
  11. My youngest brother used to go door-to-door in our street selling cards. He was the richest person I knew. Always had money. Didn't give one shit about playing the game and never ever touched a GameBoy in his life.
  12. It's one of my favourite systems ever. There was just so much variety on there and enough to keep you coming back for more. When I think of the Wiimote, I'll think of using the pointer in Twilight Princess, then the tilting controls for ExciteTruck and then the pointer controls again for Pro Evo. It worked like a charm for Dead Space: Extraction and it immersed me in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I've got tons and tons of memories and must have amassed something like 60+ games for the system. I've got tons yet to play, such as Pandora's Tower, the Metroid Prime Trilogy, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, and quite a few more, too. Love it. Enjoy it tons more than I ever did the Cube. Got so much mileage out of the system. Also, Xenoblade. Motherfucking Xenoblade. Hnnnnnnnnnnggg.
  13. Bluddy hell... Hnnnnnnnnnnngggg.
  14. I'm still expecting a catch somewhere. It's all looking a bit too good to be true, so far. From those videos, it does look wonderful. How diverse are the effects? Just rain? Or will there be storms, snow, etc?
  15. This one is a non-starter, brah. Forget her, it's a waste of time and effort. You won't achieve anything and it can't be saved...unless you really, reaally, reaaaally want to keep her as a friend, so she can keep talking to you about these lovely guys that she's been dating. :p Move on, brah. Also, who the fuck comes to the UK and goes to Norwich.
  16. That's another game I know absolutely NOTHING about. I've never played a sandbox/open world game of this type. The closest is Arkham City...does that even count? Never played an Assassin's Creed game. Didn't play The Last of Us last generation. So, three new experiences. Quite excited, tbh.
  17. Sure, I don't think many people realise that you had an issue with him. At least that's out in the open now. *ducks for cover* Nobody is saying that you can't like the Wii U, just like you should be allowed to voice your displeasure. It works both ways. Just like how you can say that you don't like the other systems (which many here also do), whilst others can say why they do like them. But, surely you must see that there is a reason why, on a "home venue" (a Nintendo forum), there are so many people not happy with the system. It's a universal thing, and even those in the pro-Nintendo camp (I'm still in there, as are the vast majority here, otherwise we wouldn't be here) can admit that Nintendo are continuously dropping clangers. People feel the need to discuss this and we hope that things will change for the better. Just like they'll discuss the good times (Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3), they'll also discuss the things that are going wrong or could be improved. It's healthy to have both. Completely agree with this. What is life without passion. The fact that so many people are discussing this very thing in this particular topic (which almost acts like a gateway for everything right and wrong that Nintendo are doing) shows that everybody here cares. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be here.
  18. Lazy fuck. :p Should be here by the end of the week/early next week. Won't be able to even touch it until Monday. My first Assassin's Creed game, so going in with no expectations.
  19. Completely agree with this. Wii U doesn't sell, that has a knock on effect with third parties. No third party games has a knock on effect with future sales for the systems AND it tarnishes the image for the next one. When Nintendo release the next console, they won't be starting from fresh; perceptions still carry over, as do relations to the market and third parties...as well as gamers. How many people didn't go for a Wii U after being "burned" by the Wii. If gamers were happy with the Wii U, we wouldn't see as much complaining. Nobody wants the system to fail. It actually makes more sense that we want the system to thrive AND have the big third party titles AND have a robust online system/interface. If Nintendo offered me these things, I wouldn't need to then spend more money on another gaming system. Also, @King_V, @Sheikah made a great point and you completely sidestepped it. It isn't about whether your life "revolves around gaming", because I'm sure that many of us have lives, jobs, relationships that aren't tied exclusively to gaming. However, this is our hobby, so obviously we care about it.
  20. Do you even read your wall, brah? Bought it, can't wait to give it a go.
  21. I've done it, brah. I've ordered Asses of Creed.




    (and Watch Dogs)


    Why not both, eh?

    Read more  
  22. Is there something about Sniper Elite 3 that we should know about. Seemed a bit shovelware-ish, yet it's at the top of the charts. Is it any good? I'm guessing no?
  23. After thinking on this, I was still very stuck about which game to go for. So I did what any respectable gamer should do and ordered both, so I can make up my own mind. One of my lovely children gave me a £15 Amazon voucher, so that paid for Watch Dogs. The PS4 version only cost me £24 in the end. I also bought Assassin's Creed (PS4) preowned for £19.99. So, both games have only cost me around £44. Can't say that I mind that too much. Just hope that I enjoy both. The Last of Us is also pre-ordered, as is the next Fifa when that hits in September. Games, games, gaaaames.
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