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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I can definitely see the appeal with trophies. I do get a bit of a yeah "fuck yeah" moment when I get another one. It has given me an extra push in Watch Dogs to do certain tasks (like doing some of the mini-games, the shell mini-game/cup mini-game). It's good if you're that sort of gamer who wants to do everything. Takes me back to the N64 days a little bit with that, where I used to want to unlock everything and complete everything/see everything available.
  2. Turok? Hello 20th Century gaming, is that you? Had Rage Wars, which was alright. I always wanted Turok 2. I wonder if there's a way to reboot this for the current systems.
  3. I phrased it badly, I didn't mean "our people", but rather people who have taken part in the beta. US brahs. Has there been any reaction to it from them yet?
  4. Yes, but you only earn £1.50 a year. Living beyond your means, you digust me, Bob. (sorry, DR. Bob) You might be ok though, because I hear that Real Madrid want to buy that energy drink for €65million.
  5. I was still getting my bearings yesterday. Threw a brick right at one of them and was dead within seconds.
  6. You what? As in, go up behind them, grab them, then brick them? That works? I'll be trying that later.
  7. Yeah, I've seen it at around £26, which is a very good deal for two games. Had there not been so many games coming out at around this time, I would have just gone for it at that price. I also wonder if it's the type of game that will be available on PS+ at some point.
  8. £10-15 for this sort of thing seems fine to me. The reviews seem to be good as well, so it's a seemingly well made piece of kit. I wouldn't pay more than that for it, though.
  9. I've been looking at Metro but I have no idea when I'd play it. It might be one I ask for a Christmas present or something. Looks great. Ine is playing Strider right now. I haven't touched it yet, but she's having a blast with it. Looks great, very fun. Although, I haven't got the faintest idea of what's going on. Seems very crazy.
  10. What's been people's reactions to the beta so far? I'm eager to hear it. The two things that do concern me are the pricing model and the lag. I imagine a subscription model will be somewhat worth it, but the lag issue concerns me. It may convince me to go for a wired connection, although I don't know if that'll do much. The idea of this sounds good though and it could be a great success if Sony do it properly.
  11. You can get this adapter to go wired. Seems to be getting good reviews and doesn't seem too pricey. Best thing you can do given the circumstances. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Wii-LAN-Adapter/dp/B00BERB8B8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406908782&sr=8-1&keywords=wii+u+ethernet+adapter
  12. It's dirt cheap now. You can easily find it for under 15 quid. Probably even closer to half that. Good game and best usage of WiiU gamepad to date.
  13. I believe that @Jimbob has played it recently.
  14. I've noticed on my facebook that several people have mentioned that they are watching the film. Literally, watching the film right there and then. Not sure how clever it is advertising all that on facebook.
  15. I loved 3 on the Wii but didn't get the WiiU game. It's a massive commitment and I wonder if the buzz for this has died down in preparation for the next game? To me, you'd need to spent loads of time on that for it to be truly worthwhile, whereas Pikmin and Wonderful101 are instantly accessible and awesome in that respect. If Iun has the time, then yeah, go for it. It really depends on who plays the game right now though. Especially as he mentioned his problems with online in the first post. Monster Hunter in singleplayer is like Mario Kart in singleplayer. Passable, but...it's not really where the fun is.
  16. I've not moved abroad, but have spent time in Belgium with Ine and her family. I've moved from South Wales to Brighton, back to Wales and then Bournemouth, so I've done a little bit of moving about. My Dad moved from Pakistan to Manchester (where he met my Mum) before they both moved to Rochdale, Bury (maybe some time in Bolton) before eventually settling in South Wales. I've experienced Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and can safely say that I could never, ever live there. However, I do think that Belgium has some very nice parts (Antwerp is awesome, as is Ine's home city of Hasselt). For me, the biggest barrier between fully integrating in another country is language. I don't think I've met that many English people who have moved to a non-English-speaking country, yet I've met many from France, Spain, the Netherlands, South America and lots of other places who have integrated here, seemingly because of their approach to learning English back home. My Dutch and Spanish is decent and I'm always looking to improve with it, but it's nowhere near to the standard that Ine speaks English...which is frankly insane. She speaks and writes English better than about 90% of people that I know. I'm not exaggerating. The cultural differences are something that need to be addressed to, as is the lifestyle/way of life in that country. My way of living and lifestyle is far too different to many of the people that I met in Pakistan and Saudi, so I don't think I'd integrate well there and be happy. However, if my Dutch and Spanish improved (it is improving and has improved a lot) I'd be much more comfortable living there. I think it's a good thing to move about, although it doesn't have to necessarily be abroad. I would never be the person that I am right now if I had stayed in Wales. To grow and flourish, you need to experience different things, new things. Being in a new place and making new friends is a part of that.
  17. Remember when I posted recently that our local ASDA has re-introduced WiiU games? I've been in there today and they've seemingly "cut down" the separate Wii and 3/DS sections into just one section named "Nintendo". So, you have about 3 or 4 rows of DS games and about the same for Wii games. I didn't see any WiiU games at all there. I wonder what the approach has been towards Nintendo nationwide. Wouldn't surprise me if supermarket stores were cutting back.
  18. Glad the advice was useful, brah. I'm not interested in NSMBU at all either. If you can, find some way of ditching it and getting The Wonderful 101 or Pikmin 3, the two proper stand out games on the WiiU. Everything else on the system can be lived with or without, in my honest opinion.
  19. Oh yeah, I figured that out. Yesterday was mainly me just working out how the game works. E.g, how sensitive certain enemies are at finding you. I've got a good grasp of it now. I've chosen normal. I tend to go for that in the majority of games. I'm more concerned with getting to the end of my games rather than doing it because it's "mega-hard", for example. The game seems balanced to me. I've not really got a problem with "cinematic games", in fact I'd say it's something that interests me and is one of the reasons that I went for the PS4, because I wanted more of these types of experiences. So far, I'm enjoying it at around the same sort of level as I did with Tomb Raider when I recently played that. Which is a great thing. Just hope it doesn't nose dive, aha. Going to play more of it tonight, treating it as a main event type of game where you do it in the evening when the mood is right.
  20. The game is great so far. Where I am:
  21. I'm feeling very enthusiastic about gaming at the moment. Really enjoying the PS4 and am gripped to it. It's a welcome change to the stuff that I've played beforehand and I was getting a bit bored of Nintendo's offerings. I've hardly touched Mario Kart as I got Tomb Raider at the same time. No contest for me which one I'd rather play right now. Haha, "stuck" is a good way of putting it. That's cool, I'm fine with that, just curious about it. It's not a big deal for me and I think it would complicated the game.
  22. The multiplayer will be done last. For me, that's just an added bonus or an extra. I'm in this purely for the single-player. There's no co-op in this, is there? That's one question we both had and we had a quick rummage around the net whilst trying to be careful of spoilers. There isn't any, is there?
  23. I'm looking forward to both. I've had to hide away The Last of Us in a drawer because it kept looking at me. Gah. I've heard good things about the Walking Dead, so I'm eager to get on that.
  24. Or the other way around, too. It would be cool if there was an initial other threat. Maybe the three of them (Link, Zelda, Ganondoooorf) band together to try and take down this threat. For whatever reason, they could be unsuccessful. This might force Link into obtaining his "hero spirit" or something, it being awakened from him. Maybe, in turn, as a result of that, Ganon's evil demon spirit is brought forth. That could even be in the final third of the story, after the other threat is extinguished. There's so much potential there. Doubt we'll see anything like this. :p
  25. Again, it's interesting reading this. Even from @Iun's first post he's not completely swayed by the WiiU. In the middle ground. There's good arguments from both sides. It really depends what Iun wants from it. If it's going to be his main console, then...I think it's worth looking at all the options, personally. Including the other consoles and PC. If it's just an accessory console, then why not? More options, eh. But, I'd be hard pressed to recommend to him the WiiU as his main gaming fix, unless he's really digging the likes of Pikmin, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc, that would change things. What exactly are your circumstances, Iun? Do you game an awful lot these days? Because that'll change things, too.
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