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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I thought it was just the game trying to make you think there might be something there. Can't believe we didn't see it, not exactly easy to miss. Glad we ran now.
  2. What you don't know is that you popped up on the lower left of the screen in holographic form, uttering the words "Run, Jim. Trust your feelings."
  3. I'm the same, I tend to have a rough idea in my head and then see how it goes. The running should give you a bit of extra leeway, you could probably get away with a few bits of food that you might not have otherwise been lucky with. Good luck. : peace:
  4. Transistor is £11.59 and then it mentions 10% additional PS Plus discount. So, is that £11.59 with the 10% included or would you then subtract the PS+ discount to make the game even cheaper? Either way, Ine wants Transistor, so now might be the right time to dive in.
  5. Why does it need a "gimmick"? The "gimmick" or USP should be Nintendo's games. I bought a WiiU for Nintendo, not the GamePad. The Wiimote was an exception because it was being touted as the future, doubt we'll ever see anything like that again. About the last point: People didn't buy the GC for multiple reasons, the specs had nothing to do with it. In fact, didn't sales start off well and then fade away? Nintendo's support towards the latter years of the GC was a bit...bad. They also took the piss a little with some of the Donkey Kong(a) games and using Mario for, well, everything. There's many reasons why the GC didn't do better, you shouldn't try to link the specs into that.
  6. I recommend frozen yoghurt, personally. Be careful and be sure of what you're doing, as it is your body and you only get one. I've forgotten how hard bulking is, especially trying to do it clean/lean. How long are you planning to go for? I'm going to give it until January, I think. Then will use that time to assess whether to go for a bit longer or start getting ready for the summer time, again. I'm hopeful that I can cut more efficiently in future, now that I know what I'm doing.
  7. I would be happy with that, provided that they also made right all of the wrongs that they've committed this generation. You see user input as the only differentiator between systems. You're wrong in that respect. It takes place in many different formats, e.g. the power under the hood for the console (which can help drive the industry - who wouldn't want graphically better games?), the style and type of games that appears on the system will also drive the industry, as well as having online components, new gameplay mechanics, advancements in sound quality, having better/higher production values in games, they all play a part and more. You make it sound as if the console is useless if it doesn't have a fancy controller. I can't agree with that. The controller is an input device and only alters a fraction of what you're actually doing. If what you're actually controlling isn't all that, then what's the point in it anyway? At the end of the day, you're still getting Mario from point A to point B, as you did on the NES, SNES and so on. The controller didn't do an awful lot for Super Mario Galaxy, yet the graphical quality of the game, the sound, the stylistic approach, the setting, the levels and so on made it memorable and a classic. The controller shouldn't matter more than the game that you're playing.
  8. Sorry, I'm going to call bullshit. Nobody gave a shit about that when we were all busy loving our GameCubes and SNESs. Nobody moaned about having three identical consoles then. In fact, we loved it in some respects because the GC was a powerhouse. An absolute animal of a console. We rubbed it in the faces of PS2 owners when we showed off the water effects on Wave Race, or when Resident Evil 4 looked the best on that system compared to the others. I'm not sure where this mentality comes from that Nintendo NEED to be different. The games should be the difference, not necessarily the system. The games were the difference back on the NES, SNES, N64 and GC. It's only since the Wii where they decided to go down the "less powerhouse, more user input" route that fans have changed their tune. Even with the GC stuff, that was in spite of Nintendo causing confusion/trouble with their usage of those small optical discs and the same with the N64 era with the carts when the world wanted CD. A "special" feature doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a "special" system, as is completely evident with the WiiU.
  9. Well done. I'm starting my bulk again after my first proper cut. I feel like I understand it all now and know what I need to do. I'm more aware that it's more about the nutrition than it is the actual weights that you're pushing, although it does help, of course. I know a little about IIFYM, not too much, but maybe I can help. Basically, the idea is that you eat whatever the fuck you want (within reason- heh) as long as it fits/you're hitting your macros. I've read about people eating ice cream and McDonalds on their bulk as long as it meets their macros/hitting their numbers. It's something of a numbers game. I've also read about others who know that they're under their limits, so use the "junk" food to hit it, but I don't know whether that's a super smart thing to do in the long term. It's a bit of a contentious issue, tbh. There are different calculator's out there that give you different splits. It's something that I'm looking at atm. http://www.freedieting.com/tools/nutrient_calculator.htm - if you select the macro-nutrient calculator, you just type in your daily calorie amount and it'll work it out for you using different ratios (if you wanted to go low carb for example, or low fat) http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ - that's another one, a bit more complex. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=121703981 - That's also an interesting read but very complex. There's quite a few other calculators out there which will give you a starting point.
  10. I wouldn't waste time trying to figure out that UK market. It's a headache. :p
  11. I don't think @Hero\-of\-Time said anything wrong. In fact, looking at his post again, I think he's right. It's good that the update is here, but we can all agree that these are features that should be there in the first place anyway, which is what he said. Nevertheless, it's here. Better late than never.
  12. That's pretty much it. The WiiU isn't going to get a huge surge in sales now. The market who wanted the Wii have moved on, so they should start preparing things for the next generation. In the mean time, they should just aim to get back on board the fans that they have lost. They're the ones who will go on to purchase the future system/s and they are the ones who will be there from day 1 to get Smash Bros, the next Zelda, X, etc. I'm excited for Nintendo's future because they HAVE to change things up now. I'm curious to see what path they take and think this will be the end of the Wii brand.
  13. A good update. Not sure about those cars, though. The Silver Arrow looks like the one that fits the most, the others just seem a bit out of place, imo. Still, free stuff, wooo.
  14. I'm wondering if they are referring to the Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty and Batman titles that are already on the system. Technically, from Nintendo's perspective, they could potentially say, "you can play Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty and Batman on the WiiU now." They would be right, too...just instead of Arkham Knight, it would be City and Origins. Instead of the two new AC games, it's Black Flag and 3, same for CoD. Just putting that out there.
  15. Brah, saw you playing Watch Doge yesterday. What do you think? Bearing in mind that it's still early on for you.

  16. Shit in my pants.
  17. In truth, there aren't a great deal of next-gen games at the moment, let alone games exclusively for the PS4. Why would there be? If developers can still make money off the 360 and PS3, they will. Rightfully so, too. There's a huge install base there and they already know the systems inside out. The PS4 will really start as soon as developers leave behind the PS3 and 360 and focus purely on the PS4 and One. If I remember rightly, I'm sure that the PS2 still had games released for it when the PS3 first came out. Think this was also the case with the NES/SNES, but I might be wrong on that one. The fact that the 360 has been going since...what...2005 is a great thing. People sure got their money's worth with that one...provided it didn't red-ring on you. That's partly why there's quite a few cross-generational games. However, what you know for certain about the PS4 is that you know that the support will be there. Even now, when there isn't that many exclusives for the system, there are still games there and games that will be released in the coming months. It's not a drought in that sense because the games are still there, they are just also available on other systems, too. Not...really a terrible thing. I'm loving it, tbh. Even today with the news about Resident Evil Remake HD, even if I don't get the game, there's still that nice feeling that I know I can purchase it if I want it. I didn't have that choice when I solely owned a WiiU. I look at Tomb Raider and the Last of Us (even Watch Dogs, which I love but many seem to dislike) and I'm completely happy with it.
  18. I didn't actually know any of that. Cheers for the information.
  19. O RLY? In that case...
  20. @bryanee, that Prince gif fucking killed me. I'm not sure where I stand on this. To me, the game looks great already and I'm not sure if I would pay full price for this. It could be one of the games that I will look into when it becomes cheaper. However, if this led to remakes or HD versions of 2,3 and CV...then, IN. Happy you're getting a PS4? :p
  21. Are you an investor or a gamer? You're so stuck behind the numbers that you're just as blinded by it as these analysts and investors that you lament. Do I play mobile phone games? On the whole, no. I usually play on a console. However, I have played mobile games and have had a good time at it. When I was stuck in the car for hours at Tower Park in Poole waiting for Nandos/the park to re-open due to a chemical leak, we played games on our phones to pass the time, including a charades-type game that I can't remember off the top of my head. My friend's game, not mine. It's easy. Whip out your phone and the games are there. That led to my friend recommending 2048 to me, just before it become this huge deal. It's a simple game. Would I pay £30 for it on the WiiU eShop? No, because it's too pricey and not the type of game you need to play on a home console with a huge tv. Would I pay £7 for it on the 3DS eShop? No, because I don't have my 3DS with me all the time. In fact, I don't own one, Ine does. Would I get it for pittance on Android. Yes. Which I did. Nintendo are "supposed" to make diverse games for all audiences, or so we're told. In fact, there's probably no better time for them to enter into this market because they are at their peak of making simplistic games. A MiiMaker App which you could then use to upload to your WiiU home console would be great. What about being able to import your MarioMaker levels to an app for your friends to try on their smart phones AND 3DS? How about simple NintendoLand style games (touch screen based) that they can sell individually on Android or iOS, as well as the 3DS? What about some sort of cross-buy, where if you purchase it once, you have it on multiple formats. There is potential there. Nintendo could make it work, but I don't honestly think that they'll do this. This is 21st Century gaming and Nintendo are not in the 21st Century.
  22. In fairness, if these infected were right there in front of us, we probably wouldn't have a chance in hitting them. Hitting a moving target takes a lot of skill.
  23. Multiple times. Ine is watching the game with me. We had popcorn yesterday. She basically acts as a lookout for me in the game and gave me tips on where the fucker was when certain things happened:
  24. Yeah, I'm familiar with remembering the day the war ended, not usually when it started. I didn't know about this either, so agree that the message wasn't well spread. I heard about candles being placed in churches, but that's it. I've had a look on facebook and there are quite a few people posting about the lights out, at about 10 o'clock last night. So, unless you happened to be online at precisely that time/a few minutes before or you had known about it earlier in the day (somehow...) it was quite an easy thing to miss. I would have liked to have taken part, especially as we have family who have fought in wars and know people currently away on service.
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