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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Add it to the money I have and get a ticket for Download. Then I would need to get all the food and booze. Or get tattoos.
  2. That sucked beyond all other things that have sucked before.
  3. My best tip would be dontlet it build it up. Also I ignored Graphics so I could do better on others. History was a right bastard cuz my teach was a bitch. The main thing about coursework that I hated: My English teacher lost the best bit of coursework I ever did. Because of that I got a B instead of an A for English lit.
  4. The homeless in Manchester are kool. I gave a couple of quid to a guy so he could get chips after I saw KoRn. He chatted to me and my mate for a while, he was a pretty nice person, just got down on his luck.
  5. The pic isnt on the front page and I cant be arsed to look for it. This blog was proven fake ages ago, like Flaight said, dont pay him any attention.
  6. Was watching Anchorman, got bored and switched to SAW just as it started. What an awesome film, though not as good as the 1st time I saw it because I knew what was gonna happen.
  7. Stone Sour confirmed, good news for me since I like 'em and good news for Slipknot haters. I would have been happy with either.
  8. There is no Cube section in my local GAME, but GameStation has 1 or 2 shelves of quality titles and big GC preowned section. But I order online mostly, cheaper and I don't have to deal with condecending looks from staff in 360 T-shirts. Tools.
  9. "Guns N' Roses" are confirmed. They are gonna headline Sunday apparently and they don't deserve to. Its not even GN'R anymore, its Axl Rose and random musicians. Its likely Axl won't even turn up so I'm hoping for that.
  10. I prefer being freezing cold than sweating my nuts off so it dpends year to year. Summer has BBQs and the pleasure of an ice cold beer in the heat of the day. Winter has longer nights, which I like and beer also. Summer has Download festival, even though the nights felt like winter. Its a tie, dont care about spring and autumn.
  11. Had no idea it was pancake day, so had none. Normally I have sugar and lemon or Nutella.
  12. Resident Evil: Apocalypse Watched it for no reason and it hasnt held up well. Used to love it but downgrading it to a good but meh. At least now I know where I saw the 1st Lady's aide from 24 before. She plays the news caster woman in RE:A.
  13. They were great! WHy do I like twisted things so much? Meh I dont care.
  14. I heard that story somewhere else before. Also one involving the suction system of a swimming pool. Its pretty gross. But not enough to make me sick or stop taking care of myself.
  15. Thats has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read. And goth chicks are hot, especially if they like whips and stuff. And dude, just make up a sob story to make your mum feel sorry for her. Remember to clue the girl in though else your mum will find out you lied.
  16. I used to move my NES pad to try and make Mario jump further This would be kool if its true, people are always trying to physically(sp) look round corners in FPS'.
  17. The Lizard kicks ass. I think its kool that he gets his arm back when he turns. He would be a good 'villain' because he doesnt want to be, he has no control while in lizard form. It should inly be revealed near the end that Connors is The Lizard and it would cause a crisis of conscience for spidey. They would need a good actor though to display all the emotions Connors is going through. Also not all CG, some good suit work is needed.
  18. Yup, I would never pay £50 for a game. Most I ever payed was £45 for Conkers BFD. Think about PS3 owners, those games will apparently cost £60. Remember how expensive Turok was? I got it for £15 2nd hand
  19. MunKy


    I bet he acts upset but he's actually happy cuz now he gets to legally shag the goat. You know this is how AIDS started, people ran dan doodlin animals.
  20. MunKy


    I saw a guy on TV who had a red skull with stuff around it tattoo'd on his knee. It took ages and more than one session to do but when he moved his knee when it was done it looked like the jaw was moving. Get that, I'm considering it.
  21. It'll probably come from space in the ship that J Jonah Jameson's son (I forget his name) is piloting. Like in the cartoon, it crash landed and the symbiote escaped and attached itself to spiderman. Although in the cartoon he was fighting Rhino there but it will probably be Sandman.
  22. Theres an indie horror film I have to see called Sin-jin Smyth. The rough cut has been getting great reviews on horror sites. http://www.sin-jinsmyth.com
  23. MunKy


    Yeah you can get them tattoo'd over. I cant remember what its called but its doable. Thats a great tat, I saw VR at Download, they were great, although when he sings through the mega phone it sounds awful.
  24. Or how about after a victorious battle, Link gets obscenely(sp?) drunk and pukes so hard blood comes up. When he comes too his blood puke is gone and the adventure begins!
  25. Saw that pic on IGN. Is it meant to be a depressing sort of pic or is that the symbiote suit that eventually becomes Venom with Eddie Brock?
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