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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. I thought that sensor was just on the prototype. I might be wrong though, I didnt look at the new pics in great detail.
  2. It will be a new Mario game, Mario 128 will be delayed until the day before the last person who heard about it dies.
  3. I get this thing where my arm feels weird and trys to punch the nearest person/object. Its really hard to stop it from actually doing it but I can control it. Also, when talking to someone you hate, is it wrong to imagine yourself grabbing them by the shirt and biting out their throat? EDIT: Isnt homosexuality caused by something going wrong when the brains being wired up? Its a genetic defect, like needing to wear glasses. Thats what I was told anyway. Oh and 90% of left handed people are gay.
  4. Men have nipples becuase all fetuses start female, the Y chromosone is added (or not) after. Something like that roughly.
  5. You handled it well, most people would have punched the chump in the nose. Get pictures of their faces from the CCTV and put them on a poster saying "These dirty, pikey, smelly chav fucktards are banned"
  6. Just remembered I watched Fight Club last night. I love that film. in my top 10.
  7. Transporter 2 It was ok, but no way near as good as the first one. It was just over the top and kicked reality out the window. The way he removes the bomb from his car was too much.
  8. The following bands will be bottled: All American retards, sorry rejects Alter Bridge Eighteen Visions Fightstar And hopefully any emo bands that are there but I dont know the names. And Im very happy there is no Feeder or Garbage this year, what the hell were they thinking?
  9. No not trust, gun turrets. If I had a business and MS were next to me I would blackout all the windows and soundproof the whole place. Put a small amount of lead in the walls too so xrays arent a threat. Im not paranoid.
  10. The Bell.co.uk adverts are really pissing me off. "Blah blah blah, even if you have zero no claims bonus?" BONG! "Blah blah blah, even if you have zero no claims bonus?" BONG!. Repeat a few more times and its enough to make me stop watching the TV. It really annoys me.
  11. I liked the 1st one. I liked the sloth and that little squirrel thing. I think its name is Scrat.
  12. The only thing that goes too far are the people who get offended. Its a joke! Its not meant to be serious, calm down you damn drama queen!
  13. Futurama has a huge fan base. Just check out gotfuturmama.com fuck im doi drunk right not now.
  14. Is the coming out the closet episode illegal though? All the credits say John and Jane Smith. If anyone can clarify where this episode stands legally it would be great.
  15. Just come out of the closet! Great ep, is the new one on Youtube aswell?
  16. Some people have way too much time on their hands. Its amazing how many times that trailer changes from looking polished to cheap.
  17. This is old news, he left cuz they took the piss out of scientology. Its in an episode that will never be shown again due to legal reasons apparently.
  18. I thought Funbox was a nickname for a certain partof the female anatomy. People would buy one just for the double entendres!
  19. Can anyone back that up? I learned how to count to ten in korean when I did karate years back, but I would assume the numbers are different. Go is 5 in what I learned.
  20. GO: Go Online Game On Green Oranges Giant Ostrich What the hel could this stand for? Im too lazy to think up of more. I hope this is fake.
  21. I read the Bart virginity thing in TV Quick years ago, apprently it was gonna be set a few years in the future. Simpson future that is. I'm not that bothered, I'd rather have Futurama make a comeback.
  22. Garden State 8/10 I really liked this film. Its funny but not in a completely obvious way. Apart from the one of the best lines ever: "Somebody's pissing on my GameCube". The African dude said, I forgot his name. The reason its not a 9 is because it gets really chick flicky at the end.
  23. Yup, you got it. That was the first Peter Jackson film I ever saw. It was on TV last week so it was also the last. I havent seen Bad Taste yet though.
  24. Team America: World Police - 8.5/10 I love this film, anybody who's seen it will know why. As for King Kong 2005, its ok but the 1st bit dragged so much my eyes were tired for the rest of the film. Wins points for the box labelled "Sumatran Rat Monkey: Watch for bite!" or something like that. Anyone else seen the film thats a refernce to?
  25. 3 good things about Titanic: Kate Winslets boobs, Leo DiCaprio dying and the sinking scene. The rest sucked more than a prostitute on the job for over 40 years. As for TP, it will be an amazing game, no doubt about it. But perfect? Close maybe but nothing is perfect.
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