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Everything posted by MunKy
Disaster looked great and I cant wait to see more of it. Project hammer looks like a good anger release game, especially with the wiimote. Apologies if you arent WiredChild, but you sound like a Sony fanboy who is tryng to demoralise us.
lol read this its from my msn just now: Dave: who stole? I follow where my mind goes...: Sony Dave: sony stole what? I follow where my mind goes... You know Nintendo put motion sensing in their new controller? Guess what sony copied? Although Ive read up and its very basic David:your so obsessive David: i dont care I follow where my mind goes..: Well are you still gonna pay over £500 pounds for a PS3? David; no...cos its gona cost 300 I follow where my mind goes...: lol no it isnt David: bbc news sed it was David: who u gona listen to sum fat internet nerd or bbc I follow where my mind goes...: official game sites or random BBC bozo who doesnt care about games? David: bbc as it was a sony convention with sum gay jap dude chattin I follow where my mind goes...: I watched the video of it live David: then u shud have heared what he sed I follow where my mind goes...: I did and the cheaper price is for the basic package which only plays games. No online, no "amazing blu ray player" no nothing, not even memory card reader David: it comes with in built hard drive I follow where my mind goes...: 20Gig for cheaper, 60 gig for hyper expensive David: ok..like i sed before i dont care I follow where my mind goes...: then why defend it when they are ripping everyone off? Nintendo on the controller and the people on the price David: cos its gona be better I follow where my mind goes...: haha, you should have seen the conference. They had to ask for applause. At that point he went offline. He dont even know anything about Wii he just dismisses it cuz its Nintendo. Shows how close minded and stupid people are.
HAHAHA! Thats awesomeness. I cant get that tune out my head now.
Is that really it? It looks like the bastard child of a SNES and PS controller.
Disaster looked good, I'd have rather had Exitebike than Exitetruck but it still looks good. Mario Galaxy looked lush! I want to watch it again, that footage had some awesome effects. I didnt see the Pilotwings cuz the stream cut out . MP: Corruption looked frantic but I cant make my mind up bout its graphics. I''l play (and try to finish if I can be arsed) MP2 again and watch trailers to compare. No SSB! Im worried it wont be a launch game now. EDIT: Starfox DS! I fucking love Starfox!, my 3rd favourite franchise, despite recent poor form.
Fucks sake it keeps stopping to buffer! and I missd the 1st 10 mins!
I will be posting now and then, I care about this so I wont post as much as last night. Musics fading out............ Oh lasts night searing rage will be replaced with jubilation! (and absinthe)
Reggie: "Dont worry people, I'm not gonna call Sony gimmicky and we arent gonna copy one of their ideas. Because they have none." "Tilt sensor? Oh yeah I played that Kirby game on GBA a few years back". Reggie had better crush them and hard!
Bloody hell alot of people have had the same experience with Echoes as me. MP Thwii should kick ass though. After all it will the premier first person title on Wii.
Im back and Im calm now. The IGN article really does help. I will tell you though it was really hard to not drink all my absinthe. Sony copied Nintendo and nearly ruined one of the best drinking experiences I will ever have. Im still up for a Sony Centre mosh pit though.
Hey look, a Sony fanboy. Can I ask you a question? Doesnt it make you feel dirty to support a comapny that has absolutely no ethics. If someone ripped off Mozart they'd be lynched and so should Sony.
Im rooting for Nintendo and the mailing of anthrax covered letters to the head office of a certain company. If it happens Ive just incriminated myself beyond repair.
Quoted For Truth
1st time Ive done this: QFT.
Yeah I just read it Smowza, it has cooled me down. I still wont sleep though. Insomia + rage = even more extended periods without sleep! Meh, I'l collapse eventually. Still, dirty little theivin donkey suckers.
Who the hell posted that? Sony dont give a shit about the fans. The price alone should tell you that.
The Sony Sucks Militia! Metal, beer, and destruction of all things Sony, the dirty stealing shits. Biting permitted as long you hit an artery.
Both, and KoRn and Pantera, Sepultura and Soulfly.
I double dare you mutha fucka. Pulp Fiction!
Anybody wanna meet up in a Sony Centre store and start an impromptu mosh pit?
Im actually shaking with rage! Breathing heavily and all! I would kill Kuturagi and bathe in his blood right now, did you see that fucking smirk on his face?
Kens accent is hilarious! Its so stereo typical!
That Tiger Woods wont look as good in game cuz of all the backround stuff.