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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. ANyone think Capcom will be cheesy and call it Resident Wiivil?
  2. Isnt 12 inches a foot anyway?
  3. The video is very grainy but it does look significantly better than MP2. Will have to get this game.
  4. It dont need the nunchuk theres an analogue stick on the gun! Cant wait to play Resi with this. If its a proper game that is, not on rails poop.
  5. The SB's nice a discrete, I wont notice it after a while.
  6. Man that guy sucked ass brownies. I cant wait to see a vid with a competent gamer playing. Must have this game on Launch.
  7. Definantly better than Sushine. Those stills look amazing. The link wont though, it annoying me. I wanna see it in motion!
  8. Isnt PS3 Sony's last attempt at saving its electronics division? I heard they were making huge losses and were putting all hope into Blu-ray and PS3. lol I accidentally kept holding shift when I typed PS3 and I got this: PS£, seems more suitable to me.
  9. Ive never watched the show but the game did look awesome. Im gonna rent it since none of my friends will buy it and make a decision from that.
  10. Give me the shotgun. Give me it now.
  11. I watched the IGN Mario trailer again just now. Mario uses the cape to deflect the bals the octopus spits at him! It when it spits 3 at the same time. Sorry if everyone already noticed.
  12. Free Galaxy bar when you purchase Super Mario Galaxy for Nintendo Wii. Gives you something to do on the way home.
  13. When I saw the box under the wrapper I didnt scream or anything. But I had the biggest smile Ive had on my face. I was too happy to jump up and down. The next few days were dedicated to Mario 64, I actually lost track of what day it was.
  14. That would be good actually. I need to record a few songs and I dont have drums.
  15. Super Mario: Dark Side of The Moon . I'm happy with Galaxy. I would have prefered that they made an old school Mario in 3D though. One day...... One day....
  16. Think it'll be possible to knock down a zombie or ganado and repeatedly stab them in the eyes? I would also love to cut ones mid section and pull out its entrails but thats probably not feasable.
  17. Love that idea. Would be better with gore for Kuturagi but Duck Hunt has to be family friendly.
  18. It'll be Super OMG meta Ridley. And he'll have pwn cannons on his shoulders.
  19. I hope I can the MOD to buy one for me if I say the whole sub wants one. Doubtful though. At least I'll have my DS.
  20. I hope to kill Ridley with a shot a pint blank so I can hear die in my hand. Hes gonna be tough. What other improvements you think he'll have?
  21. Im just gonna get the Wii version. Its not like the Cube version will have any real collectors value.
  22. When are the games being shown on the floor? I want proper screenshots that havent been strectched and made all fuzzy.
  23. Ive just watched the IGN trailers and Isaw the conferece live. I really envy you all. when I'll be in a submarine, you will be playing Wii. I will still buy it and play whenever Im home though. Im numb fom absinthe so sorry for any typos. Damn I love Nintendo and Absinthe
  24. Smashing stuff is fun. And because its Nintendo, you know it wont be boring or repetetive like Hunter: The reckoning and such games.
  25. The Wiimote also looks deeper. If you know what I mean, as in distance from the front face to the back of it.
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