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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Nintendo wanted to make a CD drive for the SNES but canned the idea. They were gonna make it with Philips or Sony or something. I forget the details. Im sure someone here knows.
  2. You could use it as a lassoo. Or to choke others with. An intestine whip would be funny.
  3. The should rename it Super Smash Bros. NVS (Nintendo Vs Sega). You get the picture from that.
  4. What? Its only a game, its not like Im gonna do it in real life. And it would definantly boot Nintendo's kiddy image out the window.
  5. Zoidberg FTW! To carry on with the Futurama theme, someone make a zombie Jesus. Hes mentioned a few times but never seen so use your imaginations!
  6. Im glad theyve got rid of the Light/Dark thing. It was such a chore to go to the dark dimension.
  7. Dude the online will be free. I really dont get the obsession with online gaming, I prefer to see my opponents reactions. As for the controller niggles, they have months to sort them out. You didnt hear any comtrol problems with Zelda or Mario did you? Nintendo are used to it cuz they made it. 3rd parties will have a learning curve.
  8. It would never happen but I wouldnt mind one of the Battle Toads being in this. Also would like a Koopa as a character, though a Para Trooper is more likely since they can fly.
  9. That vid looks awesome. This game could turn out better than 64.
  10. Its a computer generated image. How can you guys get worked up over that?
  11. I thought Cube launched at £150. When Wii comes out I'll be in the money so not much of a problem. Shame I'll have sod all time to play it. Depending on what bundle it is the prices will vary IMO. 2 Wiimotes will be more expensive than Wiimote + Nunchuk.
  12. If its free, it wins in my book. I dont do online gaming at all and its cuz of the cost. EDIT: Forgot to type "free".
  13. Sweet! Im not a Metal Gear fan but Snakes inclusion looks great. Pits inclusion also hints at a new Kid Icarus game. The graohics looks pretty sweet but I think it CG. Atomic farts!
  14. I would have prefered it to be realistic. I'll play it before I pass judgement.
  15. Ripping off doors with grapple beam, sweet!
  16. I'd like to race trucks and bikes at the same time. Crush some people.
  17. The new vid has cemented my previous comment.
  18. This game is beautiful! I am more than happy with those graphics. I need a Wii now damnit.
  19. Definantly gonna buy it now, that looked so much fun.
  20. Well it makes sense to have one. Imagine accidentally letting go of it and watching it fly into the TV. That would screw up your game good and proper. I wonder what would happen in Tony Hawks if you spun the controller round and round on your wrist.
  21. Hmm, this looks pretty good actually. I think this will win for drunken party game.
  22. Its probably a squeeze handle for reloading.
  23. What does the game actually look like? This is all trailer. Im believing more and more now that the PS3 graphics wont be much better than 360, on most games anyway.
  24. There is a very high chance I will get this. Theres enough games at launch to keep me busy for ages! I cant wait.
  25. Meh, even after the IGN hands on Im still not interested. Ive never been a Sonic fan and Heroes did nothing to change that, looks like this one will fail too. Ah well, to each their own.
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