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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. They'll probably jazz the gfx up abit and add a few dungeons that use revo controller functionality alot. So anyone who manages to finish it on the Cube will at least have a few extras.
  2. Thats unbelievable! Funny as hell though. Are you all gonna protest by getting everyone to shake hands with the one eyed bishop in the showers?
  3. The URL is not valid apparently
  4. Oh wow you can play fetch with dogs! The music in the canoe section when hes rushing is dire though. Thanks for that, I never seen it before.
  5. CSI Miami sucks so much compared to Vegas. Bloody hell, a womans been kiiled and weve just started an argument about CSI. We are good people.
  6. That is an awesome idea. Better than the cutting beam, and the cutting beam idea was great aswell!
  7. How about a decent Starfox game. I cant find my Lylat Wars cart and the last two installments havent been that good. EDIT: It would work so well with the revo controller. Keep it oldschool though, only flying. Tilt forward for boost, back for brake, trigger for shooting, etc. It would be playable one handed. Beer in one hand, controller in other. Best game experience EVER.
  8. Halo was boring. Never played 2 so I cant judge. Eitherway this is still a kick in the teeth to MS. Someone is bound to post the interview somwhere, it would be a good read.
  9. In that pic where he's falling/flying he looks like a power ranger with a big gold spider on its chest.
  10. Genius, just pure genius
  11. I dont believe in hell. Im just gonna rot or sit on a mantle peice in an urn.
  12. Thats a very good idea. If its actually in the game you deserve all credit.
  13. Keep it, they made the mistake not you.
  14. Its puerile but I love that.
  15. I know they arent, the pauses are an effect. Had it in WW too. But in that vid it just looked too jumpy. Ah well wont know if its ok till I play it. In 3 years.
  16. I cant remember who said it but that pause thing when Link hits enemies really does look like framerate issues.
  17. Is heaven missing an angel? Cuz youve got niice cans. How about a ride....to your place? Do you wanna see how many body parts you can fit in a freezer?
  18. Im already insane *eye twitches uncontrollably*
  19. Yes they are idiots who do disgusting things. Im laughing at them not with them.
  20. Its good but its been posted before.
  21. They should try to out-do Dirty Sanchez, make it proper sick and twisted. Then DS would make a movie and it would be even more sick. And then Jackass Vs Dirty Sanchez: The Movie.
  22. Wasnt DS made to hold off PSP until the new GameBoy comes out? I heard that somewhere. Next GameBoy will likely have GC esque gfx but whether it would be a scaled down GC I just dont know.
  23. Futurama Scrubs Lost Nip/Tuck Threshold I watch too much TV.
  24. MunKy


    Streets of rage and that would be it. Never owned a SEGA console and was never motivated by playing Sonic to buy one.
  25. I dont really get the whole Pac-man phenomenon. It was good back in the day but it bores me now. Space Invaders and Tetris I still love however.They should mix those two. He can play Pac-man, I'll play all of the mario platformers from beginning to Rev.
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