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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Maybe the third secret is that Revo is a SEGA and a Nintendo console. Or not. I wasnt too fond of the 2D sonics and Sonic Heroes is if not one then the worst game I've ever played.
  2. The guy seems like a bit of a prick but this is a good read nonetheless. The thing is this is highly likely to happen.
  3. I wear real glasses though not for a serious problem (mild stigmatism), would these things fit over mine or would I have to take them off?
  4. The shortages were staged by MS. Just to say "Oh look it sold out this quick" and build up hype. If they shipped all of their stock it wouldnt have sold out.
  5. Thank you pedrocasilva. I dont know much about technology but it still pisses me off when people look at these and think its in game graphics. Also remember that 360 and PS3 have to run all that crap in the backround that isnt needed in a games console. That will surely be a drain on power.
  6. I went to France for Christmas and stayed at my Brothers. He had Lost Season 1 in one set. Not this part 1 part 2 bullshit. France got Lost on TV and on DVD before the UK! Meant I saw the end before anyone in my family (english side anyways).
  7. MunKy


    I always sleep facing right as well. I just cant sleep any other way, it feels unnatural. I can go 2-3 days without sleep but I get wide eyed and irritable. I have no sleep pattern. Go to bed any time from 1-5 AM and watch DVDs for an hour or two then sleep and try to wake up at whatever time is required of me. Woke up at 9 today and had to be in town 40 mins later. I have too many thoughts buzzing around and usually more than one. Slight paranoia aswell cuz my room is a converted garage.
  8. Good interview. They should clone reggie and send Reggie2 to Europe. Actually one for Europe and one for the UK to sort out all these dickheads who think FIFA and GTA are the be all end all of gaming.
  9. I'm interested in how they would start it up again. Fry and Leela basically get together at the end of The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings. Will Fry and Leela be married now? Will they have a child? Will it a cyclops with orange hair?
  10. When the hell does season 2 start in england? I wanna see it!
  11. What about those sections in Mario Sunshine when you went into those portals and lost the FLUDD? Add a few blocks and goombas and proper koopas and BAM! Of course a proper level not a floating platform world.
  12. They said the 14 weeks thing I said the month before PS3 thing. Sorry, should have elaborated. But what better way to show sony for being outdated arrogant idiots? Give people some time with Revo and they wont want to go back. especially to the awful PS pad.
  13. Who wants to start an online petition to get old skool mario gameplay in 3D that will get absolutlely nowhere?
  14. They said 14 weeks and revo needs to launch a month before PS3 in all territories.
  15. Japan will never get it last.
  16. http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8651/seal017ls.jpg I like this one would be good marketing. And I love the SMB5 art. Ever since Mario 64 Ive wanted the fire flowers back. The white clothes look ace too.
  17. I wish, My pressies get bought before. Also I could be in Basic Training for the Navy. I was hoping March so I could get some quality time with it.
  18. Whats the actual release for TP now? Play.com say July 1st (my birthday) and Gameplay.com say sometime in August. I checked this earlier, the time I checked before it said March! Whats going on?
  19. Soul Caliber 2 sold best on GC. But Soul Caliber 3 is PS2 exclusive which pisses me off to no end. I expect the same crap to continue but as I said I dont care about Devil May Cry.
  20. http://www.smh.com.au/news/tv--radio/off-the-planet/2005/12/10/1134086846734.html Sorry bout the title of the thread. Basically Matt Groening and David X. Cohen leaving "intriguing" comments on Futurama.
  21. Wow Dabookerman what a great speech I wonder who said it? (Sarcasm by the way just in case I'm being seen as an idiot).
  22. Imagine actually dodging attacks. Hold down a button and swing controller left to dodge that cahinsaw guy from RE4s attack. Then let go and use controller to stab him in the ribs! Needless to say that would be awesome.
  23. Without a doubt this name sucks donkey phallus. Imagine a convo talking about what you're playing Gamer: Hey I'm on my PS3/360 Gamers friend: Kool man. That or this: Gamer: Hey I'm my Horizon. Gamers friend: ?? You take LSD or mushrooms man?
  24. Just remember that while you sleep, your brain is your worst enemy. Dont believe any shit it projects. One time I actually dreamt living half next day only to wake up and realise it was all in my head. Brain + sleep = bad.
  25. Meh didnt like the first one, too repetative.
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