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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Fair point, but I make jokes about everything tragic or distasteful. Its how I deal with it. I like my humor dark and twisted.
  2. Wow he looks amazing! Imagine what he will look like with next gen graphics. Also does anyone think Mother Brain will be involved?
  3. This is really bad taste but I like it. What does AIDS stand for? Arse Injected Death Sentence.
  4. Bring the next one forthwith! Good job, any possibilty of it being a flash toon once its completed?
  5. Prime 2. I got it played for a while then stopped cuz I couldnt be arsed to go on. I tried to get back into it but couldnt. May try again someday possibly near Prime 3 release.
  6. Congrats man, but you look really bugged out. Either youve been trying too hard for the baby or youve had 10 too many coffees. Sleeeep...... Baby_Odwin in 9 months.
  7. You can be technically dead. I.E No breathing, hearbeat, brain activity and still be brought back. But if you are decapitated your pretty much screwed.
  8. Added. Stalk me all you want. You'll run away before you get near where I live cuz you will smell all the chavs. You get used to it after a while. Like chicken poop on farms.
  9. There would be no way Rev could survive if it was barely moremore powerful than GC. GFX are a big part of the equation and if casual gamers who see nothing but GFX look at an "outdated" machine they will go for 360/PS3. It will be same as GC/xbox comparison. Similar results with more efficiency.
  10. Ooo Tales of Phantasia! I only just found out there was a Tales game before Symphonia and I really want to play it. As well as Legendia.
  11. Earthbound, Sin and Punishment and paper mario
  12. Interestingly PSP has almost a whole page for racing games. Looks like the RaceStation Portable name was justified.
  13. I suppose my guilty pleasure would be drinking alone, but I dont feel guilty about it. Probably all those Flash cartoons. I dont know why but I always watch them. Some deserve to be on TV like Brakenwood or Xombie but some are pure crap and I still watch. I cant stop.
  14. When sony finally fall off their pedestal of crap and microsoft are shown for the overpricing poorly manufacturing bastards that they are guess who will be king again? The media just jump on trends. The comment on the look of the consoles this generation, what? PS2 is ugly, even the slim line. xbox crystal didnt look bad but was a beast and yes, Cube did look a bit toyish. The best looking of nextgen is Rev.
  15. Well the big revelation on Dec 2nd rumors got pissed on. Shell, and maybe list of developers. Anything else would be a bonus to me.
  16. Did anyone else go on Saturday 26th? It was so kool. I got my limited edition white vinyl and a poster signed. I was standing up for around 8 hours because there were no seats left on the train there and I had to stand up to queue. I will post pics as soon as I can find the software for my camera.
  17. Season 3 is out sometime in January I think. Oh no just checked, 6th of Febuary, that sucks.
  18. Link to stuff about it please.
  19. Apply to be a grave digger. All the excersize you could want and the chance to comfort female relatives of the departed. Easy to take a nap too.
  20. Its that big for a reason. They know Nintendo want Rev to be a second console to people who normally buy xboxs and ps'. With this in mind they thought that they could flatten peoples Revos when a 360 falls over, probably collapsing under its own weight.
  21. Allmost everybody has this theory, its been around for ages!
  22. They are all dead and are in limbo to attone for their sins. Locke is god or an angel of some sort that helps them.
  23. wow what a waste of money. Until robots can pleasure people they will never take off. You know that would be big in Japan.
  24. He is on internet parodies.
  25. They cancelled it twice but they un-cancelled it a year or so back. So the new series is the come back. It also got cancelled for the first time after the first series.
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