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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. If its true its good but Im gonna have to scrounge money to be able to afford Revo and Download 2006 tix. This would also draw alot of attention away from 360 before it can even manage a decent head start.
  2. Sonic heroes sucks ass dont buy it, its one of the worst games Ive ever played. Is Vexx anygood? it was hyped up before it was launched and when it did I heard nothing from it.
  3. 5th december in England, 6th in America. The song isnt on the album tracklisting, it may be the B-side to the Twisted Transistor single.
  4. This is a song by KoRn, you can get it from http://www.kornserv.net/index.php?load=dl Fans will love this. people who dont like KoRn will hate it. Opinions please, I love it personally, and a perfectly timed fix of KoRny goodness.
  5. So it just looks like it pops out the screen? Thats pretty kool. But imagine holograms appearing on your coffee table or floor. Still good news, but remember this could also apply to Sony...Though they would need you to re-mortgage your house to buy it.
  6. PS3 no longer exists Nintendo and Sony have resumed theyre partnership and are releasing the NPS! We'll be getting all the quality games from ninty and price and 3rd party support from the companies Sony have "donated" to.
  7. Italian Grandfather and Spanish Grandmother on my Mums(who was born in France) side, Irish Grandmother and English Grandfather on my Dads side. And I was born in France. Im a melting pot.
  8. Sweet merciful satan! I got 27 there! Im not a goth but damn. Apologies to any religious people, I dont hate you but I hate the people who run religions especially christianity, Bloody hypocrites.
  9. Oh man I loved Banjo on the 64 its a shame its gonna be 360 only cuz I aint buying it. Wasnt a fan of original PD and I though Turok was better than GE. Didnt Rare make BlastCorps? MS would want that cuz it would draw the "ooo explosions" crowd in.
  10. I was gonna until I saw how it was made, trust me dont eat there. Also a second degree burn and a dickhead manager who was always after me for no reason. And hows this for a shift : 1:00 PM - 3:00 AM. That place almost killed my social life and Ive boycotted them aswell. Havent even returned and didnt tell em I quit.
  11. Whoa that dog looks cool! If only he was bigger and less disease ridden. Before this site I could honestly say I had never seen a midget in a gimp mask but lo and behold theres one there.
  12. I used to work a Mcdonalds until last crimbo then I quit and I worked at my cousins MOT garage in Bicester for the summer and now I get handouts from my dad while I wait to join armed forces. Told me to put on 5 kilos, arseholes.
  13. Nah I read it here, http://nintendo-revolution.blogspot.com/ it says CVG is the source and they got it from Nikkei Business. It got edited and now says Spong have a similar story, its there now. And yes Im aware its a blog.
  14. http://nintendo-revolution.blogspot.com/ Scroll down and look at the pictures of the car. Im not too sure about it really. Also there is more on the Worldwide launch.
  15. Already read about it but not on Spong. I hope its true because I wont be around next christmas to buy it. Nintendo will show Microsoft how a worldwide launch is done.
  16. lol I was thinking that! The cover is awesome and would make a good ad campaign for Nintendo if they keep the Revolution name. Looks like things are going good, now all we need is gameplay footage!
  17. That is really kool, especially the way the Triforce lights up. How about an iPod type thing where you can have a custom phrase ot logo on it? Sword controller kicks ass but would have to be expensive so its not a cheap piece of crap that falls apart.
  18. Natwest without question. No bullshit just what you ask for. And speedy help for card fraud too. Someone nicked my card and spent £100 and they got it for me straight away.
  19. At this time of the year? Its freezing! Apart the getting a cold thing unless you have heated underwear on before you wont be at maximum impressiveness. Unless you are a trimmed yeti.
  20. Thank you . Now if only there was a metal/video game city we could all live in. that solve a few problems. The one addressed in this thread and others.
  21. (sarcasm?) Really?Er..thanks, but over in shitty old england if you dont like hip hop and tracksuits, or indie and stripy t-shirts with collars then you aint considered cool. At least not where I live.On the border of the Chav Capital. Chavs are the english equivilant of wiggas if you dont know.
  22. MunKy


    I also prefer TimeSplitters, it is more fun and I played it on a PS2 for christs sake! Also I think I am the only one who doesnt lke WASD. I dont know why I dont it just never warmed to me. Back to Fable, Who has Lost Chapters for PC?
  23. Being a total nice guy dont work. I tried and I failed with that. If a girl is interested in you pretend that you arent interested in her but leave hints that you are. Dont be a total bastard though, I've never tried this but it isnt in my nature anyway. Unless you like pop culture, dont be yourself. I like metal and video games, how kool do I sound? Lie a little.
  24. Im not slagging anybody off but my mate had a chance and he blew it when it was an easy opportunity. He did get incredibly wasted though (bout 20 shots plus an array of other drinks). Was surprised he didnt have to get his stomach pumped.
  25. Its wierd but I respect girls who manage to keep it that long. Probably because they are rare and its an intentional choice. But when a guy is still a virgin late its not through want of trying. Any guy who says they "are waiting for right girl" is lying.
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