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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. MunKy


    Maiden and Metallica kick ass. Ive heard a few Pantera songs and they were good. Ive also heard good things about quite a few of these bands but in my opinion Megadeth suck. And Nu metal isnt for young kids (apart from Linkin Park) thats just the way the media pegged it.
  2. MunKy


    I think "Nu metal" gets a bad reputation because of loads of shitty bands that copied the original formula but dropped crap in the mix. Also bands like limp bizkit. When KoRn started out the scene didnt exist and it was new. KoRn i wouldnt class as rap metal either because very few songs have rap in them.
  3. MunKy


    System kick ass ive got bored waiting for Hypnotize because Mezmorize wasnt long enough.
  4. It was posted a few days ago. Its in my favourites now. What are the chances of gates suing over this?
  5. I love Black and White but number 2 is out pretty soon. To have to wait for the Revo version would suck despite possible enhancements. Black and White 3 maybe?
  6. MunKy


    Thats were im getting it! Thats freaky. Did you see them at manchester or brixton academy this year? Also are you on http://www.korntv.co.uk forums? I have the same name on there.
  7. It will be nothing like last years Dawn remake. The zombies are still the shambling type and theyve got smarter so they can communicate with each other and organize stuff.
  8. MunKy


    Its out the day before but it will be in shops another day before that. We get CDs in england early but everything else is late. Work that out. Damn its nearly 3 AM i gotta try and sleep. Buy the rest of KoЯns albums. especially the first 2.
  9. MunKy


    What bands you seen live? I went to the Download festival this year and I've seen KoЯn this year aswell. Im seeing CKY on the 7th of october.
  10. MunKy


    De La Rocha is better but at least we can still hear morellos kick ass guitar playing. cheers for R thing
  11. MunKy


    The other albums have less rap which is a good thing in my opinion. I have all of them as well. New album november 22nd. other bands i like :Slipknot, Sytem of a down, stonsour, rage against the machine, bullet for my valentine, mudvayne, audioslave, ill Nino and loadsa others i cant be arsed to name How did you do the backward R?
  12. MunKy


    Hi who likes KoRn or metal in general? No people who hate KoRn and metal spamming the place ok?
  13. JD isnt leaving hes just moving out of the apartment. Elliot is going to a different hospital. I dont know if the characters done with or not though.
  14. wow what a lawsuit that would make. If Nintendo plastered ads around like apple do sony fanboys are just gonna spray paint "ps3 is teh best" all over them. but ads like that would be a step in the right direction
  15. Does anybody think he'll tell anything more in an interview thats only one one website? Maybe tiny details but i doubt much else. Hope I'm wrong though
  16. How come Too Humans on xbox360? I thought it was gonna be GameCube/Nintendo exclusive? I was only ever going to get Revolution. I have never bought a sony console and never will because 99% of the games suck. The ones that dont are available on everything else anyway. I bought an xbox for Fable but Fable:Lost Chapters is coming out for PC so that was the worst decision ever. 360 and ps3 are same as predecessors but with shinyer graphics. yawn
  17. I have seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, its the best show ever. Any idea when 3 and 4 are coming out?
  18. Yeah its only 15 which worries me abit but the DVD will be unrated. Also if you dont compare the Resident Evil films to other zombie flicks and take them for what they are they arent that bad.
  19. So am I. Ive seen the 3 originals more times than I can count
  20. It comes out on the 23rd of september and was made by George A Romero the original director of Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead and Day of The Dead
  21. Of course they havent shown all of it. They dont want sony copying it entirely. I think theres still something very significant not yet revealed about the controller.
  22. The link takes you to the page after you vote. This is the one http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4251720.stm? Hit 50.69% Miss 49.31% 18329 Votes Cast
  23. SSBR Mario 128 StarFox game made by Nintendo and NOONE else MarioKart PilotWings A decent FPS(Turoks triumphant return?) Pikmin Rev Christmas games Metroid Prime 3 Zelda Rev Donkey Konga(not too sure bout that though)
  24. The only problem is that casual gamers dont buy EDGE. Im sick of FIFA after FIFA but casual gamers are essential to a consoles success these days. Still may convince some more "Hardcores".
  25. Thats really hard to read especially when Im drunk
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