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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I think the way it manifests can be down to the actual persons environment and personality. You can't always blame the autism, because there are assholes on this planet, be it autistic or not. I took a high score on that test but I'm the complete opposite. Although I have my moments, I'm very generally a nice person and tend to vent my anger at myself or things rather than people. Just thought I'd clarify that autism <> asshole.
  2. I bet he comes on here just to check if someones made him a thread :p Happy birthday soag!
  3. Aye well it's a start. I feel better for it but need to push past the compulsive fear of talking to human beings and actually speak to my parents about it.
  4. Had my appointment with the doctor, had a complete meltdown in her office, it was building in my head since the appointment was booked. She was nice, listened to me, and gave me what I needed. She's not keen to diagnose me so certainly, and is more concerned about dealing with the obvious crisis i'm having. Got a low dose of anti depressants to start on, and a referral to mental health for the long term stuff - ie cognitive therapy to deal with my obsessiveness...
  5. Aye I get it. Seems like ritalin is the cure for a naughty child rather than a smack and a telling off...
  6. james nesbitt is from ballymena.... you shall not kill the ballymenians or there will be trouble :p this is pretty much the only post I read in this thread lol
  7. It really frustrates me that people think its only the personality/social thing... -_- It has more than just that one symptom - sleep disorders, ocd, self harm, and sensory dysfunction, and a lack physical ability is common with autism. The intense fear that comes from an episode/attack is not just being a little "different" or something you can just "deal with". Its a real disability. Things that most people don't even need to think about, things you subconsciously do, like going to the shops, arranging to meet a friend, going out to eat and ordering something... everything has its difficulty and manifests in obsession. Even someone turning the tv over or having it on too loud can set me off in a panic these days... do you honestly think I'd even consider admitting to that to anyone I know in real life as if it were a medal? I'm barely coming to terms with the fact I'm going to have to speak to my doctor about this
  8. I am one of the people mentioned in the op. I think gaggle64 has been more help to me than he could possibly realise, just by being there and talking to me about this stuff. I thought I was just having episodes of depression but lately i've noticed that i'm a bit ocd about things, which seem to appear a lot with food. I like eating things a certain way, or eating a particular food once I've found the mood for it, and I take a long time to eat things. I'm really utterly terrified of even minor changes, like even a road diversion if I've never been down that route before. I used to have extremely angry temper tantrums as a teen for no reason. The whole school thing for me was pretty much a no-go. Although I feel a lot of my symptoms are masked by the fact I had psoriasis, i was shy had inability to converse with people etc I booked an appointment with my doctor to talk about it and it took me 4 attempts to just ring to the doctors surgery! I was only able to do this because gaggle encouraged me to, and made me realise i'm not the only one, and pointed me in the right direction I scored 47 on that quiz.
  9. I have such an ugly smile, my overbite is getting better but I still just feel uncomfortable smiling... even though I have awesome dimples lol
  10. would cancel my pension plan thats for sure!
  11. I don't stray south of the border much...
  12. My ex friend/ex crush had a date with a girl last night. I have a funny feeling he went out with a group of people with her on purpose so I'd hear about it. And according to my sister she's not particularly "slim" or "skinny" (after the whole lose weight and I'll date you thing) I just wish you could delete someone out of your life as easy as you can delete them on facebook, lol I'm not really heartbroken, just annoyed because i was getting used to his annoyingness not being in my head >_<
  13. I liked them a lot, but they coulda done with 5 minutes less, even just for the ones on the hotter side of the oven The oven is my nemesis, I could do a really complex recipe fine but once it goes in the oven its never as awesome as the raw ingredients.... lol
  14. SLIGHTLY OVERCOOKED MUFFINS. Banana, chocolate chip and mixed nuts
  15. You don't need a lid at all!
  16. works nicely with yoghurt too =P (pancakes)
  17. jeez you guys have AWESOME transport compared to over here. Cost of fuel is getting more and more expensive so, well, live with it. *shrugs*
  18. vegetables and a curry oxo cube sounds rather interesting...
  19. You must have put the info in wrong? Did you check you had the right weight type selected (kg/lbs) I normally would just stick in sedentary and add on the calories manually (with a hr monitor, it tells you exactly what you've burned for each session).. its far more accurate that way flinky, you'll probably need more calories if you are muscle dense, but its very hard to estimate.. more of a trial and error as everybodies *real* tdee is different, but that's a good basis to start from. If you're eating clean (which I guess you are) then your body will probably tell you if it needs more. For someone that's body building its far more important to eat regular protein than exactly how many calories you're putting in
  20. you're a giant! 191cm = 5 ft 11
  21. are you sure you're putting the stuff in right? I did it and guessed your age at 25 (lol) and it came out at 2680
  22. 1000 kcals a day is nowhere near enough, thats why. http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html subtract 500 from tdee for a 1lb a week loss subtract 1000 from tdee for a 2lb a week loss and thats your daily allowance
  23. Yeah I try to have 3 meals, and a treat in the evening, the whole point is not to count. And eating healthier is a good idea but don't refrain from having something if you want it. 2:5 is a good ratio for someone (like the doc on the programme) who haven't got a massive quantity to lose. I'm doing 3:4 and losing at a nice pace, but thinking of moving up a little to 7:7 over 2 weeks. If you actually read the book / watched the tv programme you'll find you don't. Muscle loss takes a lot longer than 24 hours Fasting is NOT the unhealthy thing that the media has it set up to be, and its actually a trusted option by many professionals and holistic therapists in treating a lot of medical problems. I've been on fasting diets before now to treat my acute psoriasis, Just a note: its not recommended you do intense exercise on fast days (like weightlifting) but walking etc is safe enough, and you can keep heavier going stuff for feed days
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